Koertzebeb, Kotzebis, Koutsebees, Kursibib

Here is talk about a farm No 275, District Keetmanshoop, and located directly south of, and close to Aroab. The current spelling is misleading to a personal name, viz. To Kotze (see return 1912), now Koert- Ze, and is also really understand (see Mr Apriels). Another interconnection is Korzebeb 1904, alright. The oldest spellings give no just to see a family name in the first member, the sound associative developed. The first component of Koutse, Coral, Kursi - O.I. False Khoens with its usual locative -B-b. It will in all cases be an exceptional strange buzzing for Nama to construct a place name with an ordinary European family name plus 'a Khoekhoense locative morpheme. What the first member means, for that, we have just the statement of Mr. Arndt's team. They tie it up to Nama ╪Gore = 'Jemand 'taxed ...' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 134), 'Place where people are constantly harassed'.

About this item

Koertzebeb, Kotzebis, Koutsebees, Kursibib
Alternative Title
Koertzebeb, Kotzebis, Koutsebees, Kursibib
Georeference Sources
S 2619 DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Veillet S.J. Map 'Koutsebees'. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Kursibib'. DSWA Series 1912 Blatt 25 Keetmanshoop 'Kotzebis'. SWA Series 1968 Skin Keetmanshoop 'Koertzebeb'. Apriles K 1977 Former teacher and Four other Khoekhoen of Aroab Conversation 'This is the name of a person, of a man they call Kotze' Arndt H 1977 and three other Khoekhoen of Koes conversation 'We say there - before ╪Goretsibeb , It is 'constantly harassing'.
afr Veillet s.j. kaart 'Koutsebees'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Kursibib'. DSWA-reeks 1912 Blatt 25 Keetmanshoop 'Kotzebis'. SWA-reeks 1968 vel Keetmanshoop 'Koertzebeb'. Apriels K 1977 Oud-onderwyser en vier ander Khoekhoen van Aroab Gesprek 'Dit is die naam van ’n persoon, van ’n man wat hulle noem Kotze' Arndt H 1977 en drie ander Khoekhoen van Koes Gesprek 'Ons se daar- voor ╪Goretsibeb, dit is 'Aanhoudend lastig val'.
eng Here is talk about a farm No 275, District Keetmanshoop, and located directly south of, and close to Aroab. The current spelling is misleading to a personal name, viz. To Kotze (see return 1912), now Koert- Ze, and is also really understand (see Mr Apriels). Another interconnection is Korzebeb 1904, alright. The oldest spellings give no just to see a family name in the first member, the sound associative developed. The first component of Koutse, Coral, Kursi - O.I. False Khoens with its usual locative -B-b. It will in all cases be an exceptional strange buzzing for Nama to construct a place name with an ordinary European family name plus 'a Khoekhoense locative morpheme. What the first member means, for that, we have just the statement of Mr. Arndt's team. They tie it up to Nama ╪Gore = 'Jemand 'taxed ...' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 134), 'Place where people are constantly harassed'.
afr Hier word gepraat oor ’n plaas nr 275, distrik Keetmanshoop, en geleë direk suid van, en naby aan Aroab. Die huidige spelling is misleidend aan- gepas aan 'n persoonsnaam, nl. aan Kotze (kyk opgawe 1912), nou Koert- ze-, en word ook werklik so verstaan (kyk mnr Apriels). Nog 'n wisselspel- ling is KORZEBEB 1904, alwaar. Die oudste spellings gee geen regverdig- ing om in die eerste lid ’n familienaam te sien nie, die het klankassosiatief ontwikkel. Die eerste komponent Koutse-, Korse-, Kursi- was o.i. onge- twyfeld Khoekhoens met sy gewone lokatief -be-b. Dit sal in alle gevalle tog ’n uitsonderlike vreemde bousel vir Nama wees om ’n pleknaam met 'n gewone Europese familienaam plus 'n Khoekhoense lokatiewe morfeem te konstrueer. Wat die eerste lid beteken, daarvoor het ons tot hiertoe nog net die verklaring van mnr Arndt se span. Hulle knoop dit vas aan Nama ╪gore = 'jemand belastigen...' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 134), 'Plek waar mense gedurig lastig geval word'.
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