
We have given a spacious, and, in our opinion, drawn the work of travelers, missionaries, map makers, scientists, from the documents of the PNC, and the opinions of interviewees on the spot, opinions of which the most on tape were captured. The reason for the large number of lay in the diversity of beliefs. Alexander sets the first o.i. Important consideration. The Nossob walks through three countries, Swa in his upper, the Cape Province in his middle and Botswana in his side. After a distance of approximately 740 km on its southward, water runs out in the Molopo River. From the 20th latitude it forms part of the northeastern boundary between the Cape Province and Botswana. How can we know with certainty that the name of such an important river with this track is indeed from Nama origin? We have reason to doubt the certainty sometimes. We can assume that the name is old, maybe dating it from the pre-namathyd, or the pre-damar time. Let us plow with the calves we have. There are some very relevant determinations we can make. Verers are those who, like Dove and Kohler, declare that, despite zealous inquiry, they cannot come behind the meaning. Likely they received no or contradictory answers. A second important determination is the fact that the missionaries from early on, more than a century ago, and of the commissioning of Lepsius's Schnalzeling (1856), reflect the name with the palatal suction consonant, but never in the Considered sources ever a statement of the name found by them, not Seifs at Kienley who had great interest. It is a meaningful observation. If they could, some would have done it, we think. The oldest statement we found is that of Pettman, dating it from 1931, almost a century after Alexander the name recorded. Then Pettman divides it into ause +ǃ Ab = 'Swart River'. The same compulsory strikes us again at H Villander by father strritt. According to this -ǃ AB in this name changes to -ob / p. But no early recording we found gives the right. The closing component was heard without exception than - (s) on / b. It is at least fast. The premise of Dr. Vedder is the syllable distribution of the word in No + sob. The -Sob = Long, and the ^ No- at Horn interchange ruling of ^ Nu = black, the whole then 'Swartlong'. For the niceness we point out that Swartnossob River will mean 'Blackswartlong River' accordingly. It is actually strange that the word 'black' has rarely occurred in its old Cape form, we only found it twice, in the Eastern Cape area as Tu, in Koranna area as Tnuh (cf. Hott 475), Also here never with a vowel -o-. In our finding farms, the first member with a front at OLPP, at the miscer McKiernan is it -. Vedder can have level, but the finding farms give little support to its notion that the no-ranging ruling is appreciated. In any case, its explanation of 'Swartlong' by referring to the Runderpes historically not in order - the name is much older. With our talk, in 1974, we encountered no one who finds the declaration of 'Swartlong'. The spokesman of Father Strunck, and want to motivate it according to the black color. Outgoing of no- think o.a. Mrs. Franzius brought to soft, quiet, quiet, in connection with the flow; It seems to us or underlying the wordǃ No- or inosa = 'Still' (Rust 1960 DNW 59) for the first part, but the tongue does not beat with what has been heard as ╪ since 1854. Also Christian's explanation / statement can mostly reconcile us with our material. It is probably just as true today as in the time of Dove and Kohler: We cannot explain the meaning of Nossob with certainty, even though we still know with certainty that the sucker is. If the division of the name is Nos OB (and not no-sob), then the member is the same as in Auob, Chamob, Gaosob, Khuob, NaB and other such river names. It seems that the -OB is not equal to - (ǃ) A-B = River, but its own formans who are in itself, and certainly indicate a river name. We want to call it a fluvial suffix.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2620 DC by uitmonding in Molopo
