
We have already booked the name in th a ** 771 under Koumasis n.a.v. The data listed by owner Kessler ha in 1973 ('Accommodation - of Besntans at the open waters'). The name is also spelled 'KOUM MOSIS NAMTIB' in the ticket of Survey SJ at 'Bethanien' 2616. In questioning the segslides above, we also spoke to them the name 'Koumasis ...' but it seems now that the younger cards and lists the first name game 'Kiimasis', ie with -ii- and not with -u-. Cfg. e.g. The farm lists in Adressbuch 1939 and later, the map of the Agricultural General 1972, or earlier the SWA series 1971, 2516 Gibeon, the same series of 1968 sheet 2616 Bethanien. Interestingly, our white advisers in coiimasis are looking for 'accommodation' and 'Level', but our brown advisers with 'land' or 'ground', Namaǃ Hu- = 'The Erde, der Erd Grand, Das Country' (KR .-R. 1969 NW 202). Mr Frederick's team's whites translate the component coiimasis with 'Landsberg', thought the -mberg by name. The -masi-S will then have locative value. 'Landsberg' is thought in contrast to eg. A 'Klip / Kransberg'? Coiimasis forms according to the latest cards with Namtib Farm No. 5, Liveritzbucht district, located rough north of Aus. The farm has a double name, the lower (southern) section, according to the said map of the Surveyor General 1972, cycasis, and this is this piece of land going through to 2616 AA, Namtib le in 2516 cc. The communications on the gemsbok at Rev. Snewe is a lift and stands apart from the meaning itself as much as he (as well as the people of Aus) equals the statute withǃ Hu- (= ground), so that the member cannot join ǀ GAI-B (= Gemsbok). About the Member -Namtib (= Conception) look further under Namoil

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2516 CC/2616 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Frederick C 1977 and eight other Khoekhoen of Aus conversation 'Kiimasis is Ihuamsis, Ihumasis. It is the Witnrense who gave the name NamTob. In our language it was ǀ Namtebeh. It is a farm with a mountain. He also has a fountain. The fountain calls them Jnamtib, that he has those rushes. This is the ǀ NANR. Ihumaseb, the White people's Landsberg. ǃ Hu is ground, yes. 'Landsberg Conception'. ' Snove L 1977 Main fishing conversation 'Koiimasib is Ihumasib. Look, it's a great place. There were many gemsbok there. My grandmother - they always hunted there. Gemsbok is ǀ GAIB '. Van Coller A 1977 Constable Conversation 'Koumasib is the' Lead of the Gemsbok '.'
afr Frederick C 1977 en agt ander Khoekhoen van Aus Gesprek 'Koiimasis is IHuamsis, IHumasis. Dit is mos die Witnrense wat die naam Namtob gegee het. In ons taal was dit ǀNamteb. Dit is mos ’n plaas met 'n berg. Hy het 'n fontein ook. Die fontein noem hulle jNamtib, oordat hy daardie biesies het. Dit is die ǀnanr. IHumaseb, die Witmense se landsberg. ǃHu is grond, ja. ‘landsberg-biesieplek’.' Snewe l 1977 Hoofevangelis Gesprek 'Koiimasib is IHumasib. Kyk, dit is ’n groot plek. Daar was baie gemsbokke daar gewees. My ouma-hulle het altyd daar gejag. Gemsbok is ǀgaib'. Van Coller A 1977 Konstabel Gesprek 'Koumasib is die ‘leplek van die gemsbokke’.'
eng We have already booked the name in th a ** 771 under Koumasis n.a.v. The data listed by owner Kessler ha in 1973 ('Accommodation - of Besntans at the open waters'). The name is also spelled 'KOUM MOSIS NAMTIB' in the ticket of Survey SJ at 'Bethanien' 2616. In questioning the segslides above, we also spoke to them the name 'Koumasis ...' but it seems now that the younger cards and lists the first name game 'Kiimasis', ie with -ii- and not with -u-. Cfg. e.g. The farm lists in Adressbuch 1939 and later, the map of the Agricultural General 1972, or earlier the SWA series 1971, 2516 Gibeon, the same series of 1968 sheet 2616 Bethanien. Interestingly, our white advisers in coiimasis are looking for 'accommodation' and 'Level', but our brown advisers with 'land' or 'ground', Namaǃ Hu- = 'The Erde, der Erd Grand, Das Country' (KR .-R. 1969 NW 202). Mr Frederick's team's whites translate the component coiimasis with 'Landsberg', thought the -mberg by name. The -masi-S will then have locative value. 'Landsberg' is thought in contrast to eg. A 'Klip / Kransberg'? Coiimasis forms according to the latest cards with Namtib Farm No. 5, Liveritzbucht district, located rough north of Aus. The farm has a double name, the lower (southern) section, according to the said map of the Surveyor General 1972, cycasis, and this is this piece of land going through to 2616 AA, Namtib le in 2516 cc. The communications on the gemsbok at Rev. Snewe is a lift and stands apart from the meaning itself as much as he (as well as the people of Aus) equals the statute withǃ Hu- (= ground), so that the member cannot join ǀ GAI-B (= Gemsbok). About the Member -Namtib (= Conception) look further under Namoil
afr Ons het die naam reeds bespreek in TH A** 771 onder KOUMASIS n.a.v. die gegewens wat deur eienaar Kessler HA in 1973 nteegedeel is ('Blyplek — van Boesntans by die oop waters'). Die naam word ook gespel 'Kou- masis Namtib' in die kaartjie van Opmeting s.j. by 'Bethanien' 2616. By ondervraging van die segsliede hierbo het ons aan hulle die naam ook uit- gespreek 'Koumasis...', maar dit blyk nou dat die jonger kaarte en lyste die eerste naam spel 'Koiimasis', d.w.s. met -ii- en nie met -u- nie. Vgl. bv. die plaaslyste in Adressbuch 1939 en later, die kaart van die landme- ter-generaal 1972, of nog vroeër die SWA-reeks 1971 vel 2516 Gibeon, dieselfde reeks 1968 vel 2616 Bethanien. Interessant dat ons Blanke adviseurs in Koiimasis ’n verband soek met 'Blyplek' en 'leplek', maar ons Bruin adviseurs met 'land' of 'Grond', Nama ǃhu- = 'die Erde, der Erdgrand, das land' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 202). Mnr Frederick se span se die Witmense vertaal die komponent Koiimasis met 'landsberg', die -berg bygedink by die naam. Die -masi-s sal dan lokatiewe waarde he. Word 'landsberg' gedink in teenstelling met bv. 'n 'Klip-/Kransberg'? Koiimasis vorm volgens die jongste kaarte saam met Namtib die plaas nr 5, distrik liideritzbucht, geleë ruweg noord van Aus. Die plaas het 'n dubbele naam, die onderste (suidelike) gedeelte is, volgens die genoemde kaart van die landmeter-generaal 1972, Koiimasis, en dit is hierdie stuk grand wat deurloop na 2616 AA, Namtib le in 2516 CC. Die mededelings oor die gemsbokke by eerw. Snewe is ’n toegif en staan los van die betekenis self in soverre as hy (net soos ook die mense van Aus) die grondwoord gelyk- stel met ǃhu- (= grond), sodat die lid Koii- dan nie kan aansluit by ǀgai-b (= gemsbok) nie. Oor die lid -Namtib (= Biesieplek) kyk verder onder NAMTOIl
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