
The Kwahanab flows from the northwest in the concoction at Soromas; Piet Buys's site is just south of Bethanine on the river, which also carries the alter- native name of Goachanab, according to Alexander's Tachometer 10 km per osswa from the village. This means about the 'Assegaair River', according to the oldest return. A cast spear, IAN, ASGAAI is in Nama ǀǀ Hei-Goab (Kr.- 1969 NW 179), at 11HEI = cast; The quahan - in the spelling of Alexander or the Kwahan of the Krikriegskarte is in the Rhine Spell Goa, D.W.S. The lock -N is the consonant realization of the nasalized -6 of Goa (or, according to th hahn's representation in his collectanea, comes the Goa as contraction from an older gonan). According to Kr.-r. 110 is the Goa-B a '(Langes, Spitzes) Messer; Schwert; Dolch, Panga '. The -ap is like Namaǃ A-B = River. The name refers to a historical incident, as we can deduce, but the occasion for the name is no longer preserved.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2616 BD/2617 CA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 236 '...after crossing the Koanquip, we were at Piet Buys heis, consisting of 5 or 6 huts, on the Quahanap or javelin river...' Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Kwahanab (Goachanab)', rivier.
afr Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 236 '...after crossing the Koanquip, we were at Piet Buys heis, consisting of 5 or 6 huts, on the Quahanap or javelin river...' Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Kwahanab (Goachanab)', rivier.
eng The Kwahanab flows from the northwest in the concoction at Soromas; Piet Buys's site is just south of Bethanine on the river, which also carries the alter- native name of Goachanab, according to Alexander's Tachometer 10 km per osswa from the village. This means about the 'Assegaair River', according to the oldest return. A cast spear, IAN, ASGAAI is in Nama ǀǀ Hei-Goab (Kr.- 1969 NW 179), at 11HEI = cast; The quahan - in the spelling of Alexander or the Kwahan of the Krikriegskarte is in the Rhine Spell Goa, D.W.S. The lock -N is the consonant realization of the nasalized -6 of Goa (or, according to th hahn's representation in his collectanea, comes the Goa as contraction from an older gonan). According to Kr.-r. 110 is the Goa-B a '(Langes, Spitzes) Messer; Schwert; Dolch, Panga '. The -ap is like Namaǃ A-B = River. The name refers to a historical incident, as we can deduce, but the occasion for the name is no longer preserved.
afr Die Kwahanab vloei uit die noordweste in die Konkiep by Soromas; Piet Buys se werf le net ten suide van Bethanien aan die riviertjie wat ook die alter- natiewe naam dra van Goachanab, volgens Alexander se tachometer 10 km per ossewa van die dorpie af. Dit beteken so ongeveer die 'Assegaairivier', volgens die oudste opgawe. 'n Werpspies, Ians, asgaai is in Nama ǀǀhei-goab (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 179), by 11hei = werp, gooi; die Quahan- in die spelling van Alexander of die Kwahan- van die Kriegskarte is in die Rynse spelling goa-, d.w.s. die slot -n is die konsonantiese realisasie van die genasaleerde -6- van goa- (of, volgens Th Hahn se voorstelling in sy Collectanea, kom die goa- as sametrekking uit 'n ouer gonan-). Volgens Kr.-R. 110 is die goa-b 'n '(langes, spitzes) Messer; Schwert; Dolch, Panga'. Die -ap is soos Nama ǃa-b = rivier. Die naam verwys na 'n geskiedkundige voorval, soos ons kan aflei, maar die aanleiding vir die naam is nie meer bewaar nie.
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