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
by uitmonding in Molopo
eng Alexander 1837 Edia 2 159 'I [Aramap] Went Thus to the Nosop River (Or River of the Bechuanas) ...' Richter 1845 Kaart 'Nossobi Fi.' Galton 1851 Narrative 26 'This WE Left For The Noosop ...' Andersson CJ 1851 Lake Ngami 242 'The Zwart Nosop ...' Kroenlein JG 1852 sources 1022 'in Nossob'; 1854 sources 10 93 'xnosob'; 1857 sources 10 190 '= ^ nosob'; OOK ELDERS. Kreft HH 1863 sources 3 178 'The river I called every time ^ nosob, ... has two arms:ǃ Uridomi ... and ^ Nudoml.An the union of these two rivers begins the actual ^ Nossob'. Jonker Africans 1871 Letter No 2 Sources 15 '^ Noozop'. McKiernan 1874+ VRV 35 190 'Nuisip ...' [en voetnoot Nierby: 'Nossob'.] Grundemann 1867 Missionary Atlas No. 9 '╪nosob'. Hahn TH 1879 Kaart '^ Nosob R.'; OOK Kiepert 1893 Kaart en others, Soos Witbooi 1889 VRV 9 43. Olpp J SNR 1897 Sources 17 I '... in the swelling areas of the ... Nusob ... in the steppes of the Nusob ...' Dove 1900 MITTH 64- 5 'Unfortunately, for these two rivers [NL. ǃ USIB en ╪nosob ǀ Neither the origin nor the meaning of the name ... 'Pettman 1931 SAPN 33' Nosop (╪nuse, Black, Lab, A River) '. PNK 1947 'Nossob', Stasie 99 km van Windhoek AF OP Rete Na Gobabis, Ontleen Sy Naam Aan 'N Plaas Nossob, Nou Otjihaenena Nr 196, Dist. Windhoek, Waarop Dit Geleë is, the plaas cry sy naam van The Byliggent Rivier Nossob, Waaroor The Volgende Gesê Word: '^ Nu-SOB, black lungs. H. Vedder '. [In Handskibli van Dr van Warmo Word Bygevoegil 'BECAUSE OF DARK COLOR AT GOBABIS'. [Vedder Stel Voor 'Lifting: Nusob', en van Warmelo Beveel Dit Aan, Maar PNK Behou Ou Spelwyse 'Nossob'.] PNK 1948 Treatment 'N Aansoek Vir' n Stopplek Met The Naam Swart Nossobrivier. Dr Vedder Word Geraadpleeg en Sy Berig Word So Weergegege; 'The Word Nosob is composed of Two Nama Words, Viz. ╪no (ie Spelt ╪nu), and SOB. ╪no Means Black, SOB Means Lung. ╪nosob Therferore Means Blacklung. Think of Lungickness in Cattle ... 'PNK-SWA 1965' Nossobville, Township for Coloureds, Named After Nossob River; Semantic Origin Unknown '. Kokot DF 1973 in Sesa 8 238' The Name Nossob, According to Pettman, Signifies 'Black River' in the Hottentot Language. Others Maintain That the name Means 'Running Quietly'. ' Strunck P 1974 Priest Vraelys 'Nossop, Oorspronklik ^ Isusob, Jjt JS Dje Swart Water, deur The Grond Swart Word Het. Van ╪nu = Swart, Lab = Rivier ... Inligting Van H. Villander'. Christian M 1974 Drywer Speech ' ^ Nosob, dit is the wat ons se, hy com nou af, hy com net soos' n slang se kop ... hy word so nou waar hy tussen the edge nouer word ... 'franzius ch, en van der Bijl f , 1974, Boinnes, Talk 'Bokant Noem Hulle the Nossob The ǀ Homab, Dit Betken Baie Cliff, en here [onderkant The SameVloeing van The Wise Swartnossop] Noem Hull Horn ^ Nossob Omrede Hy Sag en Gleusend Vliaei, Met Min Cliff. DAARBO IS DIT KLAPPERIG, DAAR IS HY WILD. Here is dit ╪nossob, Hy is quieter, never so wild Never. ╪nossobe Pressken Rustiger, Hy Vloei SAG EN GELYK '.
