
The latter statement, via the farm owner from Namas on the spot, earns O.I. The preference because of its simplicity and patternity, and because the namework of peoples can speak with knowledge of business. The -bis says it's a place name, the first member is like Nama NaBA-P (Tindall), Griqua NaBA-B (Meinhof), today in Nama mostly Nawa-B (Kreenley) - for discussion cf. Hott 524. The -i- is, however, for the sake of sound harmony. Nabibis is the 'place (-bis) where the flash (naBa) is', 'lightning area', in accordance with Mr Oberholzer. It is farm No. 30, Dist. LIIDERITZ.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2616
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng PNK 1947 'Nabibis'. Place and bus stop 80 km from Ausstation. 'Nama ╪ NABIBIS (Mundartlich: ╪Nawibis) = ort des ausgiessens. H. Vedder '. Krenz 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 8 'Nabibis: Nebe = Kurzes Schlaefchen, der Ort an Dem Man Ein Smalls Schlafch Machte; ╪ nabi = fortgiessen, be = away, ╪nabi-best, ort an dem man etwas ausgoss '. Oberholzer PJA 1973 Farmer questionnaire 'Nabibis, farm, 42 km southwest of Helmeringhausen, means lightning,' flash ', probably because the weather in the area is sometimes heavy. Obtain information from various Namas that are farm workers '.
afr PNK 1947 'Nabibis'. Plaas en bushalte 80 km van Ausstasie geleë. 'Nama ╪ Nabibis (mundartlich: ╪Nawibis) = Ort des Ausgiessens. H. Vedder'. Krenz 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 8 'Nabibis: Nabe = kurzes Schlaefchen, der Ort an dem man ein kleines Schlafchen machte; ╪ Nabi = Fortgiessen, be = weg, ╪Nabi-bes, Ort an dem man etwas ausgoss'. Oberholzer PJA 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Nabibis, plaas, 42 km suidwes van Helmeringhausen, beteken ‘Weerlig’, ‘Blits', waarskynlik omdat die weer in die omgewing soms swaar word. Inligting van verskeie Namas verkry wat plaasarbeiders is'.
eng The latter statement, via the farm owner from Namas on the spot, earns O.I. The preference because of its simplicity and patternity, and because the namework of peoples can speak with knowledge of business. The -bis says it's a place name, the first member is like Nama NaBA-P (Tindall), Griqua NaBA-B (Meinhof), today in Nama mostly Nawa-B (Kreenley) - for discussion cf. Hott 524. The -i- is, however, for the sake of sound harmony. Nabibis is the 'place (-bis) where the flash (naBa) is', 'lightning area', in accordance with Mr Oberholzer. It is farm No. 30, Dist. LIIDERITZ.
afr laasgenoemde verklaring, via die plaaseienaar afkomstig van Namas ter plaatse, verdien o.i. die voorkeur weens sy eenvoud en patroonmatigheid, en omdat die Namasprekende segsliede met kennis van sake kan praat. Die -bis se dat dit 'n pleknaam is, die eerste lid is dan soos Nama naba-p (Tindall), Griekwa naba-b (Meinhof), vandag in Nama meestal nawa-b (Kroenlein) - vir bespreking vgl. HOTT 524. Die -i- is wel ter wille van klankharmonie. Nabibis is die 'Plek (-bis) waar die blits (naba-) neerslaan', 'Weerligplek', ooreenkomstig melding van mnr Oberholzer. Dit is plaas nr 30, dist. liideritz.
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