
In Dist. Maltahöhe. By Bernhardt and Schmid were thought of Namaǃ Nau = fast, and Dau = 'Fliezen, Stromen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 54). It looks like an eye-philological effort, according to which suction consonant and nationality 'reconstructed' is to adapt. Rather like Mrs. Small thinking about -daos, 'gate, gorge, and onǃ Now- = red ocher or clip, so inoudaos, the' redlove or the 'Okerpoort', a statement for which convincing topographical data is present.

About this item

Alternative Title
Naudaus, Noudaus
Georeference Sources
S 2516
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Spreadbox 1904 Kriegsk 'Naudaus', farm, source and river on the said square. BERNHAHART-SCHMID 1970 MITT 11/5 Aug. 1970 9 'Naudaus No 76 (Nau- Daus). River that runs quickly '. Small M 1974 Farmer Questionnaire 'Naudaus, Farm No. 76, just over 100 km southwest of Maltahöhe. Means 'path of the small red pebbles (applied to the makeup or redness of the namabywife)'. '
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Naudaus', plaas, bron en rivier op genoemde vierkant. Bernhardt-Schmid 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 9 'Naudaus nr 76 (Na. ǃNau- daus). Rivier wat vinnig afloop'. Klein M 1974 Boervrou Vraelys 'Naudaus, plaas nr 76, net oor die 100 km suidwes van Maltahöhe. Beteken ‘Pad van die klein rooi klippies (wat vir die grimering of rooimaak van die Namavrouens aangewend word)'.'
eng In Dist. Maltahöhe. By Bernhardt and Schmid were thought of Namaǃ Nau = fast, and Dau = 'Fliezen, Stromen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 54). It looks like an eye-philological effort, according to which suction consonant and nationality 'reconstructed' is to adapt. Rather like Mrs. Small thinking about -daos, 'gate, gorge, and onǃ Now- = red ocher or clip, so inoudaos, the' redlove or the 'Okerpoort', a statement for which convincing topographical data is present.
afr In dist. Maltahöhe. Deur Bernhardt en Schmid is gedink aan Nama ǃnau = vinnig, en dau = 'fliessen, stromen' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 54). Dit lyk na 'n oogfilologiese poging, waarvolgens suigkonsonant en nasaliteit 'gerekonstrueer' is om aan te pas. Eerder soos mev. Klein te dink aan -daos, 'poort, kloof, en aan ǃnou- = rooi okergrond of -klip, dus INoudaos, die 'Rooikloof of die 'Okerpoort', 'n verklaring waarvoor daar oortuigende topografiese gegewens aanwesig is.
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