
At Hahn Th 1879 card, the name does not occur, at votes, and then with the suction flaster, and only in Khoekhens, on the Krikriekarte 1904, the Khoekhoen name also appears, but now with the African alternative (in misconception) besides the Khoekhozen name standing first; On the cards afterwards, just the 'African' alternative occurs, so eg. on sheets 2618 Keetmanshoop and 2718 GRIAU (Resp. 1968 and 1974) of the SWA series as 'Swartbaas-West', farm No. 276, and 'Swartbaas-OST' as a farm No. 285. 'Swart boss' is apparently the translation of Khoekhens ǀ Hoda (The -S locates the fountain, cf. At 594, Smith occurs other people's names, such as crowbession. The member boss on the Krikriekarte -bas, is a attempted version, probably by Germans, of the Dutch-Ball / Bas, and with that, the meaning ('voluptimological' or simply shifts associative) of the (tree) bass to someone What has authority or ownership, a boss. Such a 'new' meaning is indeed presented.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2619 DC/2719 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Vipert 1893 map 'ǀǀ Hodas', Source, on 2719 AA. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Hodas (Swartboas)', Source, on 2719 BA.
afr Kiepert 1893 kaart 'ǀǀHodas', bron, op 2719 AA. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Hodas (Swartboas)', bron, op 2719 BA.
eng At Hahn Th 1879 card, the name does not occur, at votes, and then with the suction flaster, and only in Khoekhens, on the Krikriekarte 1904, the Khoekhoen name also appears, but now with the African alternative (in misconception) besides the Khoekhozen name standing first; On the cards afterwards, just the 'African' alternative occurs, so eg. on sheets 2618 Keetmanshoop and 2718 GRIAU (Resp. 1968 and 1974) of the SWA series as 'Swartbaas-West', farm No. 276, and 'Swartbaas-OST' as a farm No. 285. 'Swart boss' is apparently the translation of Khoekhens ǀ Hoda (The -S locates the fountain, cf. At 594, Smith occurs other people's names, such as crowbession. The member boss on the Krikriekarte -bas, is a attempted version, probably by Germans, of the Dutch-Ball / Bas, and with that, the meaning ('voluptimological' or simply shifts associative) of the (tree) bass to someone What has authority or ownership, a boss. Such a 'new' meaning is indeed presented.
afr By Hahn Th 1879 kaart kom die naam nie voor nie, by Kiepert wel, en dan met die suigklap, en alleen net in Khoekhoens, op die Kriegskarte 1904 verskyn die Khoekhoense naam ook, maar nou met die Afrikaanse alternatief (in wanspelling) naas die Khoekhoense naam wat eerste staan; op die kaarte daarna kom net die 'Afrikaanse' alternatief voor, so bv. op velle 2618 Keetmanshoop en 2718 Griinau (resp. 1968 en 1974) van die SWA-reeks as 'Swartbaas-West', plaas nr 276, en 'Swartbaas-Ost' as plaas nr 285. 'Swartbaas' is klaarblyklik die vertaling van Khoekhoens ǀhoda (die -s lokativeer hier die fontein, vgl. opgawes op kaarte) vir die 'swartbas(boom)', die Diospyros whyteana (Smith 1966 CNSAP 449). Op 594 kom by Smith ander volksname voor, soos kraaibessie. Die lid -baas op die Kriegskarte -boas, is ’n gepoogde weergawe, waarskynlik deur Duitsers, van die Hollandse -bast/-bas, en daarmee verskuif die betekenis ('volksetimologies' of bloot assosiatief) van die (boom)bas tot iemand wat gesags- of besittersrang het, 'n baas. So ’n 'nuwe' betekenis is inderdaad al voorgehou.
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