
The common name 'crisping', according to Smith 1966 CNSAP 179, applied to the Phaeoptilum spinosum, and sometimes also on the Acacia Robusta. The -gha - in the farm name is like Nama -Xa-, means 'rich in, abundant', 'many', and the -s will have locative function, so: the 'place (-s) with many (-exa -) Brugdogings (chiri) '. Name does not occur on the available farm notices; Quarter as taken for Auas.

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Georeference Sources
S 2517
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Coetzee L 1973 Boer questionnaire, on inquiry about 'Auas', a farm in the circumstance of Helmeringhausen: 'Existing name is tjirighas = crisping, of which stand by a fountain'
afr Coetzee l 1973 Boer Vraelys, by navraag oor 'Auas', ’n plaas in die omge- wing van Helmeringhausen: 'Bestaande naam is Tjirighas = Brosdoring, waarvan hier by ’n fontein staan'
eng The common name 'crisping', according to Smith 1966 CNSAP 179, applied to the Phaeoptilum spinosum, and sometimes also on the Acacia Robusta. The -gha - in the farm name is like Nama -Xa-, means 'rich in, abundant', 'many', and the -s will have locative function, so: the 'place (-s) with many (-exa -) Brugdogings (chiri) '. Name does not occur on the available farm notices; Quarter as taken for Auas.
afr Die volksnaam 'brosdoring' word, volgens Smith 1966 CNSAP 179, toegepas op die Phaeoptilum spinosum, en soms ook op die Acacia robusta. Die -gha- in die plaasnaam is soos Nama -xa-, beteken 'ryk aan, volop aan', 'baie', en die -s sal lokatiewe funksie he, dus: die 'Plek (-s) met baie (-xa-) brosdorings (tjiri-)'. Naam kom nie voor op die beskikbare plaasnaamlyste nie; kwardraat soos vir Auas geneem.
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