
With Kreenley's explanation in mind of how the 'Alten Naman' saw the mountain as a snare, and as a cutter, it seems a lot of Kreenley thought of so = 'Das Fell Zu Riemen Aufschneiden' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 347), at the second component containing the common name for 'the Falle ... der Fallstrick', see Kr.-R 293 at ǀǀ NoAb. Kreenley's return should probably be so understood: The beautiful mountain looks like a trap cut from straps. Dr Budack sees the first member slightly different, the so refers to the 'test recurrence' of the trap. Whatever, we have a nice poetic view here. But this is not the only one. The mountain also makes another impression being reproduced with an Afrikaans name and who has supposed the old name, and from relatively early. The Afrikaans name also had a German counterpiece (cf. Heidmann, although it is much older). Hahn th 1901 Collectanea 237 Set the view: 'Im Mittleren Gross Namaqualand Hat Man Aus So ǀǀ Noab Slangkop Gemucht, Ebenfalls Aus der Aehnlichkeit der Profil Line Dieses Berges und Each Auffahrenden Und Hismenden Schlange'. 'Snakekop' is not a translation of the old name, it's a standalone nomination.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2617 DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Slangkop
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Alexander Je 1836-7 Kaart 'Sonuwap Hill' [Suidwes Van Keetmanshoop.] Knudsen 1842 Travel Moritz 29/4 141 '... after the source SO-'NOAB near Tibet's Square ...' [Volgen Sys Syssel Te Lees AS SO- ǀǀ NOB], Heidmann F 1869 Sources 21 48 'On Snake Head ...', Maar Kroenlein 1869 Sources 24 III 'SO- ǀǀ NOB (cutting trap), or how it is to name the handlers: Slangkop. .. ', EN OP Volgent Bladsy (24 112)' SO- ǀǀ NOB (cutting trap) does not mean the place itself, but the outside, well-educated Kegelberg, on whose foot he is, and the old Naman as' Fall 'with his' strap' had to be had to be. The fantasy of people painted the crown of the mountain as the lid of the trap and the hucks down in Zigzagform west hucks as the straps attached to it ... 'Hahn TH 1879 Kaart' SO- ǀǀ NOB 'OP 26 ° 44 ' 17 ° 43 ', UITSPANNING by Spruit Wes Van Slangkop. Ook Kaart van Kiepert 1893, EN by Sprigade-Moisel 1904 OP S 2617 DB 'Sonoab (snake head)', Bergnaam. Schultze 1904-5 Anuk 166 'SO- ǀǀ NOB, SLANGKOP. The etymology has remained uncertain. Loudly, the word components agree with SOB = lungs, and ǀǀ NOB = dwarching '. BUDACK KFR 1965 Study 234 'SO- ǀǀ NOB: 'Toetrekstrik'; so - toeslaan, toetrek (van 'n trapval of stel); ǀǀ NOB = mousetrap, fallstrick, fishing net, sling ... '
afr Alexander JE 1836-7 Kaart 'Sonuwap Hill' [suidwes van Keetmanshoop.] Knudsen 1842 Reisen Moritz 29/4 141 '...nach der Quelle So-’Noab unweit von Tibets Platz...' [Volgens sy stelsel te lees as So-ǀǀNoab], Heidmann F 1869 Quellen 21 48 'Auf Schlangenkopf...', maar Kroenlein 1869 Quellen 24 III 'So-ǀǀnoab (Schneide-Falle), oder wie es die Handler zu nennen belieben: Slangkop...', en op volgende bladsy (24 112) 'So- ǀǀNoab (Schneide-Falle) heisst eigentlich nicht der Platz selbst, sondern der ausserst schone, wohlgebildete Kegelberg, an dessen Fuss er liegt, und den alten Naman als ‘Falle’ mit seinem ‘Riemen’ daran erschienen sein musste. Die Phantasie der leute malte sich die Krone des Berges als den Deckel der Falle aus und den sich in Zickzackform nach Westen herabziehenden Hucker als den daran befestigten Riemen...' Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'So-ǀǀNoab' op 26° 44' 17° 43', uitspanning by spruit wes van Slangkop. Ook kaart van Kiepert 1893, en by Sprigade-Moisel 1904 op S 2617 DB 'Sonoab (Schlangenkopf)', bergnaam. Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 166 'So-ǀǀnoab, Slangkop. Die Etymologie ist mir un- klar geblieben. lautlich stimmen die Wortbestandteile uberein mit sob = lunge, und ǀǀnoab = Zwerchfell'. Budack KFR 1965 Studie 234 'So-ǀǀnoab: ‘Toetrekstrik’; so - toeslaan, toetrek (van ’n trapval of stel); ǀǀnoab = Mausefalle, Fallstrick, Fangnetz, Schlinge...'
eng With Kreenley's explanation in mind of how the 'Alten Naman' saw the mountain as a snare, and as a cutter, it seems a lot of Kreenley thought of so = 'Das Fell Zu Riemen Aufschneiden' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 347), at the second component containing the common name for 'the Falle ... der Fallstrick', see Kr.-R 293 at ǀǀ NoAb. Kreenley's return should probably be so understood: The beautiful mountain looks like a trap cut from straps. Dr Budack sees the first member slightly different, the so refers to the 'test recurrence' of the trap. Whatever, we have a nice poetic view here. But this is not the only one. The mountain also makes another impression being reproduced with an Afrikaans name and who has supposed the old name, and from relatively early. The Afrikaans name also had a German counterpiece (cf. Heidmann, although it is much older). Hahn th 1901 Collectanea 237 Set the view: 'Im Mittleren Gross Namaqualand Hat Man Aus So ǀǀ Noab Slangkop Gemucht, Ebenfalls Aus der Aehnlichkeit der Profil Line Dieses Berges und Each Auffahrenden Und Hismenden Schlange'. 'Snakekop' is not a translation of the old name, it's a standalone nomination.
afr Met Kroenlein se uiteensetting in gedagte van hoe die 'alten Naman' die berg gesien het as ’n strik, en wel as ’n snystrik, lyk dit baie of Kroenlein gedink het aan so = 'das Fell zu Riemen aufschneiden' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 347), by die tweede komponent wat die gewone naam bevat vir 'die Falle...der Fallstrick', kyk Kr.-R 293 by ǀǀnoab. Kroenlein se opgawe moet waarskynlik so begryp word: die pragtige berg lyk soos ’n valstrik wat uit rieme gesny is. Dr Budack sien die eerste lid effens anders, die so verwys na die 'toetrek' van die strik. Hoe ook al, ons het hier ’n mooi poetiese siening. Maar dit is nie die enigste nie. Die berg maak ook ’n ander indruk wat weergegee word met ’n Afrikaanse naam en wat die ou naam verdring het, en wel van betreklik vroeg af. Die Afrikaanse naam het ook ’n Duitse teenstuk gehad (vgl. Heidmann, hoewel dit veel ouer is). Hahn Th 1901 Collectanea 237 stel die siening so: 'Im mittleren Gross Namaqualand hat man aus Soǀǀnoab Slangkop gemacht, ebenfalls aus der Aehnlichkeit der Profil linie dieses Berges und einer auffahrenden und hissenden Schlange'. 'Slangkop' is nie ’n vertaling van die ou naam nie, dit is 'n selfstandige benoeming.
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