
The concept 'round' is in Nama Ihuwu, Iguwu andǃ Gowi (Rust 1960 DNW 50); The latter return corresponds soundly to the guype of the name and with theǃ Ubi of our spokesman, now just feathered ^ r (outǃ (g) Ubi). The connection with the milky of milk is now no longer available to us. The -ra- is possibly the Dualist Fern., And the -s (sing, Fern.) Indicate the fountain here. The meaning then looks about to be the 'two round sources'. Guperas is farm No. 24, North West of Helmeringhausen.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2516 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Swartbooooi Klaas 1974 Office-servant conversation 'Guperas, it is also a spring that ... Lubiras. But it is something that is so around, which is like this milk '.
afr Swartbooi Klaas 1974 Kantoorbediende Gesprek 'Guperas, dit is ook ’n fonteinplek daardie... lUbiras. Maar dit is nou iets wat so rond is, wat net soos hierdie melkderm is'.
eng The concept 'round' is in Nama Ihuwu, Iguwu andǃ Gowi (Rust 1960 DNW 50); The latter return corresponds soundly to the guype of the name and with theǃ Ubi of our spokesman, now just feathered ^ r (outǃ (g) Ubi). The connection with the milky of milk is now no longer available to us. The -ra- is possibly the Dualist Fern., And the -s (sing, Fern.) Indicate the fountain here. The meaning then looks about to be the 'two round sources'. Guperas is farm No. 24, North West of Helmeringhausen.
afr Die begrip 'rond' is in Nama Ihuwu, Iguwu en ǃgowi (Rust 1960 DNW 50); laasgenoemde opgawe stem klankmatig goed ooreen met die Gupe- van die naam en met die ǃubi- van ons segsman, nou net gedevefarise^r (uit ǃ(g)ubi-). Die verband met die melkderm is vir ons nou nie meer dui- delik nie. Die -ra- is moontlik die dualis fern., en die -s (sing, fern.) dui hier die fontein aan. Die betekenis lyk dan ongeveer te wees die 'Twee ronde bronne'. Guperas is plaas nr 24, noordwes van Helmeringhausen.
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