
This famous station, from 1851 served by the Great Namakenner JG Kreenley, was founded in 1850 by J Samuel Hahn. It lays a small 100 km northwest of Keetmanshoop, at the foot of the beautiful Brukaros. The founder Hahn already declares the old inland name that apparently has tough. In 1904, sprigade fisel gives both names on their cricke. The Hahns and others let the accent fall more on space, the 'fläche' or the 'field', some others remind us that it was primarily a hunting field, so Pastor Goliath of Beersba who knows the local history of the place where He became big and old and had a guide. To translate with the 'place (-is and -es) where in the [Jagjveld the Swarttebbenhout trees grow'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Autsabisis/-Wisis, Outsawisis
Georeference Sources
S 2517 DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
nou Berseba
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn JS Journey Moritz 29/4 245 '... of the 17th Oct. 1850 was the grand pion of the same and the place blackbewood surface got the name Berseba'. Vollmer FH 1852 sources 5 33 '... I would have to move to Berseba or how people call Fauzabizi's [F- =ǃ]. OOK 'Fauzabisis'. Kroenlein JG 1856 Sources 10 159 'It is not unknown which prejudices against the installation of a station on -t-azabisis [+ =ǃ In the Eerste Stelsel van Lepsius] under the people himself ruled ... '[Dan Volg's Goeie Plekgeskiedenis Oor the Isaac's Teenkanting.] Hahn TH 1901 Collectanea 1 146'ǃ OUB, level, area, from Lanub, expand .. .ǃ Ou-tsawisis, place name, blackbewood level '. Schultze 1904-5 Anuk 167 'ǃ Au-Tsabises, the field (ǃ AUB) of ebony tree, Euclea pseudenus E. Mey (Tsabiti)'. [Nou berseba], Wandres 1928 Lüderitzbuchter Zeitung 27 10 1928 'South of Gibeon is Berseba. Friwer called the placeǃ Au Tsawisis. ǃ Aub = field, and tsawisis is the so-called ebony tree. Thus, the ebony tree field would be the correct name. Today the place is Kahl, because the hottentots have completely cut him off '. Vedder 1928 Joernaal 4 27-8 'Previously, the uninhabited place with its proximity sourceǃ Ou-Tsawisis, i. Location (-IS), where DentAwi tree (Tsawis) growth. Because the scoring Namajager had discovered the source on the foot of the Broekkaross and found them surrounded by Tsawi tree. (ǃ OU = go hunting) '. Goliath Pastor D 1969 Letter 'The Naam Outsawises Pas in the omstanded by Van Dardie Tyd, Omat The Fontin Tydens's Jagtog Gevind is the Plek Self Vol Tsawiebome what. DAAROM IS DIT OUTSAWISES GENOEM (ǃ OU = JAG EN TSAWIE = THE BOOM). The Hele Omwing What Toe Nog Vol Van. Dardie Borne '. [Uit Nama Vertaal Deur Pastor A. Albat.]
afr Hahn JS Reise Moritz 29/4 245 '...Der 17. Okt. 1850 war der Griindungstag derselben und der Ort SchwarzebenholzFläche bekam den Namen Berseba'. Vollmer FH 1852 Quellen 5 33 '...ich Müsste nach Berseba oder wie es die leute nennen fAuzabizis [f- = ǃ] ziehen'. Ook 'fAuzabisis'. Kroenlein JG 1856 Quellen 10 159 'Es ist nicht unbekannt welche Vorurteile gegen die Anlage einer Station auf -t-Auzabisis [+ = ǃ in die eerste stelsel van lepsius] unter dem Volke selbst herrschte...' [dan volg ’n goeie plekgeskiedenis oor die Isaaks se teenkanting.] Hahn Th 1901 Collectanea 1 146 ' ǃOub, Ebene, Fläche, aus lanub, ausdehnen... ǃOu-tsawisis, Ortsname, Schwarzebenholz-ebene'. Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 167 ' ǃAu-tsabises, das Feld (ǃaub) der Ebenholz- baume, Euclea pseudebenus E. Mey (tsabiti)'. [Nou Berseba], Wandres 1928 Lüderitzbuchter Zeitung 27 10 1928 'Südlich von Gibeon liegt Berseba. Friiher hiess der Ort ǃAu tsawisis. ǃAub = Feld, und tsawisis ist der sogenannte Ebenholzbaum. Somit ware das Ebenholzbaumfeld die richtige Benennung. Heute ist der Ort kahl, denn die Hottentotten haben ihn restlos abgeholzt'. Vedder 1928 Joernaal 4 27-8 'Vorher hiess der unbewohnte Ort mit seiner vorziiglichen Quelle ǃOu-tsawisis, d.h. Ort (-is), wo derTsawibaum (tsawis) wachst. Denn die umherstreifenden Namajager hatten die Quelle am Fuss des Broekkaross entdeckt und sie reichlich mit Tsawi-Baumen umgeben gefunden. (ǃOu = auf Jagd gehen)'. Goliath pastor D 1969 Brief 'Die naam Outsawises pas in die omstandighede van daardie tyd, omdat die fontein tydens ’n jagtog gevind is en die plek self vol tsawiebome was. Daarom is dit Outsawises genoem (ǃou = jag en tsawie = die boom). Die hele omgewing was toe nog vol van. daardie borne'. [Uit Nama vertaal deur pastor A. Albat.]
eng Place where in the hunting ground the blackback trees grow
afr Plek waar in die jagveld die swartebbenhoutbome groei
eng This famous station, from 1851 served by the Great Namakenner JG Kreenley, was founded in 1850 by J Samuel Hahn. It lays a small 100 km northwest of Keetmanshoop, at the foot of the beautiful Brukaros. The founder Hahn already declares the old inland name that apparently has tough. In 1904, sprigade fisel gives both names on their cricke. The Hahns and others let the accent fall more on space, the 'fläche' or the 'field', some others remind us that it was primarily a hunting field, so Pastor Goliath of Beersba who knows the local history of the place where He became big and old and had a guide. To translate with the 'place (-is and -es) where in the [Jagjveld the Swarttebbenhout trees grow'.
afr Hierdie beroemde stasie, van 1851 bedien deur die groot Namakenner JG Kroenlein, is in 1850 gestig deur J Samuel Hahn. Dit le ’n klein 100 km noordwes van Keetmanshoop, aan die voet van die pragtige Brukaros. Die stigter Hahn verklaar reeds die ou inlandse naam wat blykbaar taai voortgeleëf het. Sprigade-Moisel gee in 1904 nog albei name op hulle Kriegskarte aan. Die Hahns en ander laat die aksent meer op die ruimte val, die 'Fläche' of die 'Veld', enkele ander herinner ons dat dit primer ’n jagveld was, so pastor Goliath van Berseba wat die plaaslike geskiedenis goed ken van die plek waar hy groot en oud geword het en gelêraar het. Te vertaal met die 'Plek (-is en -es) waar in die [jagjveld die swartebbenhoutbome groei'.
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