
In th a * 353, we could only offer one quote, viz. that of Rev. T Fenchel 1888 spelled the name and declared as follows 'ǀǀ Gam ǀ Harus (Wasser Binds)', waterbill, watch there. Gamharus. The first member all states alike (K- and G- varies normally for the earlier white hearers, cf. Also th a * 42.) The difference comes to the second component, for Rev. Fenchel is with the Dental Schnalz It is known to the Lowen River, it is 11haru = 'Hine liking, --schlei chen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 163). It is good that we add that the two teams express the second member spontaneously as ǀǀ Haru (with the lateral), and equally spontaneously declared it 'water skip', with an application that will be clear to them than us.

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12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Apriels K 1977 Former teacher and Four Other Khoek Hoen of Aroab Speak 'Kamharus is with us ǀǀ Gam ǀ Jharus, 'water skip.' Arndt h 1977 and three other khoekhoen of chunk conversation 'It is ǀǀ Gam ǀǀ Harus, and that wants to mean' water skip '.'
afr Apriels K 1977 Oud-onderwyser en vier ander Khoekhoen van Aroab Ge- sprek 'Kamharus is by ons ǀǀGamǀ jharus, ‘Waterkruip’.' Arndt H 1977 en drie ander Khoekhoen van Koes Gesprek 'Dit is ǀǀGamǀǀharus, en dit wil beteken ‘Waterkruip’.'
eng In th a * 353, we could only offer one quote, viz. that of Rev. T Fenchel 1888 spelled the name and declared as follows 'ǀǀ Gam ǀ Harus (Wasser Binds)', waterbill, watch there. Gamharus. The first member all states alike (K- and G- varies normally for the earlier white hearers, cf. Also th a * 42.) The difference comes to the second component, for Rev. Fenchel is with the Dental Schnalz It is known to the Lowen River, it is 11haru = 'Hine liking, --schlei chen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 163). It is good that we add that the two teams express the second member spontaneously as ǀǀ Haru (with the lateral), and equally spontaneously declared it 'water skip', with an application that will be clear to them than us.
afr In TH A* 353 het ons net een aanhaling kon bied, nl. die van eerw. T Fenchel 1888 wat die naam gespel en verklaar het soos volg 'ǀǀGamǀharus (Wasser-Binse)', Waterbiesieplek, kyk aldaar s.v. GAMHARUS. Die eerste lid verklaar almal eenders (k- en g- wissel mekaar normaalweg af vir die vroeëre Blankehoorder, vgl. ook TH A* 42.) Die verskil kom by die tweede komponent, vir eerw. Fenchel is dit met die dentale schnalz ǀharu- = biesies, matjiesgoed, vir die twee spanne Bruinmense, die een van Aroab, die ander van Koes, spanne wat onafhanklik van mekaar antwoord en wat albei met die plaas Kamharus nr 63, distrik Keetmanshoop, daar aan die lowenrivier, bekend is, is dit 11haru = 'hineinkriechen, -schlei- chen' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 163). Dit is goed dat ons byvoeg dat die twee spanne die tweede lid spontaan uitspreek as ǀǀharu- (met die lateraal), en ewe spontaan dit verklaar as 'Waterkruip', met ’n toepassing wat vir hulle duideliker sal wees as vir ons.
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