
There is another 'Huib River' on S 2416/2417 in the Maltahöhe Mari-Ental area (survey photo 4/808), and also Gordon 1779 MS 2 10 knows such a place that is a greasy water. Whether there is a connection in the meaning of the Huibplato, it could not determine. In our 'closet' there is no idea about the meaning, except that may apply at pastor as such. The plateau of Table Mountains is geographically striking; It is indicated on old cards, but then without name, so late as Grundemann 1867. Our oldest recording is that of Hahn 1879, then with dental slap, and it seems to be unscribed by others. Pastor Rust, long stationed on Keetmanshoop and then on Luderitzbucht, know the area well. He also writes the name with Dental Battle. If she translates 'Hochebones' the name, then our resources are incomplete, we cannot tie it to our well-known Namát. It is striking that there is a Sanstam at the ǀ Hui-B named ǀ Hui-Ni-N. It seems (for clear reasons) whether the Sanmen could have found their name from the mountain, and not the other way around, D.W.S. This tribe probably means the 'San at the ǀ HUIB (Plato)'. Trading according to the well-known variability laws, we could say that the ǀ hui- perhaps but just an exchange form of ǀ u- = 'mountain / stone / rock', viz. Because the voiceless glottal fellow brinker became uncomplative. However Dr Hahn will never follow such a spell, he knew Nama too well. Then we should rather think of the disappeared mountain name Urihuib who knows us today as a whalhrans for a farm that lies in the area of ​​the Urihuib. It is claimed that ǀ Hui (b) then means 'cliff'. As far as our deductions may be, this mountain mass is then translated as 'Kransberg'. After reading of the above Add Boois J 1979 Language Assistant note here 'ǀ HUIB or ǀ Huigu is the name of a kind of mountain or of reefs'

About this item

Alternative Title
Huib, Huib(-Hoch), Huib(Hochebene), Huib (Mts.), Huib (Pla-Teau)
Georeference Sources
S 2616/2716
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn 1879 card 'ǀ HUIB MTS.' Sprigade Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Tafelberge der Huib Hoche', also states 'Huini-Bushman' on the southwestern slopes. Hahn Chl 1928 Native Tribes or SWA 83 'The ǀ Huinin Are Represented by A Few Groups at The Southern End of the ǀ Huib Plateau and Adjacent Part of the Namib ...' Rust FR Jnr SJ MS Mountains 'ǀ HUIB (HUIB = Hochebene ) '
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǀHuib Mts.', gebied van die ǃAmas, hoofman Dawid ǀǀNaixab, en aan die suidwestelike hang bewoon deur die 'ǀHuini Bushmen'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Tafelberge der Huib Hoche- bene', vermeld ook 'Huini-Bushmanner' aan die suidwestelike hange. Hahn CHl 1928 Native Tribes of SWA 83 'The ǀHuinin are represented by a few groups at the southern end of the ǀHuib Plateau and adjacent part of the Namib...' Rust Fr jnr sj ms Berge 'ǀHuib (Huib = Hochebene)'
eng There is another 'Huib River' on S 2416/2417 in the Maltahöhe Mari-Ental area (survey photo 4/808), and also Gordon 1779 MS 2 10 knows such a place that is a greasy water. Whether there is a connection in the meaning of the Huibplato, it could not determine. In our 'closet' there is no idea about the meaning, except that may apply at pastor as such. The plateau of Table Mountains is geographically striking; It is indicated on old cards, but then without name, so late as Grundemann 1867. Our oldest recording is that of Hahn 1879, then with dental slap, and it seems to be unscribed by others. Pastor Rust, long stationed on Keetmanshoop and then on Luderitzbucht, know the area well. He also writes the name with Dental Battle. If she translates 'Hochebones' the name, then our resources are incomplete, we cannot tie it to our well-known Namát. It is striking that there is a Sanstam at the ǀ Hui-B named ǀ Hui-Ni-N. It seems (for clear reasons) whether the Sanmen could have found their name from the mountain, and not the other way around, D.W.S. This tribe probably means the 'San at the ǀ HUIB (Plato)'. Trading according to the well-known variability laws, we could say that the ǀ hui- perhaps but just an exchange form of ǀ u- = 'mountain / stone / rock', viz. Because the voiceless glottal fellow brinker became uncomplative. However Dr Hahn will never follow such a spell, he knew Nama too well. Then we should rather think of the disappeared mountain name Urihuib who knows us today as a whalhrans for a farm that lies in the area of ​​the Urihuib. It is claimed that ǀ Hui (b) then means 'cliff'. As far as our deductions may be, this mountain mass is then translated as 'Kransberg'. After reading of the above Add Boois J 1979 Language Assistant note here 'ǀ HUIB or ǀ Huigu is the name of a kind of mountain or of reefs'
afr Daar is nog ’n 'Huibrivier' op S 2416/2417 in die gebied Maltahöhe-Mari- ental (Opmeting foto 4/808), en ook Gordon 1779 ms 2 10 ken so ’n plek wat by hom ’n graafwatertjie is. Of daar ’n verband in die betekenis is met die Huibplato, dit kon ons nie vasstel nie. In ons 'kas' is daar geen gege- wens oor die betekenis nie, behalwe wat by pastor Rust as sodanig mag geld. Die plato van tafelberge is geografies opvallend; dit word aangedui op ou kaarte, maar dan sonder naam, tot so laat as Grundemann 1867. Ons oudste optekening is die van Hahn 1879, dan met dentale klap, en dit lyk of hy daarna deur ander nageskryf is. Pastor Rust, lank gestasioneer op Keetmanshoop en toe op luderitzbucht, ken die gebied goed. Ook hy skryf die naam met dentale slag. As sy 'Hochebene' die naam vertaal, dan is ons bronne onvolledig, ons kan dit nie aan ’n aan ons bekende Namawoord hiervoor vasknoop nie. Opvallend is dit dat daar ’n Sanstam by die ǀHui-b is met die naam van ǀHui-ni-n. Dit lyk (om duidelike redes) of die Sanmense hulle naam van die berg kon gekry het, en nie andersom nie, d.w.s. hierdie stam beteken waarskynlik die 'San by die ǀHuib(plato)'. Handelende volgens die bekende variabiliteitswette kon ons se dat die ǀhui- miskien maar net ’n wisselvorm is van ǀui- = 'berg/klip/ rots', nl. deurdat die stemlose glottale medeklinker by ǀui- stemhebbend geword het. Dr Hahn sal egter nooit so ’n spelling volg nie, daarvoor het hy Nama te goed geken. Dan moet ons eerder dink aan die verdwene bergnaam URIHUIB wat ons vandag ken as Witkrans vir ’n plaas wat in die gebied van die Urihuib le. Daar is beweer dat ǀhui(b) dan 'krans' moet beteken. Vir sover ons afleidings juis mag wees, is hierdie bergmassa dan te vertaal as 'Kransberge'. Na lesing van bostaande voeg Boois J 1979 Taalassistent Aantekening hierby 'ǀHuib of ǀHuigu is die naam van ’n soort berg of van riwwe'
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