
We believe the meaning is clear, viz. The 'river (the' floss 'is also co-indicated by the ml. Ekv. -b, an index of ea river names) where there are many (-exa) tigers (leopards) (ǀ garu)'. We can The river does not put exactly. That we gave the broad indication of the grade square so.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2618
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Fennel T 1879 sources 18 18 'It now seems like a new swarm of the previously in ǀ ǀ Karas Mountains Inspired Gentiles here in the near jarux outflow has settled '.
afr Fenchel T 1879 Quellen 18 18 'Es scheint nun, als ob sich ein neuer Schwarm der bisher im ǀ ǀKarasgebirge ansassigen Heiden hier in der Nahe im jGaruxabfluss niedergelassen hat'.
eng We believe the meaning is clear, viz. The 'river (the' floss 'is also co-indicated by the ml. Ekv. -b, an index of ea river names) where there are many (-exa) tigers (leopards) (ǀ garu)'. We can The river does not put exactly. That we gave the broad indication of the grade square so.
afr Ons meen die betekenis is sonder meer duidelik, nl. die 'Rivier (die 'Fluss' is ook mede aangedui deur die ml. ekv. -b, ’n indeks van o.a. riviername) waar daar baie (-xa-) tiers (luiperds) (ǀgaru-) voorkom'. Ons kan die rivier nie presies plaas nie. Eerw. Fenchel. toe 30 jaar. sedert 1876 sendeling in Keetmanshoop, skryf natuurlik uit sy standplaas. Hy stel dit in hierdie uittreksel van sy verslag in die Quellen so voor asof die rivier naby die dorp is. Daarom dat ons die bree aanduiding van die graadvierkant so gegee het.
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