
The Fern, - arouses the suspicion that the starting point could have been the fountain. Either way, the statement by Dr. Vedder sounds highly unlikely and is apparently suggested by the sound association, thus attending eye-philologically. The two latter segsmen connect the name with Nama ╪ haira, ╪hira, or with ǀ Giri, ǀ Gaira, who holds possibilities, d.w.s. with wolf or fox.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2616
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Hahn TH 1879 Kaart 'Tiras', Uitspanning. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Warsk 'Tiras', Fontin. PNK 1947 'Tiras', plaas en daarop engine bus stops 68 km van from, 45 km van helmeringhausen. 'Nama: Tiras = It will be the mine. H. Vedder '. Koch AEA 1974 Farmer Question Bow 'Tiras, Farm, Mountain, Baken, No. 33, Dist. Bethany, 68 km between u. Helmeringhausen. Meaning unknown; Since there are some bushman drawings on the farm u. Friether also a source was available, the name of Nama Xiras (Schakal) can come. This is my assumption '. Campbell L 1974 Boer Speaker 'Dit Meen 'Wyfietierwolf.'
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Tiras', uitspanning. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Tiras', fontein. PNK 1947 'Tiras', plaas en daarop motorbushalte 68 km van Aus, 45 km van Helmeringhausen. 'Nama: Tiras = es wird das Meinige. H. Vedder'. Koch AEA 1974 Farmer Fragenbogen 'Tiras, Farm, Berg, Baken, nr 33, dist. Bethanien, 68 km zwischen Aus u. Helmeringhausen. Bedeutung un- bekannt; da auf der Farm einige Buschmannszeichnungen vorhanden sind u. friiher auch eine Quelle vorhanden war, kann der Name aus Nama Xiras (Schakal) stammen. Dies ist meine Annahme'. Campbell l 1974 Boer Gesprek 'Dit meen ‘wyfietierwolf.'
eng The Fern, - arouses the suspicion that the starting point could have been the fountain. Either way, the statement by Dr. Vedder sounds highly unlikely and is apparently suggested by the sound association, thus attending eye-philologically. The two latter segsmen connect the name with Nama ╪ haira, ╪hira, or with ǀ Giri, ǀ Gaira, who holds possibilities, d.w.s. with wolf or fox.
afr Die fern, -s wek die vermoede dat die beginpunt die fontein kon gewees het. Hoe ook al, die verklaring van dr Vedder klink hoogs onwaarskynlik en is klaarblyklik deur die klankassosiasie gesuggereer, dus oogfilologies gekon- sipieer. Die twee laasgenoemde segslui verbind die naam met Nama ╪ haira-, ╪hira-, of met ǀgiri-, ǀgaira-, wat moontlikhede inhou, d.w.s. met wolf of jakkals.
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