
A1 Three missionaries use the same suction sounds and write the first member alike, but get the second member at Fenchel of Keetmanshoop a nasal on the -a, at Hegeter of Beersba, it is lacking, at Rietfontein Pap, thus close to Garunoab. appears the two-sound as -ao-. not as -oa- or net -oa-. We find the name in his Khoekhoense not forming on the available maps. We are well informed about his location. This is in the field of the field drivers, now still south of Koes, with headlet Geiaub or Grootfontein at 2619 CA. Fenchel departs from there eastwards and reaches Garunoab the next morning. Sprigade Misel 1904 Krieggarte gives good additional information about the location. We already know that in 1887 Mr Spangenberg lived at Garunoab. He is the leader of a group of farmers who wanted to settle in Gibeon, but was deceived about property rights. The mentioned Kriegmarte east of Ge ǀ AUB This interesting entry on CB 'Klipfontein (Spangenberg's Farm)'. This is about where the then undivided 'Salztal' No. 239 of today, as we can deduce. 'Klipfontein' is probably a variety of old name ǀǀ Garu- ǀǀ NoAB or - ǀǀ NAB, see the communication of Rev. Peppest that knew the farm and the owner. Peppers tell a lot about the man Spangenberg and she pulls 84), who directly joins the first member of the farm name 'Klipfontein' and also of the pant name 'Klippiespan' at Hartebeestfontein No. 254, just south of the said Salzal 239. The second member will, so lead us, means 'Fountain 'Or' pan ', but the ǀǀ nob, ǀǀ Nob or ǀǀ NoAb with such a meaning we do not keep in our word material. However, we believe that we still have the Word, as we keep the change of N and H-in mind as well as the full meaning, along with the sucking cloth. Then the member is like Nama 11hoa- = 'Loch, VertiefuG' (Krenz), or a cavity (Kr.r. 187). The border between -oa and -ao- is often very uncertain / fluent, and the Exchanging here no objection. For Klippies team watching SWA series 1975 Skin 2619 CB Straussennest, scale 1:50 000. Not only the Khoekhoian name Garunaob (or -noab) disappeared, also Klipfontein became disused.

About this item

Alternative Title
Garunoab, Garunaob
Georeference Sources
S 2619 (CB)
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Klipfontein
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Fennel T 1882 sources 18 44 'On the other morning I reached a fountain ǀ ǀ Garu ǀ ǀ NOB, which had little water ... 'Hegner H 1886 sources 14 77' In all likelihood, ǀǀ Garu ǀǀ NOB to the collection area for the farmers are ... 'Pope H 1887 sources 23 53' Mr Spangenberg came in August v. JS. With all his 'Trek' here ... He now lives in the nearby ǀǀ GA ru ǀǀ Naob in the area of ​​the Veldo shrinkage ... '
afr Fenchel T 1882 Quellen 18 44 'Am andern Morgen erreichte ich einen Brunnen ǀ ǀGaruǀ ǀnoab, der nur wenig Wasser hatte...' Hegner H 1886 Quellen 14 77 'Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach wird ǀǀGaru- ǀǀnoab zum Sammelplatz für die Bauern werden...' Papst H 1887 Quellen 23 53 'Mr Spangenberg kam im August v. Js. mit seinem ganzen ‘trek’ hier durch...Er wohnt nun in der Nahe auf ǀǀGa- ruǀǀnaob im Gebiet der Veldschoendragers...'
