
The rest of the story there: A Bushmant killed the snake and therefore the fountain dried up. The story does not explain why the fountain bears the name 'blood', rather than eg. 'Snakefontein'. Blood fountain is a good translation, the -S locates a source, like here. 'Blood' is in Nama ǀ Au-B, in Old Cape and Korana (ǀ) AAU-P (Hott 220). This ǀ Aus, written by Alexander Ahuas, with an indication of the suction consonant in front, has the coordinates of the farms Blutpiitz-ost No 105, and West No 111, adjacent, in the Dist. Maltahöhe. So they translate the old name, noticeable enough, on Alexander's card not in the form of Ahuas, but in his English translation of 'Bloody F1?'

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2516
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
nou Blutpütz
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 227 'After a few days...we continued along the... summits of the Bulb Mountains, and turned aside to get water at the fountain ’Ahuas, or blood. In this was said to dwell a snake which guarded it, but strange to say, when the fountain was reached, it was found to be dried up, and a water snake, about 6 feet long, brown above and yellow below, lay dead beside it...Not far from the Fountain of Blood...'
afr Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 227 'After a few days...we continued along the... summits of the Bulb Mountains, and turned aside to get water at the fountain ’Ahuas, or blood. In this was said to dwell a snake which guarded it, but strange to say, when the fountain was reached, it was found to be dried up, and a water snake, about 6 feet long, brown above and yellow below, lay dead beside it...Not far from the Fountain of Blood...'
eng Blood fountain
afr Bloedfontein
eng The rest of the story there: A Bushmant killed the snake and therefore the fountain dried up. The story does not explain why the fountain bears the name 'blood', rather than eg. 'Snakefontein'. Blood fountain is a good translation, the -S locates a source, like here. 'Blood' is in Nama ǀ Au-B, in Old Cape and Korana (ǀ) AAU-P (Hott 220). This ǀ Aus, written by Alexander Ahuas, with an indication of the suction consonant in front, has the coordinates of the farms Blutpiitz-ost No 105, and West No 111, adjacent, in the Dist. Maltahöhe. So they translate the old name, noticeable enough, on Alexander's card not in the form of Ahuas, but in his English translation of 'Bloody F1?'
afr Die res van die verhaaltjie aldaar: ’n Boesmantjie het die slang gedood en daarom het die fontein opgedroog. Die verhaaltjie verduidelik nog nie waarom die fontein juis die naam 'Bloed' dra nie, eerder as bv. 'Slangfontein'. Bloedfontein is ’n goeie vertaling, die -s lokativeer ’n bron, soos hier. 'Bloed' is in Nama ǀau-b, in Ou-Kaaps en Korana (ǀ)aau-p (HOTT 220). Hierdie ǀAus, deur Alexander Ahuas geskryf, met ’n aanduiding van die suigkonsonant vooraan, het die koördinate van die plase Blutpiitz-Ost nr 105, en -West nr 111, aangrensend, in die dist. Maltahöhe. Hulle vertaal dus die ou naam wat, opmerklik genoeg, op Alexander se kaart nie voorkom in die vorm van Ahuas nie, maar wel in sy Engelse vertaling van 'Bloody F1?'
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