
The name of this source occurs repeatedly in travel reports. Kleinschmidt declares it directly, and in connection, write different missionaries (O.A.) with the Palatal Schnalz, as Nama ╪ouse [╪ause] = 'Sacht, Leise, Suddle; Stethig, Zahm '(Kr.-r. 1969 NW 333), with Fern, genus -s for source names as location. In Afrikaans thus 'Makfontein'. Apparently the translated name was already relatively ordinary, but the old name remained. The source name Ausis has become farm name, viz. For Farm No. 47, Dist. Bethanien, on S 2616 BB, adjacent to Zuurberg No. 48, and Le northwest of Bethanien.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2616 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Kleinschmidt 1842 Diary Moritz 28/4 249 'Towards evening we came past a source of Ausis (MacFontone); The field was Griin and very grassish '. Ibid. 251 'The 23rd went to Ausis (Makfontein), a Schieshause of Armen Namaquas, who shoot there at a source of Zebras ...' Knudsen 1842 Travel Moritz 29/4 142 'preached for Bushmanner in the same .. . 'Kroenlein JG 1867 sources 12 422' ... we moved ... to ious ... 'Kreft HH 1869 sources 3 266' ╪ausis '. Heinrichs F 1898 Sources 4 122 'The northern vaccination station is ╪ausis, where the settler Rieth lives'.
afr Kleinschmidt 1842 Tagebuch Moritz 28/4 249 'Gegen Abend kamen wir an einer Quelle Ausis (Makfontein) vorbei; das Feld war griin und sehr grasreich'. Ibid. 251 'Den 23. ging es bis Ausis (Makfontein), einem Schieshause von armen Namaquas, die da bei einer Quelle Zebras schies- sen...' Knudsen 1842 Reisen Moritz 29/4 142 'Predigte für Buschmanner in Au- sib...' Kroenlein JG 1867 Quellen 12 422 '...zogen wir...nach ╪Ousis...' Kreft HH 1869 Quellen 3 266 '╪Ausis'. Heinrichs F 1898 Quellen 4 122 'Die nördliche Impfstation ist ╪Ausis, wo der Ansiedler Rieth wohnt'.
eng Macoustein
afr Makfontein
eng The name of this source occurs repeatedly in travel reports. Kleinschmidt declares it directly, and in connection, write different missionaries (O.A.) with the Palatal Schnalz, as Nama ╪ouse [╪ause] = 'Sacht, Leise, Suddle; Stethig, Zahm '(Kr.-r. 1969 NW 333), with Fern, genus -s for source names as location. In Afrikaans thus 'Makfontein'. Apparently the translated name was already relatively ordinary, but the old name remained. The source name Ausis has become farm name, viz. For Farm No. 47, Dist. Bethanien, on S 2616 BB, adjacent to Zuurberg No. 48, and Le northwest of Bethanien.
afr Die naam van hierdie bron kom herhaaldelik in reisberigte voor. Kleinschmidt verklaar dit direk, en in aansluiting skryf verskillende sendelinge (o.a.) dit met die palatale schnalz, te begryp soos Nama ╪ouse [╪ause] = 'sacht, leise, langsam; stetig, zahm' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 333), met fern, genus -s vir bronname as lokatief. In Afrikaans dus 'Makfontein'. Blykbaar was die vertaalde naam reeds betreklik gewoon, maar die ou naam het bewaar gebly. Die bronnaam Ausis het plaasnaam geword, nl. vir plaas nr 47, dist. Bethanien, op S 2616 BB, grensend aan Zuurberg nr 48, en le noordwes van Bethanien.
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