
Alexander's return looks strange in this saying at first glance, but he applies exactly. It has often noticed how he has a place name with a t- writes to the later G or K, cf. e.g. Nugoaes or his Tuais for Goaeis, and he is not the only one, cf. Hott 179-180 for Old Cape examples. For the location, he heard the -P, the German missionaries the -s. Tua-P can be reinterpreted if Gua-P or adjusted as Gua-S. Moreover, his map shows that she is located just south of Glenelg's Bath, d.w.s. South of Rehoboth, and the same place as Hahn and Gorth mean. Hugo Hahn's recording has a circum flex above the CH - which has been omitted here for typographical reasons, but with which, according to its own system, the cerebral sucking consonant is represented, so read as IChoais. Also th hahn use the same schnalz. Yet there is no great doubt about the meaning. Alexander and Campbell declare it independent of each other as 'Modderfontein', and sprigade moist translate it into brackets as well. The name is to understand as consisting of Nama ╪goab = mud, clay ('Lehm' at Rust 1960 DNW 39), with the locative fern, genus exit, as usual at Bronname. So: 'Clay, mud, -fontein'. Note for reinforcement that there is also a place with names ouuis or 'stinkelmer'.

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Georeference Sources
S 2516 DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Alexander Je 1837 Edia 2 192 'We Crossed the Cubie ... The Huerap ... and Off-packed ... at the Tuap Or Clay River'. Kaart 'Tuais or Mud Ft.' OP S 2516 DD. Hahn CH 1843-4 Moritz 29/4 182 'Afternoon we left Choais'. Gorth M 1852 Travel Moritz 29/4 251 '... I hoarding that the shipyard of the captain David Christian is currently on Koais ...' Kreft H 1869 sources 5 212 '3 places in the Bethan field ... ╪Goais ... 'Hahn TH 1879 Kaart' Igoais ', Uitspanning Aan Rivierjie, Op Hogte 2516. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kaart' Goais (Modderft.) ', OP Dieselfde Graadvierkant. BAM J JNR 1888 Sources 4 56 'The whole route between ╪koies and ╪goais ... is a big grass field'. Camobell L 1974 Boer by Maritz JH 'Goais is' N ModderPlek'.
afr Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 192 'We crossed the Kubieb...the Huerap...and off-packed...at the Tuap or Clay river'. Kaart 'Tuais or Mud Ft.' op S 2516 DD. Hahn CH 1843-4 Moritz 29/4 182 'Nachmittag verliessen wir Choais'. Gorth M 1852 Reise Moritz 29/4 251 '...ich horte, dass auch die Werft des Kapitäns David Christian gegenwärtig hier auf Koais sei...' Kreft H 1869 Quellen 5 212 '3 Plätze im Bethanischen Feld...╪Goais...' Hahn Th 1879 kaart ' IGoais', uitspanning aan riviertjie, op hoogte 2516. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 kaart 'Goais (Modderft.)', op dieselfde graadvierkant. Bam J jnr 1888 Quellen 4 56 'Die ganze Strecke zwischen ╪Koies und ╪Goais...ist ein grosses Grasfeld'. Camobell l 1974 Boer per Maritz JH 'Goais is ’n modderplek'.
eng Alexander's return looks strange in this saying at first glance, but he applies exactly. It has often noticed how he has a place name with a t- writes to the later G or K, cf. e.g. Nugoaes or his Tuais for Goaeis, and he is not the only one, cf. Hott 179-180 for Old Cape examples. For the location, he heard the -P, the German missionaries the -s. Tua-P can be reinterpreted if Gua-P or adjusted as Gua-S. Moreover, his map shows that she is located just south of Glenelg's Bath, d.w.s. South of Rehoboth, and the same place as Hahn and Gorth mean. Hugo Hahn's recording has a circum flex above the CH - which has been omitted here for typographical reasons, but with which, according to its own system, the cerebral sucking consonant is represented, so read as IChoais. Also th hahn use the same schnalz. Yet there is no great doubt about the meaning. Alexander and Campbell declare it independent of each other as 'Modderfontein', and sprigade moist translate it into brackets as well. The name is to understand as consisting of Nama ╪goab = mud, clay ('Lehm' at Rust 1960 DNW 39), with the locative fern, genus exit, as usual at Bronname. So: 'Clay, mud, -fontein'. Note for reinforcement that there is also a place with names ouuis or 'stinkelmer'.
afr Alexander se opgawe lyk met die eerste oogopslag vreemd in hierdie gesêlskap, maar hy pas presies hierby. Dit het al meermale opgeval hoe hy ’n pleknaam met ’n T- skryf teenoor die latere G- of K-, vgl. bv. NUGOAES of sy TUAIS vir GOAEIS, en hy is nie die enigste nie, vgl. HOTT 179-180 vir Ou-Kaapse voorbeelde. Vir die lokatief het hy die -p gehoor, die Duitse sendelinge die -s. Tua-p kan herinterpreteer word as Gua-p of aangepas word as Gua-s. Bowendien toon sy landkaart aan dat sy Tuap net suid van Glenelg’s Bath geleë is, d.w.s. suid van Rehoboth, en dieselfde plek is as wat Hahn en Gorth bedoel. Hugo Hahn se optekening het ’n sirkumfleks bokant die Ch- wat om tipografiese redes hier weggelaat is, maar waarmee volgens sy eie stelsel die serebrale suigkonsonant weergegee word, dus te lees as IChoais. Ook Th Hahn gebruik dieselfde schnalz. Tog kan daar oor die betekenis geen groot twyfel bestaan nie. Alexander en Campbell verklaar dit onafhanklik van mekaar as 'Modderfontein', en Sprigade-Moisel vertaal dit tussen hakies ook so. Die naam is te begryp as bestaande uit Nama ╪goab = modder, klei ('lehm' by Rust 1960 DNW 39), met die lokatieffungerende fern, genusuitgang -s, soos gebruiklik by bronname. Dus: 'Klei-, Modderplek, -fontein'. let ter versterking daarop dat hierby ook ’n plek le met name OUKUEIS of 'Stinkmodder'.
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