
The name is also entered on SWA series 1976 sheet 2716 Ai-Ais. West of the river is also 'Arasab's Vaalkop'. Arasab River runs through the farm Arutal No. 25, a dimly lowland west of the Huibberge. Cfg. ARU (TAL) in th a * 223. The arreans translated by our pins in the river name as a 'slice', and the aru of the name of the farm through which the Arasa River flows. is obviously the same word. 'Von Den Nama Wird Er Arab, Von Den Herero Omuama Genannt, Bota- Nish Albizzia Anthelminthica' (Ponnighaus 1931 Journal 6 28-9). With its yellow white powder grips, he is an announcer of spring. Look further o.a. WISS HJ 1973-4 Botanian Mitt 9. The -sa- is a locative morpheme, and the ml. EKV. -B As exit comes at river names about regular.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2716 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1951 'Arasab River in Luderitz District, Ong. 30 miles [48 km) south of Aus. Old name, from Nama, means 'Stagdoring River', according to Constable R. Apollus and of own experience '. [Information of Sergeant. D. Heese of Aus],
afr Opmeting 1951 'Arasabrivier in luderitzdistrik, ong. 30 myl [48 km) suid van Aus. Ou naam, uit Nama, beteken ‘Steekdoringrivier’, volgens kon- stabel R. Apollus en van eie ondervinding'. [Inligting van sers. D. Heese van Aus],
eng The name is also entered on SWA series 1976 sheet 2716 Ai-Ais. West of the river is also 'Arasab's Vaalkop'. Arasab River runs through the farm Arutal No. 25, a dimly lowland west of the Huibberge. Cfg. ARU (TAL) in th a * 223. The arreans translated by our pins in the river name as a 'slice', and the aru of the name of the farm through which the Arasa River flows. is obviously the same word. 'Von Den Nama Wird Er Arab, Von Den Herero Omuama Genannt, Bota- Nish Albizzia Anthelminthica' (Ponnighaus 1931 Journal 6 28-9). With its yellow white powder grips, he is an announcer of spring. Look further o.a. WISS HJ 1973-4 Botanian Mitt 9. The -sa- is a locative morpheme, and the ml. EKV. -B As exit comes at river names about regular.
afr Die naam is ook so ingeskryf op SWA-reeks 1976 vel 2716 Ai-ais. Wes van die rivier is ook 'Arasab se Vaalkop'. Arasabrivier loop deur die plaas Arutal nr 25, 'n dalagtige laaggebied wes van die Huibberge. Vgl. ARU(TAl) in TH A* 223. Die Ara- wat deur ons segsliede in die riviernaam vertaal word as ’n 'steekdoring', en die aru- van die naam van die plaas waardeur die Arasabrivier vloei. is klaarblyklik dieselfde woord. 'Von den Nama wird er Arab, von den Herero Omuama genannt, bota- nisch Albizzia anthelminthica' (Ponnighaus 1931 Joernaal 6 28-9). Met sy geelwit poeierkwassies is hy n aankondiger van die lente. Kyk verder o.a. Wiss HJ 1973-4 Botanische Mitt 9. Die -sa- is 'n lokatiewe morfeem, en die ml. ekv. -b as uitgang kom by riviername omtrent reelmatig voor.

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