afr Alexander 1837 EDIA 2 159 'I [Aramap] went thus to the Nosop river (or river of the Bechuanas)...' Richter 1845 kaart 'Nossob FI.' Galton 1851 Narrative 26 'this we left for the Noosop...' Andersson CJ 1851 lake Ngami 242 'the Zwart Nosop...' Kroenlein JG 1852 Quellen 1022 'in Nossob'; 1854 Quellen 10 93 'xNosob'; 1857 Quellen 10 190 ' =^Nosob'; ook elders. Kreft HH 1863 Quellen 3 178 'Der Fluss, den ich jedesmal ^Nosob genannt habe,...hat zwei Arme: ǃUridomi...und ^Nudoml.An der Vereinigung dieser beiden Flüsse beginnet der eigentliche ^Nossob'. Jonker Afrikaner 1871 brief nr 2 Quellen 15 ' ^Noozop'. McKiernan 1874+ VRV 35 190 'Nuisip...' [en voetnoot nierby: 'Nossob'.] Grundemann 1867 Missions-Atlas nr 9 ' ╪Nosob'. Hahn Th 1879 kaart ' ^Nosob R.'; ook Kiepert 1893 kaart en andere, soos Witbooi 1889 VRV 9 43. Olpp J snr 1897 Quellen 17 I ' den Quellgebieten den Steppen des Nusob...' Dove 1900 Mitth 64-5 'leider war für diese beiden Flüsse [nl. ǃUsib en ╪Nosobǀ weder der Ursprung, noch die Bedeutung des Namens zu er- mitteln...' Pettman 1931 SAPN 33 'Nosop (╪nuse, black; lab, a river)'. PNK 1947 'Nossob', stasie 99 km van Windhoek af op roete na Gobabis, ontleen sy naam aan ’n plaas Nossob, nou Otjihaenena nr 196, dist. Windhoek, waarop dit geleë is, en die plaas kry sy naam van die byliggende rivier Nossob, waaroor die volgende gesê word: ' ^Nu-sob, schwarze lunge. H. Vedder'. [In handskrif van dr Van Warmelo word bygevoegil 'because of dark colour at Gobabis'. [Vedder stel voor 'Schreibung: Nusob', en Van Warmelo beveel dit aan, maar PNK behou ou spelwyse 'Nossob'.] PNK 1948 behandel ’n aansoek vir ’n stopplek met die naam Swart- nossobrivier. Dr Vedder word geraadpleeg en sy berig word so weergegee; 'The word Nosob is composed of two Nama words, viz. ╪no (also spelt ╪nu), and sob. ╪No means black, sob means lung. ╪Nosob therefore means Blacklung. Think of lungsickness in cattle...' PNK-SWA 1965 'Nossobville, Township for Coloureds, named after Nossob River; semantic origin unknown'. Kokot DF 1973 in SESA 8 238 'The name Nossob, according to Pettman, signifies ‘black river’ in the Hottentot language. Others maintain that the name means ‘running quietly’.' Strunck P 1974 Priester Vraelys 'Nossop, oorspronklik ^ISusob, jjt js dje swart water, deur die grond swart geword het. Van ╪nu = swart, lab = rivier...Inligting van H. Villander'. Christian M 1974 Drywer Gesprek ' ^Nosob, dit is die wat ons se, hy kom nou af, hy kom net soos ’n slang se kop...hy word so nou waar hy tussen die kante nouer word...' Franzius Ch, en Van der Bijl F, 1974, Boerinne, Gesprek 'Bokant noem hulle die Nossob die ǀHomab, dit beteken baie klippe, en hier [onderkant die samevloeiing van die Wit- en Swartnossop] noem hulle horn ^Nossob omrede hy sag en glimmerend vloei, met min klippe. Daarbo is dit klipperig, daar is hy wild. Hier is dit ╪Nossob, hy is stiller, nie so wild nie. ╪Nossob beteken rustiger, hy vloei sag en gelyk'.
eng We have given a spacious, and, in our opinion, drawn the work of travelers, missionaries, map makers, scientists, from the documents of the PNC, and the opinions of interviewees on the spot, opinions of which the most on tape were captured. The reason for the large number of lay in the diversity of beliefs. Alexander sets the first o.i. Important consideration. The Nossob walks through three countries, Swa in his upper, the Cape Province in his middle and Botswana in his side. After a distance of approximately 740 km on its southward, water runs out in the Molopo River. From the 20th latitude it forms part of the northeastern boundary between the Cape Province and Botswana. How can we know with certainty that the name of such an important river with this track is indeed from Nama origin? We have reason to doubt the certainty sometimes. We can assume that the name is old, maybe dating it from the pre-namathyd, or the pre-damar time. Let us plow with the calves we have. There are some very relevant determinations we can make. Verers are those who, like Dove and Kohler, declare that, despite zealous inquiry, they cannot come behind the meaning. Likely they received no or contradictory answers.
