
Slightly northeast of Aroab located and not to confuse with Oanob (River). Occurs on cards as haste, hashore or hurry, to join the old name, withǃ Oa-B or -s - 'Der Rase (Der Brummer)' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 326); In OAN, the nationality of the vowel is realized consonant as -n-. Of course, it can also be represented differently, eg. That the ǀ oa- a competition is out of After all, we have to do business. The second member is. The cause of the derivation was clarified by Hahn th 1901 Collectanea 239. He says the name is based on a comparison of a disorder with a rabbit's penis, cf. The change for the name under OANAB. The member - ǀ OA-B is a mitigation of -exa-B = penis, so Oanchab is a slightly 'coarser' variant of the name. This applies here Place Hasure No. 261, Dist. Keetmanshoop.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2619
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
(ou naam van Hasur, Hasuur ens.
eng Schultze 1904-5 Anuk 167ǃ On- ǀ Oab, Haasuer, Hasur, Hasen - (ǃ OA) PISIS (ǀ OAB) '.
afr Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 167 ' ǃOan-ǀoab, Haaseuer, Hasur, Hasen-(ǃoa)Penis (ǀoab)'.
eng Slightly northeast of Aroab located and not to confuse with Oanob (River). Occurs on cards as haste, hashore or hurry, to join the old name, withǃ Oa-B or -s - 'Der Rase (Der Brummer)' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 326); In OAN, the nationality of the vowel is realized consonant as -n-. Of course, it can also be represented differently, eg. That the ǀ oa- a competition is out of After all, we have to do business. The second member is. The cause of the derivation was clarified by Hahn th 1901 Collectanea 239. He says the name is based on a comparison of a disorder with a rabbit's penis, cf. The change for the name under OANAB. The member - ǀ OA-B is a mitigation of -exa-B = penis, so Oanchab is a slightly 'coarser' variant of the name. This applies here Place Hasure No. 261, Dist. Keetmanshoop.
afr Effens noordoos van Aroab geleë en nie te verwar met OANOB(RIVIER) nie. Kom op kaarte voor as Haaseuer, Hasur of Haasuur, om aan te sluit by die ou naam, met ǃoa-b of -s - 'der Hase (der Brummer)' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 326); in Oan- is die nasaliteit van die klinker konsonanties gerealiseer as -n-. Dit kan natuurlik ook anders voorgestel word, bv. dat die ǀoa- ’n saamtrekking is uit ǀona-, soos Hahn 1901 Collectanea 141 dit in soortgelyke gevalle sien, maar dit gaan ons hier nie so seer om die proses nie - gestel daar is 'n proses - as om die resultaat waarntee ons per slot van sake te doen het. Die tweede lid is ǀoa-b = 'Verheimlichung, leugnung (euphemistisch für die mannliche Scham') (Kr.- R. 316). Die aanleiding vir die afleiding is deur Hahn Th 1901 Collectanea 239 opgeklaar. Hy se die naam berus op ’n vergelyking van 'n natuurgesteldheid met ’n haas se penis, vgl. die wisselvornt van die naam onder OANAB. Die lid -ǀoa-b is 'n versagting van -xa-b = penis, sodat OANCHAB ’n effens 'growwer' variant van die naam is. Dit geld hier plaas Hasuur nr 261, dist. Keetmanshoop.
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