
For first section, see Chamasas and Chamasis, the same location and meaning, viz. 'Leeefontein', but now conveyed on the 'mountain' there, which also appears from the addition 'Tanab' at Hahn, such as Nama -tana - / - Dana = head, head, 'Leeefontein', and secondly, as evidenced by the -b instead of The -s: here locates the -B (Masc.) a mountain / head. About the member ǀ Asa (Spelling of Hahn) is uncertain, especially because of the sucker, otherwise, without it, it could have been 'drinking place' or 'sucking', at Nama a = 'Trinken' (Rest 1960 DNW 62) .

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2517 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
Xam-ǀǀâsab Danab
eng Hahn TH 1879 Kaart 'XAM- ǀ Asab Tanab', Koppie. Sprigade Moisel 1904 Warsk 'Chamasab Bg.'
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Xam-ǀasab Tanab', koppie. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Chamasab Bg.'
eng Beloved lion head
afr Geliefde Leeukop
eng For first section, see Chamasas and Chamasis, the same location and meaning, viz. 'Leeefontein', but now conveyed on the 'mountain' there, which also appears from the addition 'Tanab' at Hahn, such as Nama -tana - / - Dana = head, head, 'Leeefontein', and secondly, as evidenced by the -b instead of The -s: here locates the -B (Masc.) a mountain / head. About the member ǀ Asa (Spelling of Hahn) is uncertain, especially because of the sucker, otherwise, without it, it could have been 'drinking place' or 'sucking', at Nama a = 'Trinken' (Rest 1960 DNW 62) .
afr Vir eerste gedeelte, kyk CHAMASAS en CHAMASIS, dieselfde ligging en betekenis, nl. 'leeufontein', maar nou oorgedra op die 'berg' daar, wat ook blyk uit die toevoeging 'Tanab' by Hahn, soos Nama -tana-/-dana = kop, hoof, 'leeufonteinkop', en tweedens, soos blyk uit die -b i.p.v. die -s: hier lokativeer die -b (masc.) ’n berg/kop. Oor die lid ǀasa- (spelling van Hahn) is ons onseker, veral omrede van die suigkonsonant, anders, daarsonder, kon dit 'drinkplek' of 'suiping' gewees het, by Nama a = 'trinken' (Rust 1960 DNW 62).
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