
We believe here is an interesting case again. In the grade squares 2518/2519 (SWA series 1968 sheet 2518, there are different pans, the largest is elucidating and characteristic called 'Grootpan'. The northern point of the Pan was an important rest and cross spot next to the earlier macking roads. The area wore the name Daberas. A whole complex farms still have the name Daberas with a distinctive addition (D. PForte, D-Ost, Dorn-D., Gross-d. ​​etc) by 'Grootpan' walk from north to south the boundary line between two farms 'Small Daberas' No 19 on the Eastern half of the Grootpan, and our 'Zaris' No. 20 on the western side. The Z-in Zaris here has its German sound value. Tsari (the Fem. Sing, -s Specify here again the source) is in Nama a skin blanket, we hear; In Bergdama it is an animal skin used as shield, cf. Kr. 1969 NW 380. The Nama's usually Khosi-Kho-B, literally then 'Shield', Kr.-r. 240. The application of Tsari and place name is based on that pan. He has the shape of a slaughtered and obvious skin, eg. Beest skin (which can be hailed or shields). The farm then found its name of the striking form of the remarkable PAN, M.A.W. The Pan's Khoekhozen name was Tsaris, and at Subdivision of Little Daberas, the pan's name went on the new farm on the western half of the pan.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2518 CB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng DSWA series 1912 BLATT 25 Keetmanshoop 'Zaris', and at a later map. Arts H 1977 and three other Khoekhoen van Koes conversation 'Tsari is moss' n Velkombers'.
afr DSWA-reeks 1912 Blatt 25 Keetmanshoop 'Zaris', en op latere kaarte. Arndt H 1977 en drie ander Khoekhoen van Koes Gesprek 'Tsari is mos ’n velkombers'.
eng We believe here is an interesting case again. In the grade squares 2518/2519 (SWA series 1968 sheet 2518, there are different pans, the largest is elucidating and characteristic called 'Grootpan'. The northern point of the Pan was an important rest and cross spot next to the earlier macking roads. The area wore the name Daberas. A whole complex farms still have the name Daberas with a distinctive addition (D. PForte, D-Ost, Dorn-D., Gross-d. ​​etc) by 'Grootpan' walk from north to south the boundary line between two farms 'Small Daberas' No 19 on the Eastern half of the Grootpan, and our 'Zaris' No. 20 on the western side. The Z-in Zaris here has its German sound value. Tsari (the Fem. Sing, -s Specify here again the source) is in Nama a skin blanket, we hear; In Bergdama it is an animal skin used as shield, cf. Kr. 1969 NW 380. The Nama's usually Khosi-Kho-B, literally then 'Shield', Kr.-r. 240. The application of Tsari and place name is based on that pan. He has the shape of a slaughtered and obvious skin, eg. Beest skin (which can be hailed or shields). The farm then found its name of the striking form of the remarkable PAN, M.A.W. The Pan's Khoekhozen name was Tsaris, and at Subdivision of Little Daberas, the pan's name went on the new farm on the western half of the pan.
afr Ons meen hier is weer 'n interessante geval. In die graadvierkante 2518/2519 (SWA-reeks 1968 vel 2518 Koes) is daar verskillende panne, die grootste is uitkennend en karakteristiek genoem 'Grootpan'. Die noorde- like punt van die pan was 'n belangrike rus- en kruisplek langs die vroeëre trekpaaie. Die omgewing het die naam Daberas gedra. n Hele kompleks plase het nog die naam Daberas met 'n onderskeidende toevoeging (D.- Pforte, D-Ost, Dorn-D., Gross-D. ens.) Deur 'Grootpan' loop van noord na suid die grenslyn tussen twee plase, 'Klein Daberas' nr 19 aan die oos- telike helfte van die Grootpan, en ons 'Zaris' nr 20 aan die westelike kant. Die Z- in Zaris het hier sy Duitse klankwaarde. Tsari- (die fem. sing, -s spesifiseer hier weer die bron) is in Nama ’n velkombers, hoor ons; in Bergdama is dit 'n diervel wat as skild gebruik word, vgl. Kr.-R. 1969 NW 380. Die Nama se gewoonlik khosi-kho-b, letterlik dan 'skildvel', Kr.-R. 240. Die toepassing van tsari- as pleknaam berus op daardie pan. Hy het die vorm van 'n afgeslagte en oopgevlekte vel, bv. beesvel (waaruit kom- berse of skilde gevaardig kan word). Die plaas het dan sy naam van die opvallende vorm van die opmerklike pan gekry, m.a.w. die pan se Khoekhoense naam was Tsaris, en by onderverdeling van Klein Daberas het die pan se naam oorgegaan op die nuwe plaas aan die westelike helfte van die pan.
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