eng A1 Three missionaries use the same suction sounds and write the first member alike, but get the second member at Fenchel of Keetmanshoop a nasal on the -a, at Hegeter of Beersba, it is lacking, at Rietfontein Pap, thus close to Garunoab. appears the two-sound as -ao-. not as -oa- or net -oa-. We find the name in his Khoekhoense not forming on the available maps. We are well informed about his location. This is in the field of the field drivers, now still south of Koes, with headlet Geiaub or Grootfontein at 2619 CA. Fenchel departs from there eastwards and reaches Garunoab the next morning. Sprigade Misel 1904 Krieggarte gives good additional information about the location. We already know that in 1887 Mr Spangenberg lived at Garunoab. He is the leader of a group of farmers who wanted to settle in Gibeon, but was deceived about property rights. The mentioned Kriegmarte east of Ge ǀ AUB This interesting entry on CB 'Klipfontein (Spangenberg's Farm)'. This is about where the then undivided 'Salztal' No. 239 of today, as we can deduce. 'Klipfontein' is probably a variety of old name ǀǀ Garu- ǀǀ NoAB or - ǀǀ NAB, see the communication of Rev. Peppest that knew the farm and the owner. Peppers tell a lot about the man Spangenberg and she pulls 84), who directly joins the first member of the farm name 'Klipfontein' and also of the pant name 'Klippiespan' at Hartebeestfontein No. 254, just south of the said Salzal 239. The second member will, so lead us, means 'Fountain 'Or' pan ', but the ǀǀ nob, ǀǀ Nob or ǀǀ NoAb with such a meaning we do not keep in our word material. However, we believe that we still have the Word, as we keep the change of N and H-in mind as well as the full meaning, along with the sucking cloth. Then the member is like Nama 11hoa- = 'Loch, VertiefuG' (Krenz), or a cavity (Kr.r. 187). The border between -oa and -ao- is often very uncertain / fluent, and the Exchanging here no objection. For Klippies team watching SWA series 1975 Skin 2619 CB Straussennest, scale 1:50 000. Not only the Khoekhoian name Garunaob (or -noab) disappeared, also Klipfontein became disused.
afr A1 drie sendelinge gebruik dieselfde suigklapklanke en skryf die eerste lid eenders, maar die tweede lid kry by Fenchel van Keetmanshoop ’n nasaal op die -a-, by Hegner van Berseba ontbreek dit, by Papst van Rietfontein, dus naby aan Garunoab. verskyn die tweeklank as -ao-. nie as -oa- of net -oa- nie. Ons vind die naam in sy Khoekhoense vorm nie op die beskikbare kaarte terug nie. Oor sy ligging is ons goed ingelig. Dit le in die gebied van die Veldskoendraers, nou nog suid van Koes, met hoofsetel Geiaub of Grootfontein op 2619 CA. Fenchel vertrek daarvandaan ooswaarts en bereik Garunoab die volgende more. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegskarte gee goeie bykomende inligting oor die ligging. Ons weet reeds dat in 1887 mnr Spangenberg op Garunoab gewoon het. Hy is die leier van ’n groep Boere wat hulle in Gibeon wou vestig, maar mislei is oor eiendomsregte. Die ge- noemde Kriegskarte het oos van Geiǀaub hierdie interessante inskrywing op CB 'Klipfontein (Spangenberg’s Farm)'. Dit le ongeveer waar die toe nog onverdeelde 'Salztal' nr 239 van vandag is, soos ons kan aflei. 'Klipfontein' is waarskynlik ’n verafrikaansing van die ou naam ǀǀGaru- ǀǀnoab of -ǀǀnaob, kyk die mededeling van eerw. Papst wat die plaas en die eienaar geken het. Papst vertel trouens heelwat oor die man Spangenberg en sy trek.Die lid ǀǀgaru- kan dus net wees soos Nama 11garu- vir 'das Wasser- becken im Fels, die Wasserbank (in natura)' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 84), wat regstreeks aansluit by die eerste lid van die plaasnaam 'Klipfontein' en ook van die pannaam 'Klippiespan' op Hartebeestfontein nr 254, net suid van die genoemde Salztal 239. Die tweede lid sal, so lei ons af, beteken 'fontein' of 'pan', maar die ǀǀnaob, ǀǀnaob of ǀǀnoab met so ’n betekenis kry ons nie in ons woordmateriaal bewaar nie. Ons meen egter dat ons tog die woord het, naamlik as ons die wisseling van n- en h- in gedagte hou asook die afgelêide betekenis, saam met die suigklap. Dan is die lid soos Nama 11hoa- = 'loch, Vertiefung' (Krenz), of 'n holte (Kr.-R. 187). Die grens tussen -oa- en -ao- is dikwels baie onseker/vlottend, en die wisseling lewer hier geen beswaar nie. Vir Klippiespan kyk SWA-reeks 1975 vel 2619 CB Straussennest, skaal 1:50 000. Nie net die Khoekhoense naam Garunaob (of -noab) het verdwyn nie, ook Klipfontein het in onbruik geraak.
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