
We have some certainties that make the case very informative. The skin clothers were established at this time at Koes, in Nama called them ǀǀ Hawobes, the captain was ^ Arisimab, they were about 1800 strong. The Hawobes site Nokus lies southwestern. It seems. Fenchel's return convincingly. Besides, his name agrees in all respects except the statement with Rev. Kreenley's return and reference. Kr. 1969 does not contain the reference and name of Kreenley 1889. Voucher and sprigad give the coordinates as S 2619 AC occupying the eastern corner of trails, all the doorstamp today also more on the eastern edge of 2618. Our first certainty is that ^ Noa - ǀǀ Khus and traverses are the same place, or Put differently, that the old name continues in his Afrikaans form. The question is now or door bump is a translation or a second name. Kreenley Translate Noakhus as 'battle forest', composed of = 'Streiten, Zanken', and ǀǀ Khu = thorn tree / forest (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 301 and 254). The -s locates the fountain, look at the saying. 'Stampfen', so Rest 1960 DNW 58 is O.A. ^ Noa-lga, eg. to bump a marrow leg or seed grains. The form is extended by localization at a fountain standing at the ǀǀ Khu or thorn tree. With a little goodwil can pass through, applied to farm No. 42, Dist. Keetmanshoop, the translation. As we read Fenchel, this is exactly what he says. In any case, the name, with the same suction consonants, is susceptible to two interpretations. The suction consonants of voucher is certainly too far deviant to be precisely. Th Hahn does not call the place on his card, so Viertt had to have a different source here.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2618/2619
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Deurstamp
eng Fennel T 1882 Sources IS 42 '... a yard of the ... Feldschufager. The place is called noa-hkhu (punching out), probably after a source that is broken by a stone. ' Kroenlein JG 1889 vocabulary 265 '... the man I'm pugging lives in ╪noa- ǀǀ Khus (StrifeBush)' - byǃ Nu = Aantrou. Kiepert 1893 Kaart 'ǃ Noaǃ Kus'. Sprigade Moisel 1904 Warsk 'Noakus', Bron.
afr Fenchel T 1882 Quellen IS 42 '...eine Werft der...Feldschuhtrager. Der Platz heisst ^Noa-Hkhu (Durchstampfen), wahrscheinlich nach einer Quelle, die durch einen Stein gebrochen ist'. Kroenlein JG 1889 Wortschatz 265 '...der Mann, mit dem ich verschwagert bin, wohnt in ╪Noa-ǀǀkhus (Streitbusch)' - by ǃnu = aantrou. Kiepert 1893 kaart 'ǃNoa ǃkus'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Noakus', bron.
eng We have some certainties that make the case very informative. The skin clothers were established at this time at Koes, in Nama called them ǀǀ Hawobes, the captain was ^ Arisimab, they were about 1800 strong. The Hawobes site Nokus lies southwestern. It seems. Fenchel's return convincingly. Besides, his name agrees in all respects except the statement with Rev. Kreenley's return and reference. Kr. 1969 does not contain the reference and name of Kreenley 1889. Voucher and sprigad give the coordinates as S 2619 AC occupying the eastern corner of trails, all the doorstamp today also more on the eastern edge of 2618. Our first certainty is that ^ Noa - ǀǀ Khus and traverses are the same place, or Put differently, that the old name continues in his Afrikaans form. The question is now or door bump is a translation or a second name. Kreenley Translate Noakhus as 'battle forest', composed of = 'Streiten, Zanken', and ǀǀ Khu = thorn tree / forest (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 301 and 254). The -s locates the fountain, look at the saying. 'Stampfen', so Rest 1960 DNW 58 is O.A. ^ Noa-lga, eg. to bump a marrow leg or seed grains. The form is extended by localization at a fountain standing at the ǀǀ Khu or thorn tree. With a little goodwil can pass through, applied to farm No. 42, Dist. Keetmanshoop, the translation. As we read Fenchel, this is exactly what he says. In any case, the name, with the same suction consonants, is susceptible to two interpretations. The suction consonants of voucher is certainly too far deviant to be precisely. Th Hahn does not call the place on his card, so Viertt had to have a different source here.
afr Ons het hier enkele sekerhede wat die geval baie leersaam maak. Die Velskoendraers was teen hierdie tyd gevestig by Koes, in Nama heet hulle ǀǀHawobes, die kaptein was ^Arisimab, hulle was ongeveer 1800 sterk. Die Hawobes-werf Noakus le suidwestelik van Koes. Dit situeer eerw. Fenchel se opgawe oortuigend. Bowendien stem sy naam in alle opsigte behalwe die verklaring ooreen met eerw. Kroenlein se opgawe en verwysing. Kr.-R. 1969 bevat nie die verwysing en naam van Kroenlein 1889 nie. Kiepert en Sprigade gee die koördinate aan as S 2619 AC wat die oostelike hoek van Deurstamp beslaan, al le Deurstamp vandag ook meer aan die oostelike randjie van 2618. Ons eerste sekerheid is dat ^Noa-ǀǀkhus en Deurstamp dieselfde plek is, of anders gestel, dat die ou naam voortlewe in sy Afrikaanse vorm. Die vraag is nou of Deurstamp 'n vertaling is of ’n tweede naam. Kroenlein vertaal Noakhus as 'Strydbos', saamgestel uit = 'streiten, zanken', en ǀǀkhu= doringboom/bos (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 301 en 254). Die -s lokativeer die fontein, kyk die segsliede. 'Stampfen', so se Rust 1960 DNW 58, is o.a. ^noa-lga, bv. om 'n murgbeen of saadkorrels te stamp. Die vorm word uitgebrei deur lokalisasie by ’n fontein wat by die ǀǀkhu- of doringboom staan. Met ’n bietjie goeiewil kan Deurstamp, toegepas op plaas nr 42, dist. Keetmanshoop, die vertaling wees. Soos ons Fenchel lees, is dit presies wat hy se. In ieder geval is die naam dan, met dieselfde suigkonsonante, vir twee vertolkings vatbaar. Die suigkonsonante van Kiepert is bepaald te ver afwykend om juis te wees. Th Hahn noem nie die plek op sy kaart nie, sodat Kiepert hier ’n ander bron in gedagte moes gehad het.
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