A second important determination is the fact that the missionaries from early on, more than a century ago, and of the commissioning of Lepsius's Schnalzeling (1856), reflect the name with the palatal suction consonant, but never in the Considered sources ever a statement of the name found by them, not Seifs at Kienley who had great interest. It is a meaningful observation. If they could, some would have done it, we think.
The oldest statement we found is that of Pettman, dating it from 1931, almost a century after Alexander the name recorded. Then Pettman divides it into ause +ǃ Ab = 'Swart River'. The same compulsory strikes us again at H Villander by father strritt. According to this -ǃ AB in this name changes to -ob / p. But no early recording we found gives the right. The closing component was heard without exception than - (s) on / b. It is at least fast. The premise of Dr. Vedder is the syllable distribution of the word in No + sob. The -Sob = Long, and the ^ No- at Horn interchange ruling of ^ Nu = black, the whole then 'Swartlong'. For the niceness we point out that Swartnossob River will mean 'Blackswartlong River' accordingly. It is actually strange that the word 'black' has rarely occurred in its old Cape form, we only found it twice, in the Eastern Cape area as Tu, in Koranna area as Tnuh (cf. Hott 475), Also here never with a vowel -o-. In our finding farms, the first member with a front at OLPP, at the miscer McKiernan is it -. Vedder can have level, but the finding farms give little support to its notion that the no-ranging ruling is appreciated. In any case, its explanation of 'Swartlong' by referring to the Runderpes historically not in order - the name is much older. With our talk, in 1974, we encountered no one who finds the declaration of 'Swartlong'. The spokesman of Father Strunck, and want to motivate it according to the black color. Outgoing of no- think o.a. Mrs. Franzius brought to soft, quiet, quiet, in connection with the flow; It seems to us or underlying the wordǃ No- or inosa = 'Still' (Rust 1960 DNW 59) for the first part, but the tongue does not beat with what has been heard as ╪ since 1854. Also Christian's explanation / statement can mostly reconcile us with our material. It is probably just as true today as in the time of Dove and Kohler: We cannot explain the meaning of Nossob with certainty, even though we still know with certainty that the sucker is. If the division of the name is Nos OB (and not no-sob), then the member is the same as in Auob, Chamob, Gaosob, Khuob, NaB and other such river names. It seems that the -OB is not equal to - (ǃ) A-B = River, but its own formans who are in itself, and certainly indicate a river name. We want to call it a fluvial suffix.
afr Ons het ’n ruim, en na ons mening tersaaklike bloemlesing van ons materiaal gegee, getrek uit die werk van reisigers, sendelinge, kaartmakers, wetenskaplikes, uit die dokumente van die PNK, en daarby die opinies van ondervraagde Namakundiges ter plaatse, opinies waarvan die meeste op band vasgelê is. Die rede vir die groot aantal le in die uiteenlopendheid van opvat- tinge. Alexander stel die eerste o.i. belangrike oorweging aan die orde. Die Nossob loop deur drie lande, SWA in sy boloop, die Kaapprovinsie in sy middel- en Botswana in sy benedeloop. Na ’n afstand van nagenoeg 740 km op sy suidwaartse loop water hy uit in die Moloporivier. Van die 20ste breedtegraad vorm dit ’n deel van die noordoostelike grens tussen die Kaapprovinsie en Botswana. Hoe kan ons met sekerheid weet dat die naam van so ’n belangrike rivier met hierdie baan inderdaad van Nama herkomstig is? Ons het rede