
According to location today apparently the farm Chamaites No. 113, Dist. Keet- men heap, and station on it. The member xam = lion; Hahn brings a few place names along with the change in / -tis, locative forms, then atǃ A- What the meaning here has '(together) place'. The exit -s also locates here certainly the drinking place. The farm name changed lightly in pronunciation, but not in meaning.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2717 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn TH 1879 Kaart 'Xam-ǃ Ates', Uitspanning Aan Rypad. Veillet S.J. Kaart 'Xamlates Village', Almal OP Geewe Graadvierkant. Hahn TH 1901 Collectanea 'Xamlates and -tis, the place where the xamo flow from the East kicks into the mountains and approaches the fish flow 11aub. Here is a strong source in the riverbed in the red sandstone; Lowenort, Lowenheim, Lowenhausen, where the Lowen gathered on the tranks in early times of the night.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Xam-ǃates', uitspanning aan rypad. Veillet s.j. kaart 'Xamlates Village', almal op gegewe graadvierkant. Hahn Th 1901 Collectanea 'Xamlates und -tis, der Ort wo der Xamobfluss von Osten kommend in das Gebirge tritt und den Fischfluss 11Aub zugeht. Hier ist eine Starke Quelle im Flussbett im roten Sandstein; wortlich lowenort, lowenheim, lowenhausen, wo sich in fruheren Zeiten des Nachts die lowen an der Tranke versammelten'.
eng Lion (Together) Location
afr Leeu (saamkom)plek
eng According to location today apparently the farm Chamaites No. 113, Dist. Keet- men heap, and station on it. The member xam = lion; Hahn brings a few place names along with the change in / -tis, locative forms, then atǃ A- What the meaning here has '(together) place'. The exit -s also locates here certainly the drinking place. The farm name changed lightly in pronunciation, but not in meaning.
afr Volgens ligging vandag klaarblyklik die plaas Chamaites nr 113, dist. Keet- manshoop, en stasie daarop. Die lid xam = leeu; Hahn bring hier ’n klompie plekname saam met die wisseling -tes/-tis, lokatiewe formans, dan by ǃa- wat hier die betekenis het van '(saamkom)plek'. Die uitgang -s lokativeer ook hier bepaald die drinkplek. Die plaasnaam het ligtelik verander in uitspraak, maar wel nie in betekenis nie.
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