Enta, Entaap

We know that rival names in these Khoekhoen (Korana) areas in many cases continue in their Afrikaans translation, eg. The names of heart, mud, pale and fat rivers. It causes the suspicion that Enda and Entap Khoekhoen are forms of Value River. It is linguistically apparently the case. Cfg. for the first ingredient and nama hina = 'involved signal' (Kreenlin 1889 Worschatz 164); The second member -ta (AP) is like Namaǃ A-B = River, with the Anlaving T- to be considered an attempt to give the cerebral sucker, by Lichtenstein 1805 traveling for Korana spelled T2KAHP. Enta (AP) = Literally Vals River, the Afrikaans name is a loan translation.

About this item

Enta, Entaap
Alternative Title
Enta, Entaap
Georeference Sources
O 2726 BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Valsrivier
eng Arbousset 1846 Narrative 204 'As for the Enta...it flows gently toward the west, away to the Vaal River, of which it is one of the most lovely tributaries...' Pettman 1922 Place names of the Orange Free State 40 'Valsch Rivier, on which the town of Kroonstad is built, owes its name...to the fact that in the earlier days it was not an uncommon experience to find that the river, when in flood, had in certain parts of its course changed its channel... resulting sometimes in disaster to the unwary traveller, when danger was thought to be past. The native name of this river was ’Nta or Enta'. Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 240 'Valsrivier, Bothaville...Synǀonyml Enta River; Entaap Fluss'.
afr Arbousset 1846 Narrative 204 'As for the Enta...it flows gently toward the west, away to the Vaal River, of which it is one of the most lovely tributaries...' Pettman 1922 Place names of the Orange Free State 40 'Valsch Rivier, on which the town of Kroonstad is built, owes its name...to the fact that in the earlier days it was not an uncommon experience to find that the river, when in flood, had in certain parts of its course changed its channel... resulting sometimes in disaster to the unwary traveller, when danger was thought to be past. The native name of this river was ’Nta or Enta'. Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 240 'Valsrivier, Bothaville...Synǀonyml Enta River; Entaap Fluss'.
eng We know that rival names in these Khoekhoen (Korana) areas in many cases continue in their Afrikaans translation, eg. The names of heart, mud, pale and fat rivers. It causes the suspicion that Enda and Entap Khoekhoen are forms of Value River. It is linguistically apparently the case. Cfg. for the first ingredient and nama hina = 'involved signal' (Kreenlin 1889 Worschatz 164); The second member -ta (AP) is like Namaǃ A-B = River, with the Anlaving T- to be considered an attempt to give the cerebral sucker, by Lichtenstein 1805 traveling for Korana spelled T2KAHP. Enta (AP) = Literally Vals River, the Afrikaans name is a loan translation.
afr Ons weet dat riviername in hierdie Khoekhoense (Korana-) gebiede in baie gevalle vandag voortlewe in hulle Afrikaanse vertaling, bv. die name Harts-, Modder-, Vaal- en Vetriviere. Dit wek die vermoede dat Enta en Entaap Khoekhoense vorme van Valsrivier is. Dit is taalkundig klaarblyklik die geval. Vgl. vir die eerste bestanddeel En- Nama hina = 'betriigerisch sein' (Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 164); die tweede lid -ta(ap) is soos Nama ǃa-b = rivier, met die anlautende t- te beskou as 'n poging om die serebrale suigkon- sonant weer te gee, deur lichtenstein 1805 Reisen vir Korana gespel t2kahp. Enta(ap) = letterlik Valsrivier, die Afrikaanse naam is ’n leenvertaling.
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