
This time, Nama mother tales were interviewed, spending by, and again the statements set out, as at the sayings whose statements were included in th a * 393-4. It is clear that sound association is being searched again, eg. at Namaǃ Gao- [ǃ Gau] = 'Am Fuss (des Berges)' (Kr.- - = 'Wild Hund' (Kr.- R. 129), given in the Rhine Spell. The statement of the name with 'hiding place' or 'shelter' comes for equal places elsewhere and is a strong contender. Cfg. o.a. GAUS 2219. What is needed now is about the audio queue, and it is still missing, viz. For this Ghaub, Place No 186. which is 20 km northwest of couses and is known to all members of Mr Arndt's team personally.

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Georeference Sources
S 2518 DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Apriels K 1977 Former teacher and Four other Khoekhoen of Aoab Conversation 'Ghaub is' he walks, 'and Ghaub is a' little mountain ', [another voice:]' It is 'hiding, hiding place.' Arndt H 1977 and three other Khoekhoen of Koes conversation 'Ghaub, it is butǃ Ghaub, it's' wild dog '. There were many wild dogs there. The place had a fountain. The wild dogs came to drink and then the people saw that there was water
afr Apriels K 1977 Oud-onderwyser en vier ander Khoekhoen van Aroab Gesprek 'Ghaub is ‘hy loop’, en Ghaub is ’n ‘klein berg’, [’n Ander stem:] 'Dit is ‘Wegkruip, wegkruipplek'.' Arndt H 1977 en drie ander Khoekhoen van Koes Gesprek 'Ghaub, dit is maar ǃghaub, dit is ‘wildehond’. Daar was baie wildehonde daar. Die plek het 'n fontein gehad. Die wildehonde het daar kom drink en toe het die mense gesien dat daar water is
eng This time, Nama mother tales were interviewed, spending by, and again the statements set out, as at the sayings whose statements were included in th a * 393-4. It is clear that sound association is being searched again, eg. at Namaǃ Gao- [ǃ Gau] = 'Am Fuss (des Berges)' (Kr.- - = 'Wild Hund' (Kr.- R. 129), given in the Rhine Spell. The statement of the name with 'hiding place' or 'shelter' comes for equal places elsewhere and is a strong contender. Cfg. o.a. GAUS 2219. What is needed now is about the audio queue, and it is still missing, viz. For this Ghaub, Place No 186. which is 20 km northwest of couses and is known to all members of Mr Arndt's team personally.
afr Hierdie keer is Nama-moedertaliges ondervra, spansgewys, en weer loop die verklarings uiteen, soos by die segsliede wie se verklarings in TH A* 393-4 opgeneem is. Dit is heel duidelik dat daar maar weer klankassosiatief gesoek word, bv. by Nama ǃgao- [ǃgau-] = 'am Fuss (des Berges)' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 91), gou [gau] = 'sich verstecken' (Kr.-R. 112), ǃgou- = 'der wilde Hund' (Kr.-R. 129), telkens in die Rynse spelling gegee. Die verklaring van die naam met 'Wegkruipplek' of 'Skuilplek' kom vir gelyk- namige plekke elders ook voor en is 'n sterk aanspraakmaker. Vgl. o.a. GAUS 2219. Wat nou nodig is, is gegewens buite die klankbousel om, en dit ontbreek nog, nl. vir hierdie Ghaub, plaas nr 186. wat 20 km noordwes van Koes af le en aan al die lede van mnr Arndt se span persoonlik bekend is.
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