om die sekerheid soms te betwyfel. Ons kan aanneem dat die naam oud is, miskien dateer dit uit die pre-Namatyd, of die pre-Damaratyd. laat ons ploeg met die kalwers wat ons het. Daar is dan ’n paar heel in- teressante vasstellings wat ons kan maak. Vereers is daar diegene wat, soos Dove en Kohler, ronduit verklaar dat, ten spyte van ywerige navraag, hulle nie agter die betekenis kan kom nie. Waarskynlik het hulle geen of teenstrydige antwoorde ontvang. ’n Tweede belangrike vasstelling is die feit dat die sendelinge van vroeg af, meer as ’n eeu gelede, en wel van die ingebruikneming van lepsius se schnalzspelling (1856) af, die naam wel weergee met die palatale suigkonsonant, maar nooit is in die geraadpleegde bronne ooit 'n verklaring van die naam deur hulle gevind nie, seifs nie by Kroenlein nie wat groot belangstelling daarvoor gehad het. Dit is tog 'n betekenisvolle waarneming. As hulle kon, sou enkeles dit bepaald gedoen het, meen ons. Die oudste verklaring wat ons gevind het, is die van Pettman, dit dateer uit 1931, byna 'n eeu nadat Alexanderdie naam opgeteken het. Dan verdeel Pettman dit in ╪nuse + ǃab = 'Swartrivier'. Dieselfde komponering tref ons weer aan by H Villander per Vader Strunck. Hiervolgens het -ǃab in hierdie naam verander tot -ob/p. Maar geen enkele vroeë optekening wat ons gevind het, gee daartoe die reg nie. Die slotkomponent is sonder uitsondering gehoor as -(s)op/b. Dit staan ten minste vas. Die uitgangspunt van dr Vedder is die lettergreepverdeling van die woord in No + sob. Die -sob = long, en die ^no- is by horn wisseluitspraak van ^nu = swart, die geheel dan 'Swartlong'. Vir die aardigheid wys ons daarop dat Swartnossobrivier hiervolgens sal beteken 'Swartswartlongrivier'. Dit is eintlik vreemd dat die woord 'swart' selde in sy Ou-Kaapse vorm voorgekom het, ons het dit net twee keer gevind, in die Oos-Kaaplandse gebied as t’nu, in Korannagebied as tnnuh (vgl. HOTT 475), ook hier nooit met 'n klinker -o- nie. In ons vindplase kom die eerste lid met 'n -u- voor by Olpp, by die wanspeller McKiernan is dit -ui-. Vedder kan gelyk he, maar die vindplase gee weinig steun aan sy opvatting dat die No- as wisseluitspraak van te waardeer is. In ieder geval is sy verduideliking van 'Swartlong' deur verwy- sing na die runderpes histories nie in orde nie - die naam is daarvoor veel ouer. Met ons rondvraag het ons in 1974 niemand teengekom wat die verklaring van 'Swartlong' aanneemlik vind nie, wel is daar blykbaar nog persone wat die eerste lettergreep losmaak as No- en dit verbind met ╪nu-, vgl. die segsman van vader Strunck, en dit volgens die swart kleur wil motiveer. Uitgaande van No- dink o.a. mev. Franzius aan sag, stil, rustig, in verband met die stroming gebring; dit lyk vir ons of hier ten grondslag gelê word die woord ǃno- of Inosa = 'still' (Rust 1960 DNW 59) vir die eerste deel, maar die tongslag klop dan nie met wat konsekwent sedert 1854 as ╪ gehoor is nie. Ook Christian se uiteensetting/verklaring kan ons taalmatig moeilik versoen met ons materiaal. Dit is vandag waarskynlik nog net so waar as in die tyd van Dove en Kohler: ons kan die betekenis van Nossob nie met sekerheid verklaar nie, al weet ons nog steeds met sekerheid wat die suigkonsonant is. As die verdeling van die naam Nos-ob is (en nie No-sob nie), dan is die lid -ob dieselfde as in Auob, Chamob, Gaosob, Khuob, Naob en ander sodanige riviername. Dit kom ons voor dat die -ob nie gelyk te stel is met -(ǃ)a-b = rivier nie, maar 'n eie formans is wat op sigself staan, en bepaaldelik ’n rivier- naam aandui. Ons wil dit ’n fluviale suffiks noem.
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