Noachabeb, Noachabeb(Rivier), Daarnaas Naochabeb

The farm Noachabeb No. 97 lies on the western hang of large karas mountains. The eponymous river flows west in the Gaabrivier. At the time of the cricke marte, it was a major crossroads of roads and a thrown. The name does not occur at Grundemann 1867. From Dr Hahn's recording down to that of the cricke marte, the stamball is spelled as -ao-, then as -oa, also in the registration of the farm and on official maps. Where he is given, the suction patch is the cerebral, except for Mr Apriels. The change N and H- is very common to a suction flaster (cf. O.A. th a * 5 d 6 p. 46). And all who give meaning, relate it to a rock environment, also Mr Apriels and his team. The Karas Mountains determine the rockiness of the environment, contained in the ground wordǃ Hao, exchange formǃ Nao-, laterǃ Noa-. The -Cha - is like Nama -Xa- what amounts to, the -be- is ordinary locative suffix, with the ml. EKV. -b here in first instance for the river. 'Place with many rocks' apparently got the 'most voices'.

About this item

Noachabeb, Noachabeb(Rivier), Daarnaas Naochabeb
Alternative Title
Noachabeb, Noachabeb(Rivier), Daarnaas Naochabeb
Georeference Sources
S 2718 BC e.a.
daarnaas NAOCHABEB S 2718 BC e.a.
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Hahn th 1879 map 'Inaoxabeb', thrown up. '' Alt-noacha- BEB '. SWA Series 1974 Ruitsone 34J' Noachabeb 'for farm and river. Rust FR JNR S.J. MS Nama Ortsnamen 'Noachabeb: IHAOXABEB (Lage Zwi- Schen Den Bergen)'. Christian M 1974 Driver Conversation 'Noachabeb is the rock clips that show more to the farm side, from all sides. The mountains have more smooth stones to the farm side. Now see the farm from all sides just the rock clips that come down so smoothly from the opposite mountains. Now they say, 'Noabǃ Noagu The smooth stone coming down'. Apriels K 1977 and Four other Khoek Hoen of Aoab Conversation 'ǀǀ Hoaxa- beb. ǀǀ Hoa is a cavity, we can say a cave in a mountain, where natural animals and so hide or hide '. Arndt H 1977 and three other Choos of Koes Conversation 'inoachabeb is beyond Goibib. He has many rocks. A mountainous place called them Horn. Look, I know the place well. Ihaoxabeb is this. Rock'. Krenz FK 1977 Farmer Conversation 'Inaoti = Felsblocke'.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'INaoxabeb', uitspanning. Veillet s.j. kaart 'INaoxa- beb. Village'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Naochabeb'. [Op kaarte hierna verander Nao- tot Noa-.] DSWA-reeks 1911 Blatt 29 'Noachabeb', 'Alt-Noacha- beb'. SWA-reeks 1974 ruitsone 34J 'Noachabeb' vir plaas en rivier. Rust Fr jnr s.j. Ms Nama-Ortsnamen 'Noachabeb: IHaoxabeb (lage zwi- schen den Bergen)'. Christian M 1974 Drywer Gesprek 'Noachabeb is die rotsklippe wat meer na plaaskant toe wys, van alle kante af. Die berge het meer gladde klippe na die plaaskant toe. Nou sien die plaas van alle kante af net die rotsklippe wat so glad afkom van die oorkantste berge. Nou se hulle: ‘ǃNoabǃnoagu\ die gladde klip wat afkom'. Apriels K 1977 en vier ander Khoekhoen van Aroab Gesprek 'ǀǀHoaxa- beb. ǀǀHoa is ’n holte, ons kan maar se ’n grot in ’n berg, waar natuur- lik diere en so skuil of wegkruip'. Arndt H 1977 en drie ander Khoekhoen van Koes Gesprek 'INoachabeb is anderkant Goibib. Hy het veel rotse. ’n Bergagtige plek het hulle horn genoem. Kyk, ek ken die plek goed. IHaoxabeb is dit. Rots'. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Gesprek 'INaoti = Felsblocke'.
eng The farm Noachabeb No. 97 lies on the western hang of large karas mountains. The eponymous river flows west in the Gaabrivier. At the time of the cricke marte, it was a major crossroads of roads and a thrown. The name does not occur at Grundemann 1867. From Dr Hahn's recording down to that of the cricke marte, the stamball is spelled as -ao-, then as -oa, also in the registration of the farm and on official maps. Where he is given, the suction patch is the cerebral, except for Mr Apriels. The change N and H- is very common to a suction flaster (cf. O.A. th a * 5 d 6 p. 46). And all who give meaning, relate it to a rock environment, also Mr Apriels and his team. The Karas Mountains determine the rockiness of the environment, contained in the ground wordǃ Hao, exchange formǃ Nao-, laterǃ Noa-. The -Cha - is like Nama -Xa- what amounts to, the -be- is ordinary locative suffix, with the ml. EKV. -b here in first instance for the river. 'Place with many rocks' apparently got the 'most voices'.
afr Die plaas Noachabeb nr 97 le aan die westelike hang van die Groot Karas- berge. Die gelyknamige rivier vloei weswaarts in die Gaabrivier. In die tyd van die Kriegskarte was dit ’n belangrike kruispunt van paaie en 'n uitspanning. Die naam kom nie by Grundemann 1867 voor nie. Van dr Hahn se optekening af tot en met die van die Kriegskarte word die stamvokaal diftongies gespel as -ao-, daarna as -oa-, ook in die registrasie van die plaas en op amptelike kaarte. Waar hy aangegee word, is die suigklap die serebrale, behalwe by mnr Apriels. Die wisseling N- en H- is baie gewoon na ’n suigklap (vgl. o.a. TH A* 5 D 6 bl. 46). En almal wat ’n betekenis aangee, bring dit in verband met ’n rotsomgewing, ook mnr Apriels en sy span. Die Karasberge bepaal die rotsagtigheid van die omgewing, vervat in die grondwoord ǃhao-, wisselvorm ǃnao-, later ǃnoa-. Die -cha- is soos Nama -xa- wat hoeveelheid aangee, die -be- is gewone lokatiewe suffiks, met die ml. ekv. -b hier wel in eerste instansie vir die rivier. 'Plek met baie rotsblokke' het blykbaar die 'meeste stemme' gekry.
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