
The name of the source in the liver river no longer comes on the disposable cards (the series on the scale 1:50 000 is not yet available), and therefore the long quotes with a view to anything Almene mode. At Hahn 1879's map, the roads are subscribed, this fork above the confluence of the fish and liver rivers is hereǃ GA ǀ Aus, on the Crooking Scores 1904 is it '(Achterfontein) Ganaeus' cf. Gana in th a * 369. The ╪gautoros must therefore be associated with the plain of which the current Achterfontein and fail grass form. Rev. Krinklein of Beersba's still about his journey O.A. 'Den 20. August Fürhren Wir Auf Einner Torofläche (Karo in Der Colony Genanny) und Hatten 2 Small Toroberge Zur Linken undete Niedern Bergzug Zur Rechten ...' (quellen 13,631). The Member -Toro-, also -Doro- (with ordinary change of-and -D) is (Red) Karoogron (Kreenley 1889 Worschatz 310), and + Guu (Statry in Wortschatz 129, so spelled) is 'MIT Dem Kopf Gee Etwas Stosen ', or' Genin Reterson ', or, again with another toneem,' AB Schlachten 'with pushing the fist. ╪Gautoros (the - of the Fern, sing, indicates, as is the case, however, that the name here is involved in a fountain) is then the 'fountain in the plain of Karoogron (-toro). .. (one of the mentioned three possibilities) occurred ', eg. the 'discount plain (fountain)'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Gautoros, Goutoros
Georeference Sources
S 2517 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Kroenlein JG 1861 sources 11 313 '... I traveled ... [Van Berseba AF] there [NA the FEERRIVIER] ... and came to them in ╪Gautoros'. KNAUER .1 1866 Sources 16 39 '... came to a water jack ╪Gautoros- ... Here two ways ...' OLPP J SNR 1868 sources 16 14 '... as a companion to + Gaudoross .. . 'Kroenlein JG 1870 sources 13 579' ... went ... Fiber ╪goudoros to ǀ OUB. At ╪Goudoros, the path turns left, from the liver flow to the outside areaǃ Han-╪amgebirge in the northwest direction, during the way to Hoachanas right to the northeast branches ... 'Dieselfde 1873, AID. 691 '... we reached Tgoutoros, a source of liver flow. As the origin of the liver flow, the paths to Hoachanas and Rehoboth are divorced. The latter goes northwest the area mountains up, while the former northeast turns after the fish flow ... '
afr Kroenlein JG 1861 Quellen 11 313 '...ich reiste ... [van Berseba af] dort- hin [na die Fewerrivier] ... und stiess in ╪Gautoros zu ihnen'. Knauer .1 1866 Quellen 16 39 '...kamen zu einer Wasserstelle ╪Gautoros- ...hier trennten sich auch zwei Wege...' Olpp J snr 1868 Quellen 16 14 '...als Begleiter bis +Gaudoross mitgab...' Kroenlein JG 1870 Quellen 13 579 '...ging...fiber ╪Goudoros nach ǀOub. Bei ╪Goudoros biegt der Weg links ab, vom leberfluss auf das hier ausserst Fläche ǃHan-╪amgebirge in nordwestlicher Richtung, wahrend der Weg nach Hoachanas rechts nach Nordosten abzweigt...' Dieselfde 1873, aid. 691 '...erreichten wir TGoutoros, eine Quelle im leberfluss. Da scheiden sich beim Ursprung des leberflusses die Wege nach Hoachanas und Rehoboth. letzterer geht nordwestlich das Fläche Gebirge hinauf, wahrend ersterer nordöstlich nach dem Fischfluss abbiegt...'
eng The name of the source in the liver river no longer comes on the disposable cards (the series on the scale 1:50 000 is not yet available), and therefore the long quotes with a view to anything Almene mode. At Hahn 1879's map, the roads are subscribed, this fork above the confluence of the fish and liver rivers is hereǃ GA ǀ Aus, on the Crooking Scores 1904 is it '(Achterfontein) Ganaeus' cf. Gana in th a * 369. The ╪gautoros must therefore be associated with the plain of which the current Achterfontein and fail grass form. Rev. Krinklein of Beersba's still about his journey O.A. 'Den 20. August Fürhren Wir Auf Einner Torofläche (Karo in Der Colony Genanny) und Hatten 2 Small Toroberge Zur Linken undete Niedern Bergzug Zur Rechten ...' (quellen 13,631). The Member -Toro-, also -Doro- (with ordinary change of-and -D) is (Red) Karoogron (Kreenley 1889 Worschatz 310), and + Guu (Statry in Wortschatz 129, so spelled) is 'MIT Dem Kopf Gee Etwas Stosen ', or' Genin Reterson ', or, again with another toneem,' AB Schlachten 'with pushing the fist. ╪Gautoros (the - of the Fern, sing, indicates, as is the case, however, that the name here is involved in a fountain) is then the 'fountain in the plain of Karoogron (-toro). .. (one of the mentioned three possibilities) occurred ', eg. the 'discount plain (fountain)'.
afr Die naam van die bron in die lewerrivier kom ons nie meer op die beskik- bare kaarte tee nie (die reeks op die skaal 1:50 000 is ook nog nie beskik- baar nie), en daarom die lang aanhalings met die oog op ontwyfelbare al- gemene situering. Op Hahn 1879 se kaart word die paaie ingeteken, hierdie vurk bokant die samevloeiing van die Vis- en lewerriviere heet daar ǃGaǀaus, op die Kriegskarte 1904 is dit '(Achterfontein) Ganaus' vgl. GANAUS in TH A* 369. Die ╪Gautoros moet dus vereenselwig word met die vlakte waarvan die huidige Achterfontein en Faalgras deel vorm. Eerw. Kroenlein van Berseba se nog oor sy reis o.a. 'Den 20. August fürhren wir auf einer ToroFläche (Karo in der Kolonie genannt) und hatten 2 kleine Toroberge zur linken und einen niedern Bergzug zur Rechten...' (Quellen 13 631). Die lid -toro-, ook -doro- (met gewone wisseling van -t- en -d-) is (rooi) karoogrond (Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 310), en +guu (steekwoord in Wortschatz 129, so gespel) is 'mit dem Kopf gegen etwas stossen', of 'gegen einanderlaufen', of, weer met ’n ander toneem, 'ab schlachten' met die stoot van die vuis. ╪Gautoros (die -s van die fern, sing, dui, soos baiemaal die geval is, wel aan dat die naam hier op 'n fontein betrek is) is dan die 'Fontein in die vlakte van karoogrond (-toro-) waar ... (een van die genoemde drie moontlikhede) plaasgevind het', bv. die 'Afslagvlakte(fontein)'.
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