
The name is much older than the German-Nama War, and cannot come from the venom. The old source and the farm lie on the eponymous and -undent river, according to the Krikrskarte. The river also had an alternate name ukanib, with the same of this like Nama au = bitter (cf. Rest Snr.), Plus ǀǀ gam (i or-) = water. This applies here No 104, subdivided into 4 farms (SWA farmer 1973). Interestingly, the contrast with farm 103, adjacent, Akam, with good drinking water (cf. Greeff).

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2616 CB/DA/DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Rust F SNR (Berseba) 1888 QUELEN 19 1 '... EINE WASSERSTELLE Ou- ǀǀ GAMS (Bitterwasher)'. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Aukam (ukanib)', River on S 2616 CB / - DA / DD; 'Aukam (Bitterwasher)', put on S 2616 DD. Greeff JJP 1974 Farmer questionnaire 'Aukam, farm GED. 2 of 104, Dist. Bethanien. Means 'bitter water', from au = bitter, and comb = water. In German Nama war, the Germans threw poison into the perennial waters. The namat groups tasted and spat the water and said it was bitter water. They go to the adjacent farm north of Aukam and discover good water and call the place of Akam (drinking water).
afr Rust F snr (Berseba) 1888 Quellen 19 1 '...eine Wasserstelle Ou-ǀǀgams (Bitterwasser)'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Aukam (Ukanib)', riviertjie op S 2616 CB/- DA/DD; 'Aukam (Bitterwasser)', plaas op S 2616 DD. Greeff JJP 1974 Boer Vraelys 'Aukam, plaas ged. 2 van 104, dist. Bethanien. Beteken ‘Bitter water’, uit au = bitter, en kam = water. In die Duits-Nama- oorlog het die Duitsers gif in die standhoudende waters gegooi. Die Namatroepe het die water geproe en uitgespoeg en gesê dit is bitter water. Hulle trek na die aangrensende plaas noord van Aukam en ontdek daar goeie water en noem die plek Akam (drinkwater)'.
eng Bitterwater
afr Bitterwater
eng The name is much older than the German-Nama War, and cannot come from the venom. The old source and the farm lie on the eponymous and -undent river, according to the Krikrskarte. The river also had an alternate name ukanib, with the same of this like Nama au = bitter (cf. Rest Snr.), Plus ǀǀ gam (i or-) = water. This applies here No 104, subdivided into 4 farms (SWA farmer 1973). Interestingly, the contrast with farm 103, adjacent, Akam, with good drinking water (cf. Greeff).
afr Die naam is veel ouer as die Duits-Nama-oorlog, en kan nie van die gifepisode afkomstig wees nie. Die ou bron en die plaas le aan die gelyknamige en -betekenende riviertjie, volgens die Kriegskarte. Die riviertjie het ook ’n wisselnaam Ukanib gehad, met die u- hiervan eweneens soos Nama au = bitter (vgl. Rust snr.), plus ǀǀgam(i of -s) = water. Dit geld hier plaas nr 104, onderverdeel in 4 plase (SWA-Boer 1973). Interessant is die teenstelling met plaas 103, aangrensend, Akam, met goeie drinkwater (vgl. Greeff).
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