Ogenas, Ogenas(Pan)

Unleasant' is writing error for 'Ogenas'. Ogenas is the name of farm No 452/1918. On the farm Le 'Ogenaspan'. The farm did get his name from the pan. The VR. EKV. -S Paname indicates, probably because of the unique form. The alternative name of the pan is guruxanas (alriae in this part) and means 'stone maod', which also gives the key for the 'old' name oozas. It's like Namaǃ (H) Auxaǃ Na = 'Foldy (Grund)' (Rest 1960 DNW 21), the 'rocky pan (bottom)'. It can also be seen as existingǃ (H) AU- = stone (spelled in the return o-), -exa- = Many, abundant (spelled in Loca-tive (in the return: -na-), or one can declare the lock part so:ǃ Na = in, the whole then the 'pan (-s) with many (-exa) stones (ǃ Hau-) in (ǃ to) him 'but' stone army 'and' stones-in 'both mean the same here in the ground. The farm and Pan lie south of the national gemsbokpark.

About this item

Ogenas, Ogenas(Pan)
Alternative Title
Ogenas, Ogenas(Pan)
Georeference Sources
K 2620 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1954 'Ongenaspan, District Gordonia, 155 miles [249 km] Northern North West [of Chief Village], name of a pan on farm Ogenas. Out of Nama. Because there are pebbles in the Pan, the Namas gave the original name, which means 'stone mermaid' and now known as Ogenas, to the place ... My own spelling of the original name is Tkuroora- Nas. Information obtained from D. Mouton, Colored Constable Nama speaks '.
afr Opmeting 1954 'Ongenaspan, distrik Gordonia, 155 myl [249 km] noord- noordwes [van hoofdorp], naam van ’n pan op plaas Ogenas. Uit Nama. Omdat daar klippies in die pan le, het die Namas die oorspronklike naam, wat ‘Klipmaag’ beteken en nou as Ogenas bekend is, aan die plek gegee... My eie spelling van die oorspronklike naam is Tkoeroega- nas. Inligting verkry van D. Mouton, Kleurlingkonstabel wat Nama kan praat'.
eng Unleasant' is writing error for 'Ogenas'. Ogenas is the name of farm No 452/1918. On the farm Le 'Ogenaspan'. The farm did get his name from the pan. The VR. EKV. -S Paname indicates, probably because of the unique form. The alternative name of the pan is guruxanas (alriae in this part) and means 'stone maod', which also gives the key for the 'old' name oozas. It's like Namaǃ (H) Auxaǃ Na = 'Foldy (Grund)' (Rest 1960 DNW 21), the 'rocky pan (bottom)'. It can also be seen as existingǃ (H) AU- = stone (spelled in the return o-), -exa- = Many, abundant (spelled in Loca-tive (in the return: -na-), or one can declare the lock part so:ǃ Na = in, the whole then the 'pan (-s) with many (-exa) stones (ǃ Hau-) in (ǃ to) him 'but' stone army 'and' stones-in 'both mean the same here in the ground. The farm and Pan lie south of the national gemsbokpark.
afr Ongenas' is skryffout vir 'Ogenas'. Ogenas is die naam van plaas nr 452/1918. Op die plaas le 'Ogenaspan'. Die plaas het wel sy naam van die pan gekry. Die vr. ekv. -s dui panname aan, waarskynlik omrede van die ronderige vorm daarvan. Die alternatiewe naam van die pan is GURUXANAS (alwaar in hierdie deel) en beteken 'Klipmaag', wat ook die sleutel vir die 'ou' naam Ogenas gee. Dit is soos Nama ǃ(h)auxaǃna = 'felsig (Grund)' (Rust 1960 DNW 21), die 'Klipperige Pan(bodem)'. Dit kan ook gesien word as bestaande uit ǃ(h)au- = klip (in die opgawe gespel O-), -xa- = baie, volop aan (in die opgawe gespel -ge-), ǃna- = maag, met loka- tiewe -s (in die opgawe: -na-), of 'n mens kan die slotdeel so verklaar: ǃna = in, die geheel dan die 'Pan (-s) met baie (-xa-) klippe (ǃhau-) in (ǃna) horn', maar 'Klipmaag' en 'Klippe-in' beteken albei hier in die grond dieselfde. Die plaas en pan le suid van die Nasionale Gemsbokpark.
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