Charagegous, Garagegous

Not situable, we do not know in what direction of Berseba it lies; It was a temporary outdoor station during the big drought. Derivation such as at Kreenley: The 'Meerschwein', Well Meerkat, must match its Xarage, which does not appear in its Wortschatz 1889. The member -╪gous = then trough, bake, take, at Horn p. 128 'Der Holztrog', the same word as the old inland name for Bakrivier. To make sense, you may so imagine that the 'trough' is a kind of 'stat' of multi-paths, so 'the fountain (-s) at the meerkatkolie or stat (garage geous)'. There is a farm Meerkat No 190, Dist. Mariental, north of the town, but it is further from Beersba away than 9 to 10 hours on horseback. Apparently, the inland name for this place is not kept more than farm name. We can add to the ground that 'Chara', 'it sweet and Minnelk Beest', already recorded by Claudius in 1685 (Hott 381) and pictured. The meerket is also called Gordon (1777 MS 1 55), and as Gradow; Shortridge 1934 heard it under the Naron as Xara: GI, which corresponds to Krenin's form, and who live in Afrikaans as Gnzat / 'F'e Meerkat, viz. For the Suricata Suricata (cf. AE 266), also known as a particular kind of stokstertmeerkat. It is therefore wrong to think that the in-the-Afrikaans pale is an addition from our language, it is merely an adaptation of the lock-syllable and -gi, preserved in the place name of Kreenley and in the recording of Shortridge. So the place name study can sometimes also be a manual of the word study.

About this item

Charagegous, Garagegous
Alternative Title
Charagegous, Garagegous
Georeference Sources
S 2517
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Kroenlein JG 1861 Sources 11 321 'Under Alien external were the women of Xarage-╪Gous (guinea pigtutrog), about 9-10 hours on horseback from here [Berseba] by friendly recording ... out'.
afr Kroenlein JG 1861 Quellen 11 321 'Unter alien Aussenliegenden zeichneten die Frauen von Xarage-╪gous (Meerschweintrog), ca 9-10 Std. zu Pferd von hier [Berseba] durch freundliche Aufnahme...aus'.
eng The fountain (-s) at the Meerkat Colony or Stat (Garagedous)
afr Die fontein (-s) by die meerkatkolonie of stat (garagegous)
eng Not situable, we do not know in what direction of Berseba it lies; It was a temporary outdoor station during the big drought. Derivation such as at Kreenley: The 'Meerschwein', Well Meerkat, must match its Xarage, which does not appear in its Wortschatz 1889. The member -╪gous = then trough, bake, take, at Horn p. 128 'Der Holztrog', the same word as the old inland name for Bakrivier. To make sense, you may so imagine that the 'trough' is a kind of 'stat' of multi-paths, so 'the fountain (-s) at the meerkatkolie or stat (garage geous)'. There is a farm Meerkat No 190, Dist. Mariental, north of the town, but it is further from Beersba away than 9 to 10 hours on horseback. Apparently, the inland name for this place is not kept more than farm name. We can add to the ground that 'Chara', 'it sweet and Minnelk Beest', already recorded by Claudius in 1685 (Hott 381) and pictured. The meerket is also called Gordon (1777 MS 1 55), and as Gradow; Shortridge 1934 heard it under the Naron as Xara: GI, which corresponds to Krenin's form, and who live in Afrikaans as Gnzat / 'F'e Meerkat, viz. For the Suricata Suricata (cf. AE 266), also known as a particular kind of stokstertmeerkat. It is therefore wrong to think that the in-the-Afrikaans pale is an addition from our language, it is merely an adaptation of the lock-syllable and -gi, preserved in the place name of Kreenley and in the recording of Shortridge. So the place name study can sometimes also be a manual of the word study.
afr Nie situeerbaar nie, ons weet nie in watter rigting van Berseba dit le nie; dit was ’n tydelike buitestasie tydens die groot droogte. Afleiding soos by Kroenlein: die 'Meerschwein', wel meerkat, moet ooreenstem met sy xarage-, wat nie in sy Wortschatz 1889 voorkom nie. Die lid -╪gous = dan trog, bak, vat, by horn p. 128 'der Holztrog', dieselfde woord as die ou inlandse naam vir Bakrivier. Om sin te maak kan mens jou dit miskien so voorstel dat die 'trog' ’n soort van 'stat' van meerkaaie is, dus 'Die fontein (-s) by die meerkatkolonie of stat (garagegous)'. Daar is ’n plaas Meerkat nr 190, dist. Mariental, noord van die dorp geleë, maar dit is verder van Berseba af weg as 9 tot 10 uur te perd. Blykbaar is die inlandse naam vir hierdie plek nie meer as plaasnaam bewaar nie. Ons kan by die grondwoord nog byvoeg dat 'chara', 'dit soet en minnelyk beestje', al deur Claudius in 1685 opgeteken (HOTT 381) en afgebeeld is. Die meerkatjie word ook deur Gordon genoem (1777 ms 1 55), en wel as gradow; Shortridge 1934 het dit onder die Naron gehoor as xara:gi, wat met Kroenlein se vorm ooreenstem, en wat in Afrikaans voortlewe as gnzat/'f'e-meerkat, nl. vir die Suricata suricata (vgl. AE 266), ook bekend as ’n bepaalde soort stokstertmeerkat. Dit is dus verkeerd om te meen dat die -tjie van die Afrikaanse graatjie ’n toevoeging uit ons taal is, dit is bloot ’n aanpassing van die slot-lettergreep -ge en -gi, bewaar in die pleknaam van Kroenlein en in die optekening van Shortridge. So kan die pleknaamstudie soms ook ’n handlanger van die woordstudie wees.
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