
It is about a place in the Berseba reserve, so roughly between Berseba and Tses, in Hahn's time a throw, where a fountain with hot water (Kreenley, Goliath) was and where earlier was also a yard . The G- and K- Alternate at the beginning (Gani / Kani), who lived in the recording of place names (5 a 3); At the second member it was at Kreenley first -k-EIA, until he specifically pointed out that it should be -y, probably because he first translated the member with 'wife' (the whole apparently then as 'furry') , and then realized that the name means 'furry view'. Then the -k- here again at 1880 at Hahn, and then in the form -k-obis I.p.v. -Gogs / Goes. For the Banto Release here survey used a form that looks like a kind of compromise, it's 'Ganigobis'. Interestingly, the double of Pastor Rest 1969 maintains in its converting and updating of Kreenley's Wortschatz 1889, viz. That it is in Nama ǀ Ganigoes, in German Ganigobes. And it beats so roughly: The Namakundig missionaries (quoted from Kreen Sin, OLPP, Hegeg) use the name with the closing component as -goes / -goes, but the cards that will consult the whites, write it with -kobis. Three statements were found, two of them go for a meaning of a meaning '(red) fur', viz. Kreenley and Budack. Lg. Write the name in accordance with this. However, it is: Dlmal, including Kreenmin, write it in the exams above with the dental. Kreenley's 1857 translation was therefore faulty, he retains the spelling with ǀ Gani - still in his Wortschatz 1889 p. 57, or else we must assume that the suction consonant varies so that ǀ Gani can also be Gani, and it is highly unlikely. He possibly did tacit distance from his statement of 1857. Yet it seems that it has influenced Dr Budack. Before the -going, -goes, -kobis etc. Do not write a single spokesman a suction consonant, except Dr Budack, here again in accordance with what he heard on the spot. His spokesman was o.i. Here on a wandering way. Then remain about the statement of Pastor Goliath, well known with the place. Mr FK Krenz 1974, which is located, writes as a note here. Here again is a nice example of the develarisation phenomenon (5 c 1-3) that also appears so often in Old Cape (Hott 186-8), and which can cause a double place, as here, we think. ǀ Gani- have we got in Anis (Rehoboth, Warmbaths) with the meaning of 'smoking' or 'vapor', in Nama ǀ Ani (with the right suction consonant). The meaning is here - according to then: 'Location (-s) where smoke is visible (go) / rises to top (╪go (s))'. Or shorter 'smoking spot', n.a.v. the vapor above the hot spring water. This is consistent exchange forms Ganigo (b) es and anigo (b) es. As said, we consider the statement of Pastor Goliath as the right. Mr Krenz FK 1976 Now write a note and say 'must correct me. ǀ Gani = Bunt, Kob = Fell, -es = Person (Weiblich): The Bunt Fell Frau. Iganikobes isTleuchender, special, WENN MAN AN THE ALTE FELL TRACKEN DER NAMA Denkt. Ein particularly Checkened UEBERHANGFELL ... '

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Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Kreenlein JG 1855 QUELEN 10 135 'GANIKOIS MIT SEINER Warmen Quelle ... Ist Nur 3 STD. ZU PERTY VON HERE ... 'DIES. Aid. 162 'ǀ Ganikois'. Dies. 1857 Aid. 188 'The Leaute Vertils Sich Im Felde Auf 3 Hauptywids: 1858 QUELEN 11 223 'ǀ GANIGOIS'. Proenlein- Rest 1969 NW 53 [in example in Nama:] 'ǀ Ganigoes'; [In translation thereof in German] 'Ganigobes'. OLPP J 1866 QUELEN 14 28 'KANIGOIS'. Hahn 1879 map 'ǀ Ganikobis'. The same at Vypert 1893 card and von Francois 1894 card. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Ganikobis'. Hegner H 1886 QUELEN 14 73 'GANI-GOES' and at 134 'ǀ Gani-Goes'. Budack 1965 Study 220 'ǀǀ Gani-Ikhobis, 'Rooibontvlei' ... Probably this place name must be downloaded from ǀ IGANI = ROTHBUNT (KRENELEIN 85). The second part, as it was recently heard, was definitely Ikhobis = vlei ... 'Goliath Pastor D 1968 letter [from Nama translated and shortened]' Ganigobis got this name from the hot water fountain there. In the morning early, the smoke on the hot water is noticeable. Earlier, people believed that this water was healed and bayed in it, especially for skin diseases and pains in the legs. The place is located along the Fish River ... '
