
Engelbrecht's return is like Namaǃ Now = 'Weit (Entfernt)' (Rust 1960 DNW 73), and Daob = road, Inudaob = 'paw' (his spelling: Gnudaub), 'Langpad' and 'Compommoded' included. The new name 'Good Hope' is now 'goodhoss', Farm No. 24 (13235/1954). There are no 'Good Hope' in our farm lists for Gordonia district. Good Hope does not translate GNU Daub, but apparently there is a close connection. Good Hope was not accidentally selected. We see it so. The GNU Daub sounded for the elderly as Good Hope, D.W.S. The Good Hope is a whole nettimological adaptation from GNU Daub. These Good Hope then became the foundation of the Afrikaans goodaw. The interesting is that we can dating roughly. By 1925, Engelbrecht tells us, the old inland farm name Gnudaub has been expressed as if it is 'Good Hope', and in 1954 the name for the subdivision of Gnudaub or 'pecchain' registered as 'goodwoog'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2721 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Goeiehoop)
eng Engelbrecht SJ 1925 HG 29 5 1925 'In recent years, many of the farm names have been met ... GNU Daub (GNU = heavy or far, daub = road). The farm now calls some people 'Good-Hope'. '
afr Engelbrecht SJ 1925 Hg 29 5 1925 'In die laaste jare is daar al baie van die plaasname verdoop...Gnu Daub (Gnu = swaar of ver, daub = pad). Die plaas noem party mense nou ‘Good-Hope’.'
eng Engelbrecht's return is like Namaǃ Now = 'Weit (Entfernt)' (Rust 1960 DNW 73), and Daob = road, Inudaob = 'paw' (his spelling: Gnudaub), 'Langpad' and 'Compommoded' included. The new name 'Good Hope' is now 'goodhoss', Farm No. 24 (13235/1954). There are no 'Good Hope' in our farm lists for Gordonia district. Good Hope does not translate GNU Daub, but apparently there is a close connection. Good Hope was not accidentally selected. We see it so. The GNU Daub sounded for the elderly as Good Hope, D.W.S. The Good Hope is a whole nettimological adaptation from GNU Daub. These Good Hope then became the foundation of the Afrikaans goodaw. The interesting is that we can dating roughly. By 1925, Engelbrecht tells us, the old inland farm name Gnudaub has been expressed as if it is 'Good Hope', and in 1954 the name for the subdivision of Gnudaub or 'pecchain' registered as 'goodwoog'.
afr Engelbrecht se opgawe is soos Nama ǃnu = 'weit (entfernt)' (Rust 1960 DNW 73), en daob = pad, INudaob = 'Verpad' (sy spelling: Gnudaub), 'langpad' en 'Vergeleë' inbegrepe. Die nuwe naam 'Good Hope' is nou 'Goeiehoop', plaas nr 24 (13235/1954). Daar is geen 'Good Hope' in ons plaaslyste vir Gordonia-distrik nie. Goeiehoop vertaal nie Gnu Daub nie, maar klaarblyklik is daar ’n noue verband. Goeiehoop is nie toevallig gekies nie. Ons sien dit so. Die Gnu Daub het vir die oumense geklink soos Good Hope, d.w.s. die Good Hope is ’n volksetimologiese aanpassing uit Gnu Daub. Hierdie Good Hope het toe die grondslag geword van die Afrikaanse Goeiehoop. Die interessante is dat ons die verloop ruweg kan dateer. Teen 1925, so vertel Engelbrecht ons, is die ou inlandse plaasnaam Gnudaub al uitgespreek asof dit 'Good Hope' is, en in 1954 is die naam vir die onderverdeling van Gnudaub of 'Verpad' geregistreer as 'Goeiehoop'.
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