
The place must have laid in the vicinity of fence; Back at the office we can't sit with certainty. The -tsi- is a locative morpheme, the -s is the exit of the Fern, sing.; the first. Member is Nama ǀǀ GA = 'Auf Den FEIND LOAN, IHN ANGRIFEN' (KR.-R. 1969 NW 78). The name does keep a reminder of a historical event.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2518/19
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Arndt H 1977 And three other Khoekhoen of Koes conversation '11 Gatsis. This is the place where they have made an attack, where they attacked '
afr Arndt H 1977 en drie ander Khoekhoen van Koes Gesprek '11 Gatsis. dit is die plek waar hulle ’n aanval gemaak het, waar hulle aangeval het'
eng The place must have laid in the vicinity of fence; Back at the office we can't sit with certainty. The -tsi- is a locative morpheme, the -s is the exit of the Fern, sing.; the first. Member is Nama ǀǀ GA = 'Auf Den FEIND LOAN, IHN ANGRIFEN' (KR.-R. 1969 NW 78). The name does keep a reminder of a historical event.
afr Die plek moet in die omstreke van Koes gelê het; terug op kantoor kan ons dit nie met sekerheid situeer nie. Die -tsi- is ’n lokatiefmorfeem, die -s is die uitgang van die fern, sing.; die eerste . lid is Nama ǀǀga = 'auf den Feind losgehen, ihn angreifen' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 78). Die naam bewaar wel 'n herinnering aan ’n geskiedkundige gebeurtenis.
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