afr Kroenlein JG 1855 Quellen 10 135 'Ganikois mit seiner warmen Quelle... ist nur 3 Std. zu Pferde von hier...' Dies. aid. 162 'ǀGanikois'. Dies. 1857 aid. 188 'Die leute verteilten sich im Felde auf 3 Hauptwerften: ǀGanigois (Bunter Aussicht, nicht ǀGani£ois, wie ich fruher falschlicherweise geschrieben habe)...' Dies. 1858 Quellen 11 223 'ǀGanigois'. Kroenlein- Rust 1969 NW 53 [in voorbeeldsin in Nama:] 'ǀGanigoes'; [in vertaling daarvan in Duits] 'Ganigobes'. Olpp J 1866 Quellen 14 28 'Kanigois'. Hahn 1879 kaart 'ǀGanikobis'. Dieselfde by Kiepert 1893 kaart en Von Francois 1894 kaart. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Ganikobis'. Hegner H 1886 Quellen 14 73 'ǀGani-goes' en op 134 'ǀGani-goes'. Budack 1965 Studie 220 'ǀǀGani-Ikhobis, ‘Rooibontvlei’ ...Waarskynlik moet hierdie pleknaam afgelêi word van ǀ Igani = rothbunt (Kroenlein 85). Die tweede gedeelte, soos dit onlangs gehoor is, was definitief Ikhobis = vlei...' Goliath pastor D 1968 Brief [uit Nama vertaal en verkort] 'Ganigobis het hierdie naam gekry van die warmwaterfontein wat daar is. Soggens vroeg is die rook op die warm water merkbaar. vroeër het mense geglo dat hierdie water geneeskragtig is en het daarin gaan baai, veral vir huidsiektes en pyne in die bene. Die plek is langs die Visrivier geiee...'
eng It is about a place in the Berseba reserve, so roughly between Berseba and Tses, in Hahn's time a throw, where a fountain with hot water (Kreenley, Goliath) was and where earlier was also a yard . The G- and K- Alternate at the beginning (Gani / Kani), who lived in the recording of place names (5 a 3); At the second member it was at Kreenley first -k-EIA, until he specifically pointed out that it should be -y, probably because he first translated the member with 'wife' (the whole apparently then as 'furry') , and then realized that the name means 'furry view'. Then the -k- here again at 1880 at Hahn, and then in the form -k-obis I.p.v. -Gogs / Goes. For the Banto Release here survey used a form that looks like a kind of compromise, it's 'Ganigobis'. Interestingly, the double of Pastor Rest 1969 maintains in its converting and updating of Kreenley's Wortschatz 1889, viz. That it is in Nama ǀ Ganigoes, in German Ganigobes. And it beats so roughly: The Namakundig missionaries (quoted from Kreen Sin, OLPP, Hegeg) use the name with the closing component as -goes / -goes, but the cards that will consult the whites, write it with -kobis. Three statements were found, two of them go for a meaning of a meaning '(red) fur', viz. Kreenley and Budack. Lg. Write the name in accordance with this. However, it is: Dlmal, including Kreenmin, write it in the exams above with the dental. Kreenley's 1857 translation was therefore faulty, he retains the spelling with ǀ Gani - still in his Wortschatz 1889 p. 57, or else we must assume that the suction consonant varies so that ǀ Gani can also be Gani, and it is highly unlikely. He possibly did tacit distance from his statement of 1857. Yet it seems that it has influenced Dr Budack. Before the -going, -goes, -kobis etc. Do not write a single spokesman a suction consonant, except Dr Budack, here again in accordance with what he heard on the spot. His spokesman was o.i. Here on a wandering way. Then remain about the statement of Pastor Goliath, well known with the place. Mr FK Krenz 1974, which is located, writes as a note here. Here again is a nice example of the develarisation phenomenon (5 c 1-3) that also appears so often in Old Cape (Hott 186-8), and which can cause a double place, as here, we think. ǀ Gani- have we got in Anis (Rehoboth, Warmbaths) with the meaning of 'smoking' or 'vapor', in Nama ǀ Ani (with the right suction consonant). The meaning is here - according to then: 'Location (-s) where smoke is visible (go) / rises to top (╪go (s))'. Or shorter 'smoking spot', n.a.v. the vapor above the hot spring water. This is consistent exchange forms Ganigo (b) es and anigo (b) es. As said, we consider the statement of Pastor Goliath as the right. Mr Krenz FK 1976 Now write a note and say 'must correct me. ǀ Gani = Bunt, Kob = Fell, -es = Person (Weiblich): The Bunt Fell Frau. Iganikobes isTleuchender, special, WENN MAN AN THE ALTE FELL TRACKEN DER NAMA Denkt. Ein particularly Checkened UEBERHANGFELL ... '
afr Dit gaan hier oor ’n plek in die Berseba-reservaat, so ruweg tussen Berseba en Tses, in Hahn se tyd ’n uitspanning, waar ’n fontein met warm water (Kroenlein, Goliath) geiee was en waar vroeër ook 'n werf was. Die g- en k- alterneer aan die begin (Gani-/Kani-), wat gewoon is in die optekening van plekname (5 A 3); by die tweede lid was dit by Kroenlein eers -k-ois, totdat hy spesifiek daarop wys dat dit -g-ois moet wees, waarskynlik omdat hy die lid eers vertaal het met 'vrou' (die geheel blykbaar dan as 'Bontvrou'), en toe agtergekom het dat die naam beteken 'Bont Uitsig'. Daarna kom die -k- hier weer teen 1880 op by Hahn, en dan in die vorm -k-obis i.p.v. -gois/goes. Vir die Bantoenedersetting hier het Opmeting ’n vorm gebruik wat na ’n soort van kompromis lyk, dit is 'Ganigobis'. Interessant is die dubbelheid wat pastor Rust 1969 handhaaf in sy om- en bywerking van Kroenlein se Wortschatz 1889, nl. dat dit in Nama ǀGanigoes is, in Duits Ganigobes. En dit klop so ruweg: die Namakundige sendelinge (aangehaal is uit Kroenlein, Olpp, Hegner) gebruik die naam met die slotkomponent as -gois/-goes, maar die kaarte wat die Blankes gaan raadpleeg, skryf dit met -kobis. Daar is drie verklarings gevind, twee daarvan gaan vir Gani- uit van ’n betekenis '(rooi)bont', nl. Kroenlein en Budack. lg. skryf die naam in ooreenstemming hiermee ǀǀGani- vir die eerste lid, omdat 'rooibont' met daardie suigkonsonant in Kroenlein se Wortschatz 1889 aangegee is. Feit is egter dit: dlmal, Kroenlein inkluis, skryf dit in die ekserpte hierbo met die dentaal. Kroenlein se vertaling van 1857 was dus foutief, hy behou die spelling met ǀGani- nog in sy Wortschatz 1889 p. 57, of anders moet ons aanneem dat die suigkonsonant varieer sodat ǀgani ook ǀǀgani kan wees, en dit is hoogs onwaarskynlik. Hy het moontlik stilswyend afstand van sy verklaring van 1857 gedoen. Tog lyk dit of dit dr Budack beinvloed het. Voor die -gois, -goes, -kobis ens. skryf nie ’n enkele segsman ’n suigkonsonant nie, behalwe dr Budack, hier weer in ooreenstemming met wat hy ter plaatse gehoor het. Sy segsman was o.i. hier op ’n dwaalweg. Dan bly oor die verklaring van pastor Goliath, welbekend met die plek. Mnr FK Krenz 1974 wat dit geleës het, skryf as Aantekening hierby 'ǀAni = Rauch, ╪go-bis = steigt nach oben'. Hier is weer ’n mooi voorbeeld van die develarisasieverskynsel (5 C 1-3) wat ook in Ou-Kaaps so veelvuldig voorkom (HOTT 186-8), en wat in plekname ’n dubbelheid kan veroorsaak, soos hier, na ons meen. ǀGani- het ons al gekry in ANIS (Rehoboth, Warmbad) met die betekenis van 'rook' of 'damp- mis', in Nama ǀani- (met die juiste suigkonsonant). Die betekenis is hier- volgens dan: 'Plek (-s) waar rook (ǀgani-) sigbaar (go-) is/styg na bo (╪go- bi(s))'. Of korter 'Rookplek', n.a.v. die damp bo die warm bronwater. Hier- voor is bestaanbare wisselvorme Ganigo(b)es en Anigo(b)es. Soos gesê, ag ons die verklaring van pastor Goliath as die juiste. Mnr Krenz FK 1976 skryf nou hierby ’n Aantekening en se 'Moet my korrigeer. ǀGani = bunt, kob = Fell, -es = Person (weiblich): Die bunt Fell Frau. IGanikobes ist einleuchtender, besonders, wenn man an die alte Fell Trachten der Nama denkt. Ein besonders geschecktes Ueberhangfell...'
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