
It's about Naos No. 79, a farm east of the How Krantzberg in the Great Karas Mountains. Kr. 1969 NW gives as meaningsǃ Nao-S o.a. On 'Joch, Klotz, Balken, Brett ...' (p. 281). Apparently, it is the current consumption that inspired the statements. If the -s (sing, Fern.) Also here a fountain / Source indicates what then was the starting point of the ultimate farm name, then a conceivable statement 'fountain at the tree trunk, wooden block,' according to the colored people, or. According to Mr Krenz, '... at the rocky block' (the Krantzberg is near there).

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2718 BB/2719 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Kreenley JG 1870 QUELEN 13 607 'ǃ Naos, Eine fructible Niederung ...' Apriels K 1977 Former teacher and four other Khoekhoen of Aroab Conversation 'It's Inaos. Inaos is a block or plank, but wood block or wood stump '. Red J 1977 and four other Hoen of Duration Drift Conversation 'Inaos is Plank'. Krenz FK 1977 Farmer Note 'Inaos = Fleeblock'.
afr Kroenlein JG 1870 Quellen 13 607 'ǃNaos, eine fruchtbare Niederung...' Apriels K 1977 Oud-onderwyser en vier ander Khoekhoen van Aroab Gesprek 'Dit is INaos. INaos is mos 'n blok of plank, se maar houtblok of houtstomp'. Rooi J 1977 en vier ander Khoekhoen van Duurdrift Gesprek 'INaos is plank'. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Aantekening 'INaos = Felsblock'.
eng It's about Naos No. 79, a farm east of the How Krantzberg in the Great Karas Mountains. Kr. 1969 NW gives as meaningsǃ Nao-S o.a. On 'Joch, Klotz, Balken, Brett ...' (p. 281). Apparently, it is the current consumption that inspired the statements. If the -s (sing, Fern.) Also here a fountain / Source indicates what then was the starting point of the ultimate farm name, then a conceivable statement 'fountain at the tree trunk, wooden block,' according to the colored people, or. According to Mr Krenz, '... at the rocky block' (the Krantzberg is near there).
afr Dit gaan hier oor Naos nr 79, 'n plaas oos van die hoe Krantzberg in die Groot Karasberge. Kr.-R. 1969 NW gee as betekenisse by ǃnao-s o.a. op 'Joch, Klotz, Balken, Brett...' (bl. 281). Blykbaar is dit die huidige ge- bruik daarvan wat die verklarings geinspireer het. As die -s (sing, fern.) ook hier ’n fontein/bron aandui wat dan weer die beginpunt van die uitein- delike plaasnaam was, dan is ’n denkbare verklaring 'Fontein by die boomstomp, houtblok', volgens die Bruinmense, of. volgens mnr Krenz, '...by die rotsblok' (die Krantzberg is daar naby).
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