
Five citations, five statements, two of the same person, differently. The first member is for Schinz Tsau = kettle, for Wandres Tsao-B = Ashes, for Vedder Tsau-s = source, then Tsou = (soft, d.i.) Fine, for Krenz also soft. The second member is for Wandresǃ ... Keib I Ikhaeb] = Place, Resort, for Vedder in both cases 11kai-B (ǀǀ Khae-B) = Sand, also for Schinz and Krenz. The meaning is, consequently, the 'place of ascars (burnt fires at stand)', 'Sandfontein', 'sandbox', 'place of fine sand' and 'place of (deep) soft sand, or: of heavy sand. Each statement has its degree of justification located in the sand as an obstacle to the transfer per osswa, or otherwise absolutely. We believe the oldest statement, the Schinz, viz. 'Sandketel', the preferable. It is particularly descriptive for this sand and dune field, especially when the wind blows in the bowl. PNC made him lead by Dr. Vedder and determined the spelling according to his indication as Tsaukaib (APN 1951 335 and railway guide). This station that appears approximately between LiarDeritz and Aus, on the 1972 Card 1972 of the Surveyor General as 'Tschaukaib'. The spelling with Tsch- is indeed the frequent. Tschaukaib is actually a Duineberg, so stated eg. On the crickic marts of Sprigade Misel 1904 -b, and not on a -s.

About this item

Alternative Title
Tsaukaib, Tschaukaib
Georeference Sources
S 2615
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Schinz 1884 DSA 17 VN by 'Tsau ǀǀ kaib': 'made from Tsau (boiler), and 11kaib (tribe sand)', OP sy kaart op S 2615. Wandres 1928 Luderitzbuchter Zeitung 27 10 1928 'Let's take the railway , then we come past the stop Chaukeib. FRCIHER has to be more lively as today. Anyway, the cargo drivers have grasped there and eaten hideaway until they approached the violence margin after lionite bay. The campfires left much ashes = Tsaob, hence the name Tsao-ǃ Keib = ash place '. PNK 1947' Chaukaib '. Stasie 71 km van Lideritz.' Nama: Tsau ǀǀ Kaib = Fountain in the Sande. H. Vedder '. Vedder SJ MS Sources 21 'Chaukib. Nama: Tsou- ǀǀ Khaeb = place where the sand (11khaeb) soft (TSOU) is fine'. Krenz 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 8 'Tschaukib: (Tsau ǀ ǀ Caib): Tsau = soft. The spot of the groundless sand. 11kaib = sand (heavy passage) '.
afr Schinz 1884 DSA 17 vn by 'Tsau-ǀǀkaib': 'Gebildet aus Tsau (Kessel), und 11kaib (Treibsand)', op sy kaart op S 2615. Wandres 1928 luderitzbuchter Zeitung 27 10 1928 'Fahren wir mit der Bahn landeinwarts, dann kommen wir an der Haltestelle Tschaukeib vorbei.FrCiher muss es dort lebhafter zugegangen sein wie heute. Jedenfalls haben die Frachtfahrer dort gerastet und sich griindlich satt gegessen, ehe sie die Gewaltmarsche nach liideritzbucht antraten. Die lagerfeuer hinterliessen viel Asche = tsaob, daher der Name Tsao-ǃkeib = Ascheort'. PNK 1947 'Tschaukaib'. Stasie 71 km van liideritz. 'Nama: Tsau-ǀǀkaib = Brunnen im Sande. H. Vedder'. Vedder s.j. ms Quellen 21 'Tschaukaib. Nama: Tsou-ǀǀkhaeb = Ort, an dem der Sand (11khaeb) weich (tsou) d.h. fein ist'. Krenz 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 8 'Tschaukeib: (Tsau-ǀǀkaib): Tsau = weich. Die Stelle des grundlosen Sandes. 11Kaib = Sand (schwer Durchfahrt)'.
eng Five citations, five statements, two of the same person, differently. The first member is for Schinz Tsau = kettle, for Wandres Tsao-B = Ashes, for Vedder Tsau-s = source, then Tsou = (soft, d.i.) Fine, for Krenz also soft. The second member is for Wandresǃ ... Keib I Ikhaeb] = Place, Resort, for Vedder in both cases 11kai-B (ǀǀ Khae-B) = Sand, also for Schinz and Krenz. The meaning is, consequently, the 'place of ascars (burnt fires at stand)', 'Sandfontein', 'sandbox', 'place of fine sand' and 'place of (deep) soft sand, or: of heavy sand. Each statement has its degree of justification located in the sand as an obstacle to the transfer per osswa, or otherwise absolutely. We believe the oldest statement, the Schinz, viz. 'Sandketel', the preferable. It is particularly descriptive for this sand and dune field, especially when the wind blows in the bowl. PNC made him lead by Dr. Vedder and determined the spelling according to his indication as Tsaukaib (APN 1951 335 and railway guide). This station that appears approximately between LiarDeritz and Aus, on the 1972 Card 1972 of the Surveyor General as 'Tschaukaib'. The spelling with Tsch- is indeed the frequent. Tschaukaib is actually a Duineberg, so stated eg. On the crickic marts of Sprigade Misel 1904 -b, and not on a -s.
afr Vyf sitate, vyf verklarings, twee van dieselfde persoon, telkens verskillend. Die eerste lid is vir Schinz tsau = ketel, vir Wandres tsao-b = as, vir Vedder eers tsau-s = bron, dan tsou = (sag, d.i.) fyn, vir Krenz ook sag. Die tweede lid is vir Wandres ǃkeib I Ikhaeb] = plek, oord, vir Vedder in albei gevalle 11kai-b (ǀǀkhae-b) = sand, ook vir Schinz en Krenz. Die betekenis is gevolglik die 'Plek van askolle (uitgebrande vure by staanplek)', 'Sandfontein', 'Sandketel', 'Plek van fyn sand' en 'Plek van (diep) sagte sand, of: van swaar sandtrek'. Elke verklaring het sy mate van regverdiging wat geleë is in die sand as ’n hindernis vir die transport per ossewa, of wat andersins op- vallend is. Ons meen dat die oudste verklaring, die van Schinz, nl. 'Sandketel', die verkieslikste is. Dit is besonder beskrywend vir hierdie sand- en duinveld, veral as die wind in die kom kwaai waai. PNK het horn laat lei deur dr Vedder en het die spelling ooreenkomstig sy aanduiding vasgestel as Tsaukaib (APN 1951 335 en spoorweggids). Hierdie stasie wat ongeveer tussen liideritz en Aus le, verskyn op die kaart 1972 van die landmeter-Generaal as 'Tschaukaib'. Die spelling met Tsch- is inderdaad die frekwentste. Tschaukaib is eintlik 'n duineberg, so aangegee bv. op die Kriegskarte van Sprigade-Moisel 1904. Daar is langs die swaar sandpad ook 'n bron met die naam waarvandaan die stasie op sy beurt sy naam gekry het: die beginpunt is egter klaarblyklik die duineberg Tsaukaib, daarom eindig dit ook op ’n lokativerende -b, en nie op 'n -s nie.
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