
The writing with the dental sucker causes little doubt that the contribution is as with Mr du Raan, Nama ǀ Ui- = stone, rock, -bi- is locative, and the -s here too to say that name For a fountain / source can be valid. We find the name no longer back on maps. Von Weber was on his way to his mission station in Warmbaths, he came overǃ Amas s 2718 dd. Leistner & Morris 1976 SAPN 508 Find on a map as S.A. 1: 500 000 topo t.s.o. 500 (Pretoria 1950) Southwesternǃ Amas and on the way to Warmbaths a 'UIB River' at 2719 AD. Apparently this is where the ǀ UIBIS fountain should have been. That is why we pass the grade square. ǀ Uib River has the same ground word, viz. ǀ Ui- = stone, rock, well n.a.v. The soil condition, therefore 'Kliprivier'. UIBIS and UIB (River) are both northeastern from Warmbaths.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2719 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Weber FW 1870 QUELEN 8 56 '... VON LAMAS NACH ǀ UIBIS', again on p. 57 e.v. Du Raan RA 1978 Town Engineer Note 'ǀ UIB is a stone, it is the 'clip spot'.'
afr Weber FW 1870 Quellen 8 56 '...von lAmas nach ǀUibis', weer op p. 57 e.v. Du Raan RA 1978 Dorpsingenieur Aantekening 'ǀUib is ’n klip, dit is die ‘Klipplek’.'
eng The writing with the dental sucker causes little doubt that the contribution is as with Mr du Raan, Nama ǀ Ui- = stone, rock, -bi- is locative, and the -s here too to say that name For a fountain / source can be valid. We find the name no longer back on maps. Von Weber was on his way to his mission station in Warmbaths, he came overǃ Amas s 2718 dd. Leistner & Morris 1976 SAPN 508 Find on a map as S.A. 1: 500 000 topo t.s.o. 500 (Pretoria 1950) Southwesternǃ Amas and on the way to Warmbaths a 'UIB River' at 2719 AD. Apparently this is where the ǀ UIBIS fountain should have been. That is why we pass the grade square. ǀ Uib River has the same ground word, viz. ǀ Ui- = stone, rock, well n.a.v. The soil condition, therefore 'Kliprivier'. UIBIS and UIB (River) are both northeastern from Warmbaths.
afr Die skryfwyse met die dentale suigklap laat weinig twyfel oor dat die ver- klaring is soos by mnr Du Raan, Nama ǀui- = klip, rots, -bi- is lokatief, en die -s hier wel ook om te se dat die naam vir ’n fontein/bron kan geldig wees. Ons vind die naam nie meer hierlangs op kaarte terug nie. Von Weber was op weg na sy sendingstasie in Warmbad, hy kom oor ǃAmas S 2718 DD. leistner & Morris 1976 SAPN 508 vind op 'n kaart aangegee as S.A. 1:500 000 Topo T.S.O. 500 (Pretoria 1950) suidwestelik van ǃAmas en op pad na Warmbad ’n 'Uibrivier' op 2719 AD. Klaarblyklik is dit waar die ǀUibis-fontein moes gewees het. Daarom dat ons die graadvier- kant so aangee. ǀUibrivier het dieselfde grondwoord, nl. ǀui- = klip, rots, wel n.a.v. die bodemgesteldheid, dus 'Kliprivier'. Uibis en Uib(rivier) le albei noordoostelik van Warmbad.
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