
Ghansies' are placed No. 70 (?), District Gordonia. On his north side and adjacent, 'Elandspan' No (69) 10445/1956, and on it is the pan 'Elandspan' with a water source, cf. The corresponding topographical map 1968. Eland is in Namaǃ Kani [Ikhanni] (Rust 1960 DNW 17). In Old Cape it is O.A. T'gana and T'gann, which sounds sound with the member Ghan of the name ghansies. GAN for 'Eland', where G- and K- alternate (th a * 42 at 5 a 3), we also find in names like Gantouw, cf. Th a * 373. The closing member of the name Ghansies is the location morpheme such as Nama-S, the lock -s Fern. Sing, here it is a water source, viz. The fountain in Elandspan. Geographically and linguistically, it seems that the Khoekhoen name ghansies primer hit the fountain and pan and that at subdivision the name in translated form as Elandspan was transferred to the northern part. The southern farm kept the name ghansies.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2721 AC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo-Kadastrale Reeks 1962 Vel 2720 Abiekwasputs 'Ghansies'.
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1962 vel 2720 Abiekwasputs 'Ghansies'.
eng Ghansies' are placed No. 70 (?), District Gordonia. On his north side and adjacent, 'Elandspan' No (69) 10445/1956, and on it is the pan 'Elandspan' with a water source, cf. The corresponding topographical map 1968. Eland is in Namaǃ Kani [Ikhanni] (Rust 1960 DNW 17). In Old Cape it is O.A. T'gana and T'gann, which sounds sound with the member Ghan of the name ghansies. GAN for 'Eland', where G- and K- alternate (th a * 42 at 5 a 3), we also find in names like Gantouw, cf. Th a * 373. The closing member of the name Ghansies is the location morpheme such as Nama-S, the lock -s Fern. Sing, here it is a water source, viz. The fountain in Elandspan. Geographically and linguistically, it seems that the Khoekhoen name ghansies primer hit the fountain and pan and that at subdivision the name in translated form as Elandspan was transferred to the northern part. The southern farm kept the name ghansies.
afr Ghansies' is plaas nr 70 (?), distrik Gordonia. Aan sy noordekant en aangrensend is plaas 'Elandspan' nr (69) 10445/1956, en daarop is die pan 'Elandspan' met ’n waterbron, vgl. die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1968. Eland is in Nama ǃkani [Ikhanni] (Rust 1960 DNW 17). in Ou- Kaaps is dit o.a. t’ganna en t’gann, wat klankmatig met die lid Ghan- van die naam Ghansies ooreenstem. Gan- vir 'eland', waar g- en k- mekaar afwissel (TH A* 42 by 5 A 3), vind ons ook in name soos GANTOUW, vgl. TH A* 373. Die slotlid -sies van die naam Ghansies is die lokatiefmor- feem soos Nama -se-s, die slot -s fern. sing, se hier dat dit ’n waterbron is, nl. die fontein in Elandspan. Geografies en taalkundig lyk dit moontlik dat die Khoekhoense naam Ghansies primer op die fontein en pan geslaan het en dat by onderverdeling die naam in vertaalde vorm as Elandspan oorge- dra is op die noordelike deel. Die suidelike plaas het die naam Ghansies behou.
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