Chue (Lake, Pan, Spring, Valley, Vlei)

The name of this large pan often occurs in travelers, and spelled on maps, differently, eg. If key, chui-n, pouls, cow etc .. On those modern cards that are accessible to us, the name is no longer. Dr of Vrede also knows the form 'tswaing', or alone or in connection with the components, such as with -bult and pan behind or as with great front, and consider it a Tswana naming for 'Salt', cf. . Its origin 566. He claims that Campbell's translation is inaccurate (cf. the above mentioned above). We believe that Campbell looked. He raised his light at the experts. The ingredient Honey Come here repeatedly for place names, so for the big pan, called Heuningwartipan, also for the smaller pan northeast ('Little Honey Wipe'). The Nursing Random The Big Pan also bears the name 'Heuningvlei' (Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2622 Morokweng). We think these names have been translated. Ou-Nama had 'honey' the word 'Kau-P', Spelling Knudsen 1843, cf. Gouda, Korana knew the word (Engel Brecht 1928 Studies 15 'Gaub = Honeycomb (V)' - (v) is his spokesperson Vaaltyn), Campbell heard it at the Griquas, and Seifs The San used the term (Lichtenstein 1805 Archiv 315 'Buschmann T'2Kaau: Honig'). Three Khoekhoian dialects and also San know a word for honey (cake) that corresponds beyond doubt with Chue, in the old days the name of a tension on the pan, and also of the Pan or Vlei Self, today known in Translated form (honeyfii (pan) etc.) or in Tswana form as Tswaing, the latter on the authority of Dr of Vredes. This complex lies in the Vryburg district, northwestern town.

About this item

Chue (Lake, Pan, Spring, Valley, Vlei)
Alternative Title
Chue (Lake, Pan, Spring, Valley, Vlei)
Georeference Sources
K 2623 AC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
(ou naam van Heuningvlei(pan))
eng Burchell WJ 1812 Travels Map 'Honey Vlei (Chue)', Review of 1953. Campbell J 1813 Travels 218 'Chue, Which Means Honey Valley, Lies Between Three and Four Days' Journey From Lattakoo ...' Van Vee 1961 Origin 226 ' Chue ... Pan at the honey vleove, also known as the honey wipe ... [Dan Burnell and Campbell and continued] ... Campbell's interpretation inaccurate; He confused the Griqua name with the Tswana ... Chue = the saline ... '
afr Burchell WJ 1812 Travels map 'Heuning Vlei (Chue)', heruitgawe van 1953. Campbell J 1813 Travels 218 'Chue, which means Honey Valley, lies between three and four days’ journey from lattakoo...' Van Vreeden 1961 Oorsprong 226 'Chue...Pan by die Heuningvleiheu- wels, ook bekend as die Heuningvleipan...[Haal dan Burchell en Campbell aan en vervolg] ...Campbell se vertolking onjuis; hy verwar die Griekwanaam met die Tswana...Chue = die soutplek...'
eng The name of this large pan often occurs in travelers, and spelled on maps, differently, eg. If key, chui-n, pouls, cow etc .. On those modern cards that are accessible to us, the name is no longer. Dr of Vrede also knows the form 'tswaing', or alone or in connection with the components, such as with -bult and pan behind or as with great front, and consider it a Tswana naming for 'Salt', cf. . Its origin 566. He claims that Campbell's translation is inaccurate (cf. the above mentioned above). We believe that Campbell looked. He raised his light at the experts. The ingredient Honey Come here repeatedly for place names, so for the big pan, called Heuningwartipan, also for the smaller pan northeast ('Little Honey Wipe'). The Nursing Random The Big Pan also bears the name 'Heuningvlei' (Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2622 Morokweng). We think these names have been translated. Ou-Nama had 'honey' the word 'Kau-P', Spelling Knudsen 1843, cf. Gouda, Korana knew the word (Engel Brecht 1928 Studies 15 'Gaub = Honeycomb (V)' - (v) is his spokesperson Vaaltyn), Campbell heard it at the Griquas, and Seifs The San used the term (Lichtenstein 1805 Archiv 315 'Buschmann T'2Kaau: Honig'). Three Khoekhoian dialects and also San know a word for honey (cake) that corresponds beyond doubt with Chue, in the old days the name of a tension on the pan, and also of the Pan or Vlei Self, today known in Translated form (honeyfii (pan) etc.) or in Tswana form as Tswaing, the latter on the authority of Dr of Vredes. This complex lies in the Vryburg district, northwestern town.
afr Die naam van hierdie groot pan kom dikwels by reisigers voor, en op kaarte, verskillend gespel, bv. as Chooi, Chui-n, Kuie, Koei ens. Op daardie moderne kaarte wat vir ons toeganklik is, kom die naam nie meer voor nie. Dr Van Vreeden ken ook die vorm 'Tswaing', of alleen of in ver- binding met die komponente, soos met -bult en -pan agteraan of soos met Groot- vooraan, en beskou dit as ’n Tswanabenaming vir 'sout', vgl. sy Oorsprong 566. Hy beweer dat Campbell se vertaling onjuis is (vgl. aan- haling hierbo). Ons meen tog dat Campbell gelyk het. Hy het sy lig by die kenners opgesteek. Die bestanddeel Heuning- kom juis hier herhaaldelik voor vir plekname, so vir die groot pan, genoem Heuningvleipan, ook vir die kleiner pan noordoostelik daarvan ('Klein-Heuningvleipan'). Die Na- turellereservaat random die groot pan dra ook die naam 'Heuningvlei' (Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2622 Morokweng). Ons meen hierdie name is vertaal. Ou-Nama het vir 'heuning' die woord 'Kau-p' gehad, spelling Knudsen 1843, vgl. GOUDA, Korana het die woord geken (Engel brecht 1928 Studies 15 'gaub = heuningkoek (V)' — (V) is sy segsman Vaaltyn), Campbell het dit gehoor by die Griekwas, en seifs die San het die term gebruik (lichtenstein 1805 Archiv 315 'Buschmann t’2kaau: Honig'). Drie Khoekhoense dialekte en ook San ken dus 'n woord vir heuning(koek) wat bo alle twyfel ooreenstem met Chue, in die ou dae die naam van ’n uitspanning aan die pan, en ook van die pan of vlei self, vandag bekend in vertaalde vorm (Heuningvlei(pan) ens.) of in Tswana- vorm as Tswaing, laasgenoemde op gesag van dr Van Vreeden. Hierdie kompleks le in die distrik Vryburg, noordwestelik van die dorp.
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