
The member 11Garu is a 'Wasserbecken Im Fels', a water bank (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 84), who can also be the meaning here. JKHowe = 'Betting', and -am- = mouth (Kr.- R. Resp. 242 and 4), in connection with what is mentioned above. We could not situate the fountain on our cards, the grade square is that of Aus. The segs are David Roman and Dirk Tipod.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2616
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Haacke Whg 1979 Education Planner Own List 'ǀ Khow-Am ǀǀ Garub: Fountain in Mountains North [of Aus]. 'Bet someone (beg the waterhole his water elsewhere?)'.
afr Haacke WHG 1979 Onderwysbeplanner Eie lys 'ǀKhowe-amǀǀgarub: fontein in berge noord [van Aus]. ‘Vir iemand bedel (bedel die watergat sy water elders?)’.
eng The member 11Garu is a 'Wasserbecken Im Fels', a water bank (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 84), who can also be the meaning here. JKHowe = 'Betting', and -am- = mouth (Kr.- R. Resp. 242 and 4), in connection with what is mentioned above. We could not situate the fountain on our cards, the grade square is that of Aus. The segs are David Roman and Dirk Tipod.
afr Die lid 11garu- is ’n 'Wasserbecken im Fels', ’n waterbank (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 84), wat wel ook hier die betekenis kan wees. jKhowe = 'betteln', en -am- = mond (Kr.-R. resp. 242 en 4), in aansluiting by wat hierbo vermeld is. Ons kon die fontein nie op ons kaarte situeer nie, die graadvier- kant is die van Aus. Die segsliede is David Roman en Dirk Tipod.
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