
The Khoekhoense name does not occur at Hahn Th 1879 card (therefore not the suction medicine at voting) or notice crime. It correlates with 'Hohediin' (at DSWA series 1911 Blatt Warmbaths 'HoHe Dune', d.w.s. It has not yet merged into a composition). In the SWA series 1974 sheet 2718 GRIINU appeared the name 'Hohediin' for Farm No. 277 to the Bak River, and next to the farm road on the farm there is the name of a fountain in Afrikaans as 'cat'. It looks pretty sure that the Khoekhoense and also the older name of Hohediin were 'Awedas', with the Fern. Sing, - as indication that the farm got its name from the fountain; The -ga- is like Nama -XA for 'many, wel- provided', viz. of heights, in Nama Here at the Bakrivier is permanent dunes with pannies field (cf. mentioned map of SWA 1974). Awedas, the 'fountain (-s) located there where many (-GA) how ((g) is AWI) dunes'. Geographical, Topographic and linguistically all things well with the assertion that high-hedia is translated from an older Khoekhoense name, a name kept for us by voucher.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2719 BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Hohediin
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Kiesert 1893 Map 'Awigas', Source
afr Kiepert 1893 kaart 'Awigas', bron
eng The Khoekhoense name does not occur at Hahn Th 1879 card (therefore not the suction medicine at voting) or notice crime. It correlates with 'Hohediin' (at DSWA series 1911 Blatt Warmbaths 'HoHe Dune', d.w.s. It has not yet merged into a composition). In the SWA series 1974 sheet 2718 GRIINU appeared the name 'Hohediin' for Farm No. 277 to the Bak River, and next to the farm road on the farm there is the name of a fountain in Afrikaans as 'cat'. It looks pretty sure that the Khoekhoense and also the older name of Hohediin were 'Awedas', with the Fern. Sing, - as indication that the farm got its name from the fountain; The -ga- is like Nama -XA for 'many, wel- provided', viz. of heights, in Nama Here at the Bakrivier is permanent dunes with pannies field (cf. mentioned map of SWA 1974). Awedas, the 'fountain (-s) located there where many (-GA) how ((g) is AWI) dunes'. Geographical, Topographic and linguistically all things well with the assertion that high-hedia is translated from an older Khoekhoense name, a name kept for us by voucher.
afr Die Khoekhoense naam kom nie voor by Hahn Th 1879 kaart nie (daarom nie die suigmedeklinker by Kiepert nie) of opnlie Kriegskarte nie. Dit korreleer met 'Hohediin' (by DSWA-reeks 1911 Blatt Warmbad 'Hohe Dune', d.w.s. dit het toe nog nie tot ’n samestelling saamgesmelt nie). In die SWA-reeks 1974 vel 2718 Griinau verskyn die naam 'Hohediin' vir plaas nr 277 aan die Bakrivier, en langs die plaaspad op die plaas daar kom die naam van 'n fontein in Afrikaans voor as 'Hoeduin'. Dit lyk taamlik seker dat die Khoekhoense en ook die ouer naam van Hohediin 'Awigas' was, met die fern. sing, -s as aanduiding daarvan dat die plaas sy naam van die fontein gekry het; die -ga- is soos Nama -xa- vir 'baie, wel- voorsien van', nl. van hoogtes, in Nama ǀgawi-, in sy newevorm gedevela- riseer tot ǀawi- = 'hoch' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 77), hier bepaaldelik met be- trekking tot die duine. Hier aan die Bakrivier is permanente duine met pannetjiesveld (vgl. genoemde kaart van reeks SWA 1974). Awigas, die 'Fontein ( -s) geleë daar waar baie ( -ga-) hoe (ǀ(g)awi-) duine is'. Geo- grafies, topografies en taalkundig klop alles goed met die bewering dat Ho- hediin uit ’n ouer Khoekhoense naam vertaal is, 'n naam wat vir ons deur Kiepert bewaar is.
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