
The statement by Mr Swiegers is topographically founded and earned. The preference. For the first component he goes out of the ╪ā with the deep tone that means 'reed', the herd of Mr Blaauw of the high tone that means 'slaughter'. Mr JJP Greeff gives under Aukam another and fascinating statement, namely that Akam = 'drinking water', as opposed to the 'bitter water' of Aukam, the farm just southward adjacent. In this case, the foundation is the noun. The second member is like Nama ǀǀ gam (i) = water, with the frequent change of k- and g.

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Georeference Sources
S 2616 DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Blaauw Ag 1973 Boer Questionnaire 'Akam No 103, Dist. Bethanien. Means 'slaughter water', where stolen livestock is slaughtered. The farm has many gorges and fountains. Obtain information from a herdsman '. Swiegers WPJ 1973 Boer questionnaire 'Akam, GED. 1 No 103, place 75 km from Bethanien. Means 'reed water' (╪a = reed; ǀǀ gam = water): many reeds in and around the water of the open fountain. The fountain has water throughout the year, and virtually also the very large pits. From the earliest times the domicile of Namas. '
afr Blaauw AG 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Akam nr 103, dist. Bethanien. Beteken ‘Slagwater’, waar gesteelde vee geslag is. Die plaas het baie klowe en fonteine. Inligting verkry van ’n veewagter'. Swiegers WPJ 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Akam, ged. 1 nr 103, plaas 75 km van Bethanien. Beteken ‘Rietwater’ (╪a = riet; ǀǀgam = water): baie riete in en om die water van die oop fontein. Die fontein het deur die jaar water, en feitlik ook die baie groot kuile. Van die vroegste tye af die woonplek van Namas gewees.'
eng Drinking water
afr Drinkwater
eng The statement by Mr Swiegers is topographically founded and earned. The preference. For the first component he goes out of the ╪ā with the deep tone that means 'reed', the herd of Mr Blaauw of the high tone that means 'slaughter'. Mr JJP Greeff gives under Aukam another and fascinating statement, namely that Akam = 'drinking water', as opposed to the 'bitter water' of Aukam, the farm just southward adjacent. In this case, the foundation is the noun. The second member is like Nama ǀǀ gam (i) = water, with the frequent change of k- and g.
afr Die verklaring van mnr Swiegers is topografies gefundeer en verdien o.i. die voorkeur. Vir die eerste komponent gaan hy uit van die ╪ā met die diep toon wat 'riet' beteken, die veewagter van mnr Blaauw van die ╪ā met hoë toon wat 'slag' beteken. Mnr JJP Greeff gee onder AUKAM ’n ander en boeiende verklaring, naamlik dat Akam = ‘Drinkwater’, in teenstelling met die ‘Bitter water’ van Aukam, die plaas net ten suide daarvan aangrensend geleë. In die geval is die grondslag die Naamwoord ā = drink. Die tweede lid -kam is soos Nama ǀǀgam(i) = water, met die frekwente wisseling van k- en g-.
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