
Dr. Vedder leads the name from ǀǀ Nui-b = fat, with -exa = much ('ueberflluss') and with -s for place indication, as a whole a probability statement. The 'Old Namas' leads the first component of what is in Namaǃ No-S is called, 'Der Hak- Jesdorn' (Kr. Smith 1966 CNSAP 450 SV Black hook (thorn). In Afrikaans, the inland name went to invitation (cf. Coetzee's spelling), including Noebos (Smith 351), and comes in place names, see O.A. Invite (forest) and noib. The Coetzee's distraction deserves preference. There is also a river named Nuichas in the same place.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2717
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng PNK 1947 'Nuichas'. Name of farm and from Post Office on it via Keet- Men Hope, in Dist. Bethanien. 'Nama: ǀǀ nuichas = ort, der ueberfluss an fett hat. H. Vedder '. Coetzee SF 1973 Questionnaire 'Nuichas, Dist. Bethanien. Farm. According to old Namas, the name t'ooibos is a kind of black hook and growing on the farm ... 'Coetzee Yes 1974 Secretary Village Management Conversation' Nuichas is invited forest, there are many of them on the farm '.
afr PNK 1947 'Nuichas'. Naam van plaas en van poskantoor daarop via Keet- manshoop, in dist. Bethanien. 'Nama: ǀǀNuichas = Ort, der Ueberfluss an Fett hat. H. Vedder'. Coetzee SF 1973 Vraelys 'Nuichas, dist. Bethanien. Plaas. Volgens ou Namas beteken die naam T’ooibos wat ’n soort swarthaak is en op die plaas groei...' Coetzee JA 1974 Sekretaris Dorpsbestuur Gesprek 'Nuichas is nooibos, daar is baie van hulle op die plaas'.
eng Dr. Vedder leads the name from ǀǀ Nui-b = fat, with -exa = much ('ueberflluss') and with -s for place indication, as a whole a probability statement. The 'Old Namas' leads the first component of what is in Namaǃ No-S is called, 'Der Hak- Jesdorn' (Kr. Smith 1966 CNSAP 450 SV Black hook (thorn). In Afrikaans, the inland name went to invitation (cf. Coetzee's spelling), including Noebos (Smith 351), and comes in place names, see O.A. Invite (forest) and noib. The Coetzee's distraction deserves preference. There is also a river named Nuichas in the same place.
afr Dr Vedder lei die naam af van ǀǀnui-b = vet, met -xa = veel ('Ueberfluss') en met -s vir plekduiding, as geheel ’n waarskynlikheidsverklaring. Die 'ou Namas' lei die eerste komponent af van wat in Nama ǃnoe-s heet, 'der Hak- jesdorn' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 298), volgens Ponnighaus 1931 Joernaal 6 14 Inoebusch, die Acacia detinens, ook Smith 1966 CNSAP 450 s.v. swarthaak (doring). In Afrikaans het die inlandse naam oorgegaan tot nooibos (vgl. Coetzee se spelling), ook noebos (Smith 351), en kom in plekname voor, kyk o.a. NOOI(BOS) en NOIB. Die Coetzee’s se afleiding verdien voorkeur. Daar is ook ’n riviertjie met die naam Nuichas op dieselfde plek.
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