Kanaseb, Kanases

Here we have the reverse trouble than at Kaaseb. We now know what the place name means, but not what its exact location is. The team answers the question of whether there is in the vicinity of Duration Drive 2718 DB places who have previously carried Khoekhoian names but now replaced. We want to assume that this canzeb, alternate name in the mouth of whites, viz. forǃ Khaǃ Aseb, and the Kha-lateb of Dr Hahn E.A. (cf. Kaaseb, Khaasb) has the same location, T.w. Northern of Duration Drift and west of the Great Karas Mountains. On the younger cards we do not find Cana-BEE / s back. The segment cana - is the same as Namaǃ KHA - by the nationality of the tribal-in-realized-consonant. Theǃ Kha- (Ponnighaus 1931 Journal Swawv 6 22 calls it the 'ǃ Also applied to the Prosopis Sp. The Formans -Se- Locates a place, valued here appears to be the -b (genus ml. Ekv.) Theǃ A 1889 Worschatz 28). The 'place (-s-b) where there is a part / piece (ǃ A) wedding tower trees Hongs in various place names, cf. Gaputz, Kakolk, and elsewhere it is often taking, cf.

About this item

Kanaseb, Kanases
Alternative Title
Kanaseb, Kanases
Georeference Sources
S 2718 BD/DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
kyk ook KAASEB
eng Red J 1977 and four other Khoekhoian farm workers of Duration Drift conversation. 'In Afrikaans's people can, but in namatal it isǃ Khaǃ Aseb.ǃ
afr Rooi J 1977 en vier ander Khoekhoense plaasarbeiders van Duurdrift Gesprek. 'In Afrikaans se die mense Kanaseb, maar in Namataal is dit ǃKhaǃaseb. ǃKhaǃaseb is die plek waar jy baie lemoendoringbome kry'
eng Here we have the reverse trouble than at Kaaseb. We now know what the place name means, but not what its exact location is. The team answers the question of whether there is in the vicinity of Duration Drive 2718 DB places who have previously carried Khoekhoian names but now replaced. We want to assume that this canzeb, alternate name in the mouth of whites, viz. forǃ Khaǃ Aseb, and the Kha-lateb of Dr Hahn E.A. (cf. Kaaseb, Khaasb) has the same location, T.w. Northern of Duration Drift and west of the Great Karas Mountains. On the younger cards we do not find Cana-BEE / s back. The segment cana - is the same as Namaǃ KHA - by the nationality of the tribal-in-realized-consonant. Theǃ Kha- (Ponnighaus 1931 Journal Swawv 6 22 calls it the 'ǃ Also applied to the Prosopis Sp. The Formans -Se- Locates a place, valued here appears to be the -b (genus ml. Ekv.) Theǃ A 1889 Worschatz 28). The 'place (-s-b) where there is a part / piece (ǃ A) wedding tower trees Hongs in various place names, cf. Gaputz, Kakolk, and elsewhere it is often taking, cf.
afr Hier het ons die omgekeerde moeilikheid as by KAASEB alwaar. Ons weet nou wat die pleknaam beteken, maar nie wat sy presiese ligging is nie. Die span antwoord hier op die vraag of daar in die omgewing van Duurdrift 2718 DB plekke is wat vroeër Khoekhoense name gedra het maar wat nou vervang is. Ons wil aanneem dat hierdie Kanaseb, wisselnaam in die mond van Blankes, nl. vir ǃKhaǃaseb, en die Kha-laseb van dr Hahn e.a. (vgl. KAASEB, KHAASEB) dieselfde ligging het, t.w. noordelik van Duurdrift en wes van die Groot-Karasberge. Op die jonger kaarte vind ons Kana- seb/s nie terug nie. Die segment Kana- is dieselfde as Nama ǃkha- deurdat die nasaliteit van die stamklinker -a- konsonanties gerealiseer gebly het. Die ǃkha- (Ponnighaus 1931 Joernaal SWAWV 6 22 noem dit die 'ǃkhab- oder langnadelstrauch') is die lemoendoringboom, so genoem vanweë die geelagtige kleur van die takke en twye. Dit is die Parkinsonia africana (Smith 1966 CNSAP 322), ook toegepas op die Prosopis sp. Die formans -se- lokativeer 'n plek, hier manlik gewaardeer blykens die -b (genus ml. ekv.) Die ǃa- van die segmente -aseb = 'das Stuck, der Theil' (Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 28). Die 'Plek (-se-b) waar daar 'n deel/stuk (ǃa-) wildele- moendoringbome (ǃkha-) staan'. Die komponent ǃkha- vir die Parkinsonia en/of Prosopis verskyn hierlanges in verskeie plekname, vgl. GAPUTZ, KAKOlK, en ook elders word dit dikwels teegekom, vgl. o.m. ONSEEP- KANS.
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