
The name is quite old. The tongue stroke is correctly reported. On modern maps we will no longer find the name. It was in the vicinity of the current farm Kannenberg 258. Mr Krenz believes the old name might have indicated a parable with a finger, or in connection with an event with a finger, descending on the sound like It appears at the voice. Outgoing of the ruling as it appears at Sprigade Misel, Mr J Boois says 1979 Language Assistant note that the name can be involved in the ǀ Khunibe-B, the Goggatjie known as Abramboe, a kind of wheat cricket.

About this item

Alternative Title
Gunubis, Gunebis
Georeference Sources
S 2619 CC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Vice 1893 card 'ǀ gunubis', source. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Gu- Nebis', source. DSWA Series 1912 Blatt 25 Keetmanshoop 'Nunebis'. Krenz FK 1977 Farmer Note 'Maybe It ǀ Kunub = Finger'
afr Kiepert 1893 kaart 'ǀGunubis', bron. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Gu- nebis', bron. DSWA-reeks 1912 Blatt 25 Keetmanshoop 'Nunebis'. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Aantekening 'Miskien is dit ǀkunub = vinger'
eng The name is quite old. The tongue stroke is correctly reported. On modern maps we will no longer find the name. It was in the vicinity of the current farm Kannenberg 258. Mr Krenz believes the old name might have indicated a parable with a finger, or in connection with an event with a finger, descending on the sound like It appears at the voice. Outgoing of the ruling as it appears at Sprigade Misel, Mr J Boois says 1979 Language Assistant note that the name can be involved in the ǀ Khunibe-B, the Goggatjie known as Abramboe, a kind of wheat cricket.
afr Die naam is redelik oud. Die tongslag is wel korrek aangegee. Op moderne kaarte vind ons die naam nie meer terug nie. Dit was in die omgewing van die huidige plaas Kannenberg 258. Mnr Krenz meen dat die ou naam dalk ’n gelykenis met ’n vinger kon aangedui het, of in verband met ’n gebeurtenis met ’n vinger gestaan het, afgaande op die klank soos dit by Kiepert voorkom. Uitgaande van die uitspraak soos dit by Sprigade-Moisel voorkom, meen mnr J Boois 1979 Taalassistent Aantekening dat die naam betrek kan word op die ǀkhunibe-b, die goggatjie bekend as abramboe- pens, ’n soort koringkriek.
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