
This applies here a run on the Bolope of the GoageB, now a farm Chamchawib No. 106, Dist. Maltahöhe, to the highway of Maltahöhe to Helmeringhausen. The spelling of Hahn (Xam) makes sure that he, like all the others, except again Dr. Vedder, declares the first component as 'Lion', such as Nama Xami = Lion. Dr. Vedder goes wrong, out of Nama ǀǀ gam- = water, and it seduces himself to his next associative mistake with ǀ Gawi = 'spread ...' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 77). The second part indeed delivers difficulties. Is it -xabes = place, such as at Krenz, one word, or tweemely, eg. -Xa- = many (lions), such as at hahn, or ga = away, 'Verschwinden, abscision' (Kr.-r. 1969 NW 66), such as at Olsen, and the locative -wib (-bib etc.) ? Mr Van Vuuren's spokesman apparently thinks of Ga = away, trying to look behind the screen. So then, by means of summary, presenting to us, the 'place of many lions' (Hahn), the 'lion's' (Krenz), the 'place of just a few lions' (Olsen), or, at all , The 'place where the Lions disappeared / departed' (Van Vuuren's spokesman). By the way, it will have been striking that Hahn's return deviates in the conclusion: we can still assure the entry on his card exactly match the entry of eg. Spreadbox, and in all respects the situations completely correlate. Then it is mentioned that the PNC has determined the Halte's spelling (on Dr. Vedder) on Gamgawib (cf. APN 1951 121 and railroathers).

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S 2516 D
Measurement Accuracy
25 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn Th 1879 card 'Xamxamab', stream at Bolope of Goageb. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Chamchawib'. PNK 1947 'Chamchawib', farm, to arrive a railway bus stop 113 km from Maltahöhe on its way to Aus. 'Nama: ǀǀ Gam- ǀ Gawib = ort, wo man (Jemand) Mit washer sprung. H. Vedder '. Van Vuuren Ah 1973 farmer questionnaire 'Chamchawib, farm. Means' the lions are gone ', of Cham = lion, Cha = is, and web = away'. Krenz FK 1974 Farmer note 'Xamxabes = The lion's place; xabes = place '. Olsen JWO 1974 caretaker conversation 'Gam, it is a lion; There were only a few lions '.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Xamxamab', stroompie aan boloop van Goageb. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Chamchawib'. PNK 1947 'Chamchawib', plaas, daarop te kom ’n spoorwegbushalte 113 km van Maltahöhe af op pad na Aus. 'Nama: ǀǀGam-ǀgawib = Ort, wo man (jemand) mit Wasser besprengte. H. Vedder'. Van Vuuren AH 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Chamchawib, plaas. Beteken ‘Die leeus is weg’, van cham = leeu, cha = is, en web = weg'. Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'Xamxabes = die leeuplek; xabes = plek'. Olsen JWO 1974 Opsigter Gesprek 'Gam, dit is ’n leeu; daar was net enkele leeus gewees'.
eng Place of the many lions
afr Plek van die baie leeus
eng This applies here a run on the Bolope of the GoageB, now a farm Chamchawib No. 106, Dist. Maltahöhe, to the highway of Maltahöhe to Helmeringhausen. The spelling of Hahn (Xam) makes sure that he, like all the others, except again Dr. Vedder, declares the first component as 'Lion', such as Nama Xami = Lion. Dr. Vedder goes wrong, out of Nama ǀǀ gam- = water, and it seduces himself to his next associative mistake with ǀ Gawi = 'spread ...' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 77). The second part indeed delivers difficulties. Is it -xabes = place, such as at Krenz, one word, or tweemely, eg. -Xa- = many (lions), such as at hahn, or ga = away, 'Verschwinden, abscision' (Kr.-r. 1969 NW 66), such as at Olsen, and the locative -wib (-bib etc.) ? Mr Van Vuuren's spokesman apparently thinks of Ga = away, trying to look behind the screen. So then, by means of summary, presenting to us, the 'place of many lions' (Hahn), the 'lion's' (Krenz), the 'place of just a few lions' (Olsen), or, at all , The 'place where the Lions disappeared / departed' (Van Vuuren's spokesman). By the way, it will have been striking that Hahn's return deviates in the conclusion: we can still assure the entry on his card exactly match the entry of eg. Spreadbox, and in all respects the situations completely correlate. Then it is mentioned that the PNC has determined the Halte's spelling (on Dr. Vedder) on Gamgawib (cf. APN 1951 121 and railroathers).
afr Dit geld hier ’n lopie aan die boloop van die Goageb, nou ’n plaas Chamchawib nr 106, dist. Maltahöhe, aan die grootpad van Maltahöhe na Helmeringhausen. Die spelling van Hahn (Xam-) maak dit seker dat hy soos al die ander behalwe weer dr Vedder die eerste komponent verklaar as 'leeu', soos Nama xami = leeu. Dr Vedder gaan, onses insiens verkeerdelik, uit van Nama ǀǀgam- = water, en dit verlei hom tot sy volgende assosiatiewe mistasting met ǀgawi = 'besprengen...' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 77). Die tweede gedeelte lewer inderdaad moeilikhede op. Is dit -xabes = plek, soos by Krenz, een woord, of tweedelig, bv. -xa- = baie (leeus), soos by Hahn, of ga = weg, 'verschwinden, abscheiden' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 66), soos by Olsen, en daarby die lokatiewe -wib (-bib ens.)? Mnr Van Vuuren se segsman dink klaarblyklik ook aan ga = weg, as ons agter die skerm probeer kyk. Dus dan, by wyse van samevatting wat segsliede aan ons voorhou, die 'Plek van baie leeus' (Hahn), die 'leeuplek' (Krenz), die 'Plek van net enkele leeus' (Olsen), of, ten slot- te, die 'Plek waar die leeus vandaan verdwyn het/weggegaan het' (Van Vuuren se segsman). Terloops, dit sal opgeval het dat Hahn se opgawe in die slotdeel afwyk: ons kan nogtans die versekering gee dat die inskrywing op sy kaart presies ooreenstem met die inskrywing van bv. Sprigade-Moisel, en in alle opsigte korreleer die situerings volkome. Dan word nog vermeld dat die PNK die halte se spelling (op aanwysing van dr Vedder) vasgestel het op Gamgawib (vgl. APN 1951 121 en spoorwegroosters).
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