
We have the advantage over all that we have recording pastor Fenchel as he heard it in 1883 on his missionary journey of the Namas. We assume that his version is the most reliable, and takes it to the ground. The member -11nai s [11nai s] is without a doubt as Nama for 'tie singing, der song' (Kr.- R. 1959 NW 274). 11Gari - can mean many things, but in our choice we are helped by the cards. Garinais is placed No. 30. It lies northeast of Keetmanshoop on the road. South of Garinais Le adjacent place 'doorpack' No. 42. Their two were indentially one place 2618 BD door lamp scale 1:50 000 is entered at the site (beads and huts, etc.), gather, 'Garinais, door stamp'. The place-known relationship between the two names is decisive. Also language expertise. 'Stamp' is in Nama 11ari (Kr.-r. . Maybe this should be thought of the song at the dance The old name is double accordingly, viz. for Garinais No. 30, and in its partially translated form for doorstep No. 42. This is However, not the whole story. The same Rev. Fenchel said the previous year (1882) that the name Noakhus means 'durchstamp- fen' (th a ** 889), probably because a fountain with a stone was knocked or broken, so the water to the surface can penetrate. Linguistically and according to mapping, there is the undoubted connection between garinais and doorpower, and in addition, there is also a connection between Noakhus and door bump, according to Rev. Fenchel, but that connection gives linguistic problems. Noakhus is o.i. Right translated by Rev. Kreen Sin as 'Streitbusch'. To summarize: The right inland name of door bump is likely to take Garina, with -nais provisionally as song, and that inside that flattery neighborhood a place also carried the name of Noakhus or Brybos, so that one could be used for the other. It's just an attempt to reconcile things with each other, rather than being the final word.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2618 BB en BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ook ou naam van Deurstamp
eng Fennel T 1883 sources 18 61 'I called you on, my coming in the surrounding villages ǀ Khoes ... and 11 Gari 11 Nais known ...' Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Warsk 'Garinais', Bron. Diehl HK SNR. S.J. [1955] Sendeling, in sy antwoord aan pnk-swa '' Garinais, ǀ Gariǃ AS (weeds?); 11gari Neis (?) '. Apriel's K 1977 En four other Khoekhoen van Aroab Speech 'Gari is small, Maar ek Weet never Eisen sea never'. Arndt H 1977 En Drie Other Khoekhoen Van Koes Speech 'ǀ Gari-1 ǀ NAS, DIT is 'SERVERHORING'.' Krenz FK 1977 Boer Speaker 'Garinais ,ǃ Gari = heavy (hard) ,ǃ Nais = birth'.
afr Fenchel T 1883 Quellen 18 61 'Ich forderte sie auf, mein Kommen in den umliegenden Ortschaften ǀKhoes...und 11 Gari 11 nais bekannt zu machen...' Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Garinais', bron. Diehl HK snr. s.j. [1955] Sendeling, in sy antwoord aan PNK-SWA ‘‘Garinais, ǀGari-ǃas (Unkrautplatz?); 11Gari-neis (?)'. Apriels K 1977 en vier ander Khoekhoen van Aroab Gesprek 'Gari- is klein, maar ek weet nie verder meer nie'. Arndt H 1977 en drie ander Khoekhoen van Koes Gesprek 'ǀGari-1 ǀnas, dit is ‘Versierhorings’.' Krenz FK 1977 Boer Gesprek 'Garinais, ǃGari = schwer (hart), ǃnais = Geburt'.
eng We have the advantage over all that we have recording pastor Fenchel as he heard it in 1883 on his missionary journey of the Namas. We assume that his version is the most reliable, and takes it to the ground. The member -11nai s [11nai s] is without a doubt as Nama for 'tie singing, der song' (Kr.- R. 1959 NW 274). 11Gari - can mean many things, but in our choice we are helped by the cards. Garinais is placed No. 30. It lies northeast of Keetmanshoop on the road. South of Garinais Le adjacent place 'doorpack' No. 42. Their two were indentially one place 2618 BD door lamp scale 1:50 000 is entered at the site (beads and huts, etc.), gather, 'Garinais, door stamp'. The place-known relationship between the two names is decisive. Also language expertise. 'Stamp' is in Nama 11ari (Kr.-r. . Maybe this should be thought of the song at the dance The old name is double accordingly, viz. for Garinais No. 30, and in its partially translated form for doorstep No. 42. This is However, not the whole story. The same Rev. Fenchel said the previous year (1882) that the name Noakhus means 'durchstamp- fen' (th a ** 889), probably because a fountain with a stone was knocked or broken, so the water to the surface can penetrate. Linguistically and according to mapping, there is the undoubted connection between garinais and doorpower, and in addition, there is also a connection between Noakhus and door bump, according to Rev. Fenchel, but that connection gives linguistic problems. Noakhus is o.i. Right translated by Rev. Kreen Sin as 'Streitbusch'. To summarize: The right inland name of door bump is likely to take Garina, with -nais provisionally as song, and that inside that flattery neighborhood a place also carried the name of Noakhus or Brybos, so that one could be used for the other. It's just an attempt to reconcile things with each other, rather than being the final word.
afr Ons het die voordeel bo almal dat ons die optekening van pastor Fenchel het soos hy dit in 1883 op sy sendingreis van die Namas self gehoor het. Ons aanvaar dat sy weergawe die betroubaarste is, en neem dit tot grond- slag. Die lid -11nai-s [11nai-s] is wel sonder veel twyfel soos Nama vir 'das Singen, der Gesang' (Kr.-R. 1959 NW 274). 11Gari- kan baie dinge beteken, maar in ons keuse word ons gehelp deur die kaarte. Garinais is plaas nr 30. Dit le noordoostelik van Keetmanshoop op weg na Koes. Suid van Garinais le aangrensend plaas 'Deurstamp' nr 42. Hulle twee was kenne- lik op ’n tyd een plaas. Die skeidslyn loop nog deur die gemeenskaplike droë pan wat moontlik die beginpunt van die pleknaam was. Op die SWA- reeks 1976 vel 2618 BD Deurstamp skaal 1:50 000 word by die werf (krale en hutte ens.) ingeskryf, bymekaar, 'Garinais, Deurstamp'. Die plekbe- noemende verband tussen die twee name is beslissend aangegee. Ook taal- kundig bestaan die verband. 'Stamp' is in Nama 11ari (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 23, 'pulverisieren'). 11Ari is die jonger en gedevelariseerde vorm van 11gari-. Garinais beteken dan letterlik 'Stamp-lied', of beter 'Deurstamp- lied'. Moontlik moet hierby gedink word aan die lied by die dans, vgl. Th Hahn 1901 by ONAS in TH A** 963. Hoe ook al die singewing is, Garinais is moontlik op te vat as die ou naam van die buurplaas Deurstamp, m.a.w. die ou naam is hiervolgens dubbel bewaar, nl. vir Garinais nr 30, en in sy gedeeltelik vertaalde vorm vir Deurstamp nr 42. Dit is egter nie die hele storie nie. Dieselfde eerw. Fenchel het die vorige jaar (1882) gesê dat die naam NOAKHUS beteken 'Durchstamp- fen' (TH A** 889), waarskynlik omdat ’n fontein met ’n klip deurgestamp of gebreek is, te verstaan, sodat die water na die oppervlak kan deurdring. Taalkundig en volgens kartering is daar die ontwyfelbare verband tussen Garinais en Deurstamp, en daarenbowe is daar ook 'n verband tussen Noakhus en Deurstamp, volgens eerw. Fenchel, maar daardie verband gee taalkundige probleme. Noakhus is o.i. reg vertaal deur eerw. Kroenlein as 'Streitbusch'. Om saam te vat: die regte inlandse naam van Deurstamp is waarskynlik Garinais, met -nais voorlopig as lied op te vat, en dat binne-in daardie vleiagtige buurt 'n plek ook die naam gedra het van Noakhus of Strydbos, sodat die een vir die ander gebruik kon word. Dit is maar net ’n poging om dinge met mekaar te versoen, eerder as om die finale woord te wees.
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