
In th a ** 741-742 we supported 12 different segs and received eight answers, under their two statements mentioned here, viz. That name Brakbos or pavement meat means, both back on ╪cous. The fact is, however, that the place name was pronounced / becoming a dental blow. There is no doubt about it. From 1873, the missionaries unanimously give the name. It seems to us or Mr Arndt speaks with the most authority. He connects the place name with a term that we do not find in our sources. Rev. Kreenley did not know this kind of crooks, maybe. According to Arndt, Koes the 'place (-s) where crooked people were found'. Incidentally, we are informed that the recognized and acceptable orthography no longer writes the sign in the vowel, or as a processor, the one function that the sign in the old orthography, viz. To divide syllables into examples such as couses or 11guo (11gu-O = parentless) or Haio (hai-o = treeless) etc. Now have expired. We kept us above at the yet official spelling of couses.

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S 2519 CC
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12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Buyer t 1977 and four other Choos of Duration Drift Conversation '+ Khoes, it's Brakbos'. Apriels K 1977 Former teacher and Four other Khoek Hoen of Aoab Conversation 'D = Khoes, it's that saltbush, Brakbos'. [Then Mr. Willem Witbooi in and said:] 'This meat [and showed him to his calf] also call them ╪khoes, but it is not the town's name. The town's name is ǀ Cushion. If they say Khoes, then it's those bushes, but now they call the town ǀ Koes, this is his name '. Kariseb e 1977 Former Sergeant Conversation 'ǀ Koes, it's puit meat'. Arndt H 1977 and three other khoekhoen of chunk conversation 'wait, our hotnots did not say = tkhoes. They said ǀ Koes. It wasn't those bushes that were in place. ǀ Cough is a rogue thing. People who lived at this place ... Here's a goat of you, you will not see him, you will pass him at the D = Koebos. Then that goat is scary. Therefore, He bears the name of Horn, it is ǀ Koes. I'm a skin clothing, I was born on Koes, grew up here. It's my grandfather's place, it means skelming, hotnots shouts. The people who stayed here were scary '.
afr Koper T 1977 en vier ander Khoekhoen van Duurdrift Gesprek ' + Khoes, dis brakbos'. Apriels K 1977 Oud-onderwyser en vier ander Khoekhoen van Aroab Gesprek 'd=Khoes, dis daardie soutbos, brakbos'. [Toe val mnr Willem Witbooi in en se:] 'Hierdie vleis [en wys hy na sy kuit] noem hulle ook ╪khoes, maar dit is nie die dorp se naam nie. Die dorp se naam is ǀKoes. As hulle se ╪Khoes, dan is dit daardie bosse, maar nou noem hulle die dorp ǀKoes, dit is sy naam'. Kariseb E 1977 Oud-sersant Gesprek 'ǀKoes, dis kuitvleis'. Arndt H 1977 en drie ander Khoekhoen van Koes Gesprek 'Wag, ons Hotnots het nie gesê =TKhoes nie. Hulle het gesê ǀKoes. Dit was nie daardie bossies wat op die plek staan nie. ǀKoes is mos ’n skelm ding. Mense wat op hierdie plek gewoon het... Hier staan ’n bok van jou, jy sal horn nie sien nie, jy sal by horn by die d=koebos verbygaan. Dan is daardie bok skelm. Daarom dra hy die naam van horn, dit is ǀkoes. Ek is mos ’n Velskoendraer, ek is op Koes gebore, het hier grootgeword. Dis my oupa se plek, dit beteken skelm, Hotnotsskelms. Die mense wat hier gebly het, was skelm'.
eng In th a ** 741-742 we supported 12 different segs and received eight answers, under their two statements mentioned here, viz. That name Brakbos or pavement meat means, both back on ╪cous. The fact is, however, that the place name was pronounced / becoming a dental blow. There is no doubt about it. From 1873, the missionaries unanimously give the name. It seems to us or Mr Arndt speaks with the most authority. He connects the place name with a term that we do not find in our sources. Rev. Kreenley did not know this kind of crooks, maybe. According to Arndt, Koes the 'place (-s) where crooked people were found'. Incidentally, we are informed that the recognized and acceptable orthography no longer writes the sign in the vowel, or as a processor, the one function that the sign in the old orthography, viz. To divide syllables into examples such as couses or 11guo (11gu-O = parentless) or Haio (hai-o = treeless) etc. Now have expired. We kept us above at the yet official spelling of couses.
afr In TH A** 741-742 het ons op 12 verskillende segsliede gesteun en agt ant- woorde gekry, onder hulle twee verklarings wat hier weer genoem is, nl. dat die naam brakbos of kuitvleis beteken, albei teruggaande op ╪koes. Die feit is egter dat die pleknaam met ’n dentale slag uitgespreek is/word. Daaroor is daar geen twyfel nie. Van 1873 gee die sendelinge eenstemmig die naam op as ǀKoes. Dit lyk vir ons of mnr Arndt met die meeste gesag praat. Hy verbind die pleknaam met ’n term wat ons nie in ons bronne opgeteken vind nie. Eerw. Kroenlein het nie hierdie soort skelms geken nie, miskien. Volgens Arndt is ǀKoes die 'Plek ( -s) waar skelm mense ǀkoe- aangetref is'. Terloops word gemeld dat aan ons meegedeel is dat die erkende en aan- vaarde ortografie nie meer die deelteken op die klinker skryf nie, of as be- ginsel gestel, die een funksie wat die deelteken in die ou ortografie gehad het, nl. om lettergrepe te verdeel in voorbeelde soos Koes of 11guo (11gu-o = ouerloos) of haio (hai-o = boomloos) ens. nou verval het. Ons het ons hierbo by die nog amptelike spelling van Koes gehou.
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