
Located northeast of Warmbaths and as an alternative name in brackets entered Under 'Klipdam' No. 287, of which it apparently became the old name. The linguistic relationship also does not leave any doubt. The ǀ Ui- is Nama for stone, the -ge - Maybe here, like at Uichenas, for Nama -Xa- in the sense of 'many', and the -no- like Namaǃ After 'in'. Uyenab is in case of declaring 'many (-exa -) stones (ǀ onion) in (ǃ to) ... ', unlike' stones (ǀ ui-gu) in (ǃ Na-) (understand: the dam) '. Obviously, we have a problem here with -gena-B, and in the effort to reconcile this place name's conclusion part with what Segslides at Uichenas 2219 and Uyenab 2619 said. We prefer another statement for this part, d.w.s. for the -genab in this case. We often come this writer and spelling tea that segslides (as turned out to o.a. uichenas and uigenab) redirected to -exa plusǃ Na- orǃ Na-. This -Gena - / - Gana is in the way the judgment of the -GNA in eg. Naroogna, and present Nama + Ga- = 'Vley (Ohne Wasser)' (Rust I960 DNW 70), or Nama + Ga- = 'Das Grabwasserloch ...' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 97). The palatulations + are alveoler, just like the -n-, ╪ga - is written in place names differently, eg. o.a. If GNA, NGA, where the -n- the palatal absorbs. And it's the easier at ╪ga-. Uyena can therefore be like Nama ǀ onion, literally 'stone (dry) flattery', or 'Klipdam'. 'Klipdam' is m.a.w. The literal process of the old Khoekhoense name that suffered slightly in the verdict (and custom spell).

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2719 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Klipdam
eng Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Krarezk '(Uigcnub)'.
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk '(Uigcnub)'.
eng Located northeast of Warmbaths and as an alternative name in brackets entered Under 'Klipdam' No. 287, of which it apparently became the old name. The linguistic relationship also does not leave any doubt. The ǀ Ui- is Nama for stone, the -ge - Maybe here, like at Uichenas, for Nama -Xa- in the sense of 'many', and the -no- like Namaǃ After 'in'. Uyenab is in case of declaring 'many (-exa -) stones (ǀ onion) in (ǃ to) ... ', unlike' stones (ǀ ui-gu) in (ǃ Na-) (understand: the dam) '. Obviously, we have a problem here with -gena-B, and in the effort to reconcile this place name's conclusion part with what Segslides at Uichenas 2219 and Uyenab 2619 said. We prefer another statement for this part, d.w.s. for the -genab in this case. We often come this writer and spelling tea that segslides (as turned out to o.a. uichenas and uigenab) redirected to -exa plusǃ Na- orǃ Na-. This -Gena - / - Gana is in the way the judgment of the -GNA in eg. Naroogna, and present Nama + Ga- = 'Vley (Ohne Wasser)' (Rust I960 DNW 70), or Nama + Ga- = 'Das Grabwasserloch ...' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 97). The palatulations + are alveoler, just like the -n-, ╪ga - is written in place names differently, eg. o.a. If GNA, NGA, where the -n- the palatal absorbs. And it's the easier at ╪ga-. Uyena can therefore be like Nama ǀ onion, literally 'stone (dry) flattery', or 'Klipdam'. 'Klipdam' is m.a.w. The literal process of the old Khoekhoense name that suffered slightly in the verdict (and custom spell).
afr geleë noordoostelik van Warmbad en as alternatiewe naam tussen hakies ingeskryf links under 'Klipdam' nr 287, waarvan dit klaarblyklik die ou naam geword het. Die taalkundige verwantskap laat ook geen twyfel oor nie. Die ǀui- is Nama vir klip, die -ge- is miskien ook hier, soos by UICHENAS, vir Nama -xa- in die sin van 'baie', en die -na- soos Nama ǃna vir 'in'. Uigenab is in die geval te verklaar as 'Baie (-xa-) klippe (ǀui-) in (ǃna)...', anders as 'Klippe (ǀui-gu) in (ǃna-) (verstaan: die dam)'. Dit is duidelik dat ons hier 'n probleem het met -gena-b, en wel in die poging om ook hierdie pleknaam se slotdeel te versoen met wat segsliede by UICHENAS 2219 en UIGENAB 2619 gesê het. Ons verkies 'n ander verklaring vir hierdie deel, d.w.s. vir die -genab in hierdie geval. Ons kom hierdie skryf- wyse en spelling dikwels tee wat segsliede (soos geblyk het by o.a. UICHENAS en UIGENAB) herlei tot -xa- plus ǃna- of ǃna-. Hierdie -gena-/-gana- is in die wandel die uitspraak van die -gna in bv. NAROOGNA, en ver- teenwoordig Nama +ga- = 'Vley (ohne Wasser)' (Rust I960 DNW 70), of Nama +ga- = 'das Grabwasserloch...' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 97). Die pala- tale + is alveoler, net soos die -n-, ╪ga- word in plekname verskillend ge- skryf, bv. o.a. as gna-, nga-, waar die -n- die palataal absorbeer. en dit des te makliker by ╪ga-. Uigena- kan dus wees soos Nama ǀUi-╪ga-, letterlik 'Klip-(droë) vlei', of 'Klipdam'. 'Klipdam' is m.a.w. die letterlike ver- taling van die ou Khoekhoense naam wat in die uitspraak (en aangepaste spelling) effens